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Under My Boss's Desk - Under Him

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In silence, they stood before the hot jets of water, trading smiles, and looking at each other nude in the steam.

“I want to show you something. My favorite spot to watch this city,” Harlan said as they dried off.

The elevator opened to Harlan’s lounge on the top floor. As Tory walked down the steep steps, she gazed out at Harlan’s view of the city.

“It’s amazing,” she said.

“Yeah, but wait until you go outside,” he told her. “Sit down for a minute.”

Harlan went to his kitchenette and began to look for something.

“I know Spring is coming. But a little hot chocolate is great up here where it can get windy at night.”

He microwaved skim milk and stirred small bars of chocolate in the hot milk, then put them back in the microwave.

“C’mon. That will take a couple minutes,” he said.

Outside in the breeze, they walked with the glowing panorama of the city around them. Near the building’s modern helipad, a shaded table and chairs were set up to overlook the Avenues.

“This is where I like to come to get away from the studio for a bit or have my breakfast if I’ve spent the night here. Sit down. I’ll go get our cocoa.”

Inside, Harlan put the hot mugs on a tray. About to go back out, he paused and put the tray down.

Standing at his monitor, he commanded the AI to pull up the security cameras downstairs in the corridor, Recreation Center and gym. He backed it up to see the last hour.

“Erase last hour’s footage from cameras 4, 6 and 8,” he ordered, taking up the tray and stepping outside.

Now everything was perfect. Except that he never wanted Tory to leave.

Chapter 14

Mahira walked into the cafeteria and took off her mask.

“There you are,” she said, “I looked for you last night, where were you?”

“Don’t really know if I should say,” Tory answered as if thinking aloud then smiling slyly.

“You didn’t!” Mahira gasped excitedly.

“I really don’t know if I should say.”

“You don’t have to say and where are your glasses?” Mahira asked.

“Must be in my room, maybe.”

“So, tell me all about it,” Mahira insisted.

“I just… It just happened to us,” Tory explained dreamily.

“But how do you feel?”

“About?” Tory asked, confused.

“Do you think you were entertainment for a trapped billionaire or that there is something to it?” Mahira asked, a grave tone to her voice which made Tory wonder if she was jealous to some extent.

“We didn’t speak a great deal but really connected afterward,” Tory said and watched Mahira’s gears spinning in her eyes.

“So, when Mr. Dawes likes your idea better than anyone else’s…” Mahira began.

“I don’t really have an idea. I mean, not specifically, anyway.”

“They shot me down already. I know when I’m merely colorful window dressing.”

Tory just sighed. She didn’t know how to comfort Mahira and she felt bad about causing her any distress. But she felt really, really good about what had happened between Harlan and herself.


Ms. Kalinski’s heels exploded into the Design studio, her skin tight black on black ensemble coupled with the mask and gloves making Tori wonder what she did in her spare time.

Taking up a position at an unused workstation, she appeared via Zoom on each person’s desktop as well as the big monitor on the far wall. She took off her mask, giving them a look at her goth black lipstick, probably on purpose, Tory mused.

“We now have our COVID-19 test kits. A specialist is scheduled to join us this afternoon. I’m sending you each a memo that has the info that came with the kits regarding its use, effectiveness, and recommendations.”

A tone interrupted Ms. Kalinski as a window opened up in the corner of the screen, with Harlan inside.

“Does that go for me as well?” Harlan asked.

“You can have your test administered anywhere you’d like, Mr. Dawes,” Ms. Kalinski gushed.

“I just want to get mine done when theirs is done. That way we can sit in the conference room and really hash this thing out,” Harlan explained. “Team, I have asked Mr. Linder to sit this one out for various reasons. I’m going to work with you to see if we can find that spark of something new to give the iGo Icon and help Nextthing.Net meet its deadline.”

“Provided everyone’s results is negative, of course,” Ms. Kalinski reminded him.

“Of course,” Harlan conceded. “In the meantime, let’s all focus our energies on the icon. Carpe Diem, people. Carpe Diem.”

His window shrunk to a pinpoint of light and disappeared.


That afternoon, Tory followed Ms. Kalinski into the conference room and took a seat near Dan, who sat smiling quietly when Tori entered.

“I see you passed with flying colors,” Dan kidded her as she sat down.

The test had been quite uncomfortable and despite the time that elapsed, her eyes still teared up and her nostril felt a little sore.

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