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Under My Boss's Desk - Under Him

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With everything else that was happening in the vast and expanding universe, did it really matter if I was fifteen minutes late getting into the office when I knew for a fact that Max spent the first twenty minutes of every workday meditating in his office, preparing his beautiful body and brilliant mind for another day of innovation and would never know unless someone ratted me out? Of course it didn’t. Unfortunately, not everyone shared this philosophy.

“Late again?” Lauren asked, clicking her tongue in the most patronizing way possible.

“Depends on your perspective,” I said, placidly as I could manage.

“What is Max’s perspective?”

“Non-existent because he isn’t going to know, and if you try to tell him he won’t believe you. He’s more of the seeing is believing type and has a marked distaste for gossip.”

I didn’t know if the last part was true, but neither did Lauren, so it was certainly worth a try. She was always trying to pull some dirty trick. Not just on me.

She seemed to have it in for anyone who got in the way of what she wanted. She usually got away with it too. She was a dangerous combination of evil cunning and ethereal beauty, combined with the moral compass of Elizabeth Bathory.

“Still though. I think it might be time for him to look for someone more reliable to fill the all-important role of his assistant. Someone who, for example, can actually get to work on time.”

“By taking the subway?”

It was a killing blow. Lauren fell deathly silent as I continued on my way to my corner office right next to Max’s. I had to be close so I could be there whenever he needed me. After his morning meditation of course. It was a cheap shot, but she deserved it. The greatest of Lauren’s failings, and there were many, was her entirely baseless superiority complex. She went about the place like she was the queen bee in her fake Tiffany’s jewelry and knock-off Chenille suits.

The chair creaked slightly as I eased into the soft leather. The tension of the drive in melted away as I was enveloped in comfort. Max really had spared no expense. I wasn’t sure if it was out of respect for me as a co-worker and my efficient work for the firm or if, perhaps, he felt the same way about me that I did about him. It wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility.

Granted, he was a god among humans in the looks and intelligence department, but I wasn’t exactly a cabbage either. I was no supermodel, I was well aware, but people didn’t exactly cross the street to get away from me either. And I had gotten more than one double-take when walking down the street. Especially in my Donna Karen number with the skintight, thigh length skirt. It was true that things were different in New York.

The standards for everything were higher, even people. It could make you crazy unless you could keep perspective. Luckily, I knew that while I might have been a New York 5 I would be a solid 7 1/2 most other places in the world.

Taking off my shoes, as was the custom, I booted up my work computer and waited for my sweet master to beckon. A little thrill went through me every time he said my name. Especially when he yelled it from the other room, commanding my undivided attention. It was something I was more than willing to give, along with a whole lot more.

As I waited, I got into the work I still had as an agent that I wanted to get done before the weekend. Time ticked away at a steady rhythm, stuck between fast and slow. The minute seemed like minutes and the hour seemed like hours.


My master’s voice! I yelped with joy and delight, getting up and rushing into his office so fast that I neglected to put my shoes back on. Fortunately, he didn’t really notice. His head was still buried in work as I arrived. I quickly sat down in the chair opposite his desk. Hiding my bare feet beneath it. I crossed my legs on instinct. My tight little pussy was already dripping with desire for his manly form.

He was a good bit older than me. Nearly six years. I had just turned 19 the month before, my rise through the firm pretty fast. I worked my ass off out of desire rather than need. I actually loved my job and wanted to do as well at it as I could. Max gave the ultimate show of his approval by promoting me yet again, making me his right-hand girl. A phrase which always led me to fantasizing about jerking him off, his beautiful cock throbbing in my small hand as I stroked him to ecstasy.

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