Under My Boss's Desk - Under Him - Page 42

“How was the drive over?”

“Great!” They both said in unison. It was pretty obvious neither had been in a limo before.

It was a splash out to be sure, but I could afford it. Especially with the extra money the clients they secured would be bringing in. Most of them were from the middle, if not the top, of the list.

“Anyone seen Carrie?”

“Not yet. She’ll be here,” Thomas said, cutting off Lauren.

As though brought about by a magical incantation, the door slid open, Carrie came in looking sexy as anything in a light and breezy blue summer dress that did some wonderful things for her already lovely legs. Her tits looked pretty damn good too.

“Sorry I’m late,” Carrie said, puffing her way up to us.

“You should be,” Lauren snapped.

“There’s still time,” I said, making her silent.

I wanted to hug Carrie and kiss her but figured that would look like I was playing favorites. Instead, I just picked up my baggage like a boss and led the way to the check-in counter.

Again taking the lead, I did all the talking, distributing the newly printed boarding passes like a croupier at a high-end casino. Mildly molested but still intact, we walked from the security checkpoint and straight into the airport lounge.

Without it even needing to be said, we all headed for the bar. Fear of flying was among the most common fears. Likely because while plane crashes were rare, they also tended to be fatal for all involved.

The competition seemed to continue when it came to choosing the stools. Thomas seemed quite happy to sit on the outside, just doing his own thing. Lauren sat beside me to the left and Carrie beside me to the right.

Wanting to fill the empty space and keeping with the theme of the competition, I praised both the winners on their work ethic. Even if it was only really true of one of them. Clearly not as dumb as Lauren assumed me to be, I had done verification on the clients she had brought in.

Something did not quite seem right. It turned out that at least half of her newly acquired client list were members of her impressively large extended family.

I didn’t find this out until after the announcement of the winners and it was too late to take it back. It would have also taken a lot of work to track down that many people.

Even if it might not have taken as much convincing for some of them as others. Besides which, other than Thomas, the only other agent even close to her numbers was Carrie and she was coming on the trip anyway. It was best to keep up appearances no matter how bad it might have tasted in my mouth.

“Are you excited?” I asked Carrie, realizing I was unintentionally leaving her out of the conversation.

“Yeah, I’ve never really been out of America before and – ”

“Really, I used to travel a lot for work,” Lauren cut in, “part of how I got so many clients. Lots of contacts.”

I was annoyed but allowed it. Lauren dominated the conversation with business related chatter. I glanced over at Carrie a couple of times, hoping she wasn’t feeling too left out. Then Thomas got up and went over to keep her company. He did his best, but I noticed Carrie wasn’t as talkative. I already started evolving a plan to get her alone when we got to Treasure Cay.

Finally, our flight was called, and we conveyed our carry-ons to the gate and got ready for fun in the sun. I tried to make the old saying that getting there was half the fun by booking us all into First Class.

The fates once again played their tricks, putting me and Lauren together while Thomas and Carrie were basically alone in the half full section even though it had come up as full on the online booking site. It might have seemed paranoid, but I couldn’t help but wonder if Lauren had hidden computer hacking skills. I certainly wouldn’t have put it past her.

The plane let down with a gentle bump. The sparkling blue water was already visible out all the windows. That part of Great Abaco Island was not particularly wide and exceptionally flat. Carrie and Lauren pressed to the windows like kids. Even reserved Thomas showed a marked interest.

Lauren had to basically lay across in my lap to see out the window. Not that she seemed to mind one little bit. Her boobs pressed against my chest as she lay her hand on my thigh. I looked over at Carrie but fortunately she was still distracted by the scenery to see the shameless display.

I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea, nor did I want to shove Lauren off of me. But that was exactly what I wanted to do. It was important that I appear neutral. While it wasn’t a business trip in the strictest sense, I was still there with employees. The fact that I wanted to fuck one of them sideways was not likely to go over well with the shareholders. I wouldn’t ignore either of them but would also try not to look like I was playing favorites.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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