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Under My Boss's Desk - Under Him

Page 35

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“What’s the prize?” I asked.

“An all-expenses paid trip with me to the Bahamas for two weeks. On a cruise.”

I was buzzing. Two weeks in the Bahamas with Max! Outside of official work so there wouldn’t be nearly the stigma. If anything was going to happen between us, it was going to be then.

I could just imagine us walking on the beach as the sun set, finding some secluded spot and fucking until we both came. It would be beautiful. I had to win the competition.

“What do you think?” He asked, pulling me out of my reverie of plots and potential villainy.

“I think it’s a great idea! I know lots of people who would like that prize. I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend two weeks in the Bahamas? Except maybe someone really pale.”

Shit. I was talking too much. Not least because I was really pale. I didn’t want to accidentally disqualify myself with an ill-placed comment.

“Good. I’m glad you agree,” he said, seeming to mean every word of it.

I had heard him with Mitch Peters, the P in MP Solutions and knew that they both had a gift for sarcasm exceeding either god or man.

“When does the competition start?” I asked.

“Monday, so I need you to rest up okay? I’m going to need a lot of help keeping track of things.”

“Yes sir!” I said a bit of emphatically actually saluting.

“Glad to hear it,” he chuckled.

We hung up and my mind was dancing with wonderful visions of the two of us in paradise. All alone, except for the other person who got chosen. In a way, the fact there were going to be two winners eased my guilt a bit. I had never been that competitive growing up because there could only be one winner. Strange for a theatre kid, auditions were mostly a zero-sum game, but I wasn’t really thinking about that at the time.

My mind was on the crushed dreams and all the ones who didn’t make it. I wasn’t dismissive of such realities, just oblivious to them. I was sure that if I worked hard enough, my talent would carry me through and get me jobs simply by being the best for them. Meritocracy in its purest form. I could really be naïve.

Returning the phone safely back on the nightstand, I rolled onto my side again, careful not to wrench my back. I could really only sleep on my side. The accident had been a couple of years before, but the doctors said at least some of the damage would be permanent.

I could still do most things, some of them just needing some slight adjustment. Putting everything in lower shelves. Sleeping on my side. Baths instead of showers. Finding a place with a full bath in my price range was next to impossible.

It hadn’t really affected sex that much. At least not as much as I thought it might. Not that it came up very often. I wasn’t a virgin, but it was just barely. My sexual experience basically came down to the one time. Which was fine.

I really wasn’t into the guy. I just wanted to see what the fuss was all about. It was something I would regret probably for the rest of my life. It really shouldn’t matter, but I really hoped I would lose my virginity to the man I loved. I didn’t realize just how soon I would come across him.

Max really was the perfect guy. Perfect for me, anyway. Everyone had their own perspective and preferences and all that. But most of my thoughts, sexual and otherwise, involved him in some way, and I got a very specific tingle in my pussy every time I saw him. Really, if that wasn’t love, I didn’t know what was.

My hand slid down from my hip to my belly. So slow and gentle I barely noticed. Then it stroked along my belly getting closer to the band of my panties, rather piquing my attention. Apparently, my hand had plans my mind didn’t know about but was more than happy to go along with.

Using my other hand to pull up the waistband, the other continued its journey downward, finally settling on my tender pussy lips. Even that light touch sent a jolt right through me. Just feeling myself for a moment, giving my mind and body a chance to get into sync, I tried again with slow, light strokes along my tender pussy lips. A soft moan escaped me, and I knew I was on the right track. After a bit more stroking, I slid a finger inside and closed my eyes.

I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. Its light touch soon turned to that of his lips as he planted warm, soft kisses back there, making me hum with contentment. Kissing his way down my bare back, one of his hands came around to gently play with my tits as he worked his way down along my spine. Each kiss made me tremble.

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