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Under My Boss's Desk - Under Him

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How could I have been so stupid?

A man like Liam doesn’t trust quickly because of how quickly it can be turned against him. But while he didn’t tell me about the investigation, he never once showed me mistrust, while I seem to have shown him all the mistrust in the world.

“I am sorry, Liam,” I tell him, my head hanging low. “I got paranoid and thought you were investigating me without telling me. I know how stupid that is to have thought, now.”

His head is shaking before I even finish.

“It isn’t your apology I want right now, Anna. What I want is you here so that we can figure things out.”

He comes closer to the screen and I can see clearly how torturous this is for him.

“Please come home to me.”

A tear I had no idea I was holding falls down my cheek.

“I will be there tomorrow.”

Before I can end the call and analyze what I am feeling, though, he mutters in a lonely voice, “I love you, Anna Mallon.”

He loves me?

He loves me.

“I love you, too, Liam Thorne.”

And I mean every word of it.

I go to sleep feeling giddy inside and I dream of all the future possibilities with a brown eyed man I absolutely love.

Chapter Ten – Liam

She looks like a fucking angel as she drifts into the focus of the front door video camera. I press the button opening the front gates and rush to the front door to wait for her. When I do see her walking up the house, I release a breath I had no idea I was holding.

Last night when we talked, I had every attention of slowly wooing her back with soft words and persuading language. However, I couldn’t stop the hurt from pouring out because how could I hold it in?

She left me feeling like a fish out of water and I never want to feel that way again. Now that she is here, I have every intention of persuading her to stay.

When she walks up to me, I offer to take her bag, trying to be a gentleman, but she doesn’t let me. Instead, she lets it drop to the ground, slides her fingers into my hair, and presses her lips to mine. I really want to be gentle with her when I break the kiss, but instead, she tells me words I never thought to hear from her.

“Take me upstairs and make love to me.”

I hold her to my chest, crashing my lips against hers hard enough to bruise. She moans into my mouth like it is the best feeling in the world. When I carry her upstairs, she entwines her arms around me and lets me.

The way she fits me is like she is meant for me. She is my match wit to wit, personality to personality and appetite to appetite. We explore each other for what feels like hours, stripping each other as we go. We kiss each other in a frenzy of lips, tongues and teeth.

I love it.

When I finally sink into her, we both sigh with relief. When we start moving against each other, it is at a leisurely pace, as if we had agreed mutually to savour the moment. A moment that is as raw as it is magical. A moment that feels to me like coming home.

She finally shudders and I feel her cum taking me with her as we both stumble off a very pleasurable cliff.

Afterwards, we talk about silly nothings for what feels like forever. I berate her for leaving, and she berates me for being good-looking enough to make her insecure. As if that makes any sense at all, considering that’s she absolutely gorgeous.

When we finally find the strength, we soak in the large jacuzzi tub in my bathroom, taking every opportunity to touch each other. There are a lot of things I found redundant and unnecessary when I moved into my house and this tub was one of them. Sitting with her between my legs in the giant bathtub though, I could almost kiss the decorator for it now.

Four o’clock finds us sitting in the dining room with a nice steak, mashed potatoes, and peas with lots of gravy on them, courtesy of the woman seated beside me. She expresses her concern about our new relationship and how we should go about it.

“Perhaps we should keep things private. We don’t need anyone in the office getting the wrong idea,” she says.

The very thought makes me angry.

“We are not hiding the fact that we are in a relationship, Anna. Whoever finds out, let them!”

She looks perplexed by that as she asks, “Won’t that reflect poorly on you and get your investors on your neck?”

Aww, she is so cute.

“First of all, I formed my company and got it to where it is. Nobody would be in a hurry to get rid of me. Secondly, my investors are mostly family, and third, I own fifty per cent of the company.” I sound arrogant, but what the hell? “And if someone bullies you for it, I am not above firing some people.”

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