For the King - Page 11

Now that she was in the care of the royal physician, no insurance roadblocks stopping her care, she was doing much better. She had color in her face and meat on her bones. And she genuinely looked happy.

Agreeing to marry Victor, to be his queen, also meant my mother would not be left alone. So she moved in with us, into the royal palace where she had her own wing, her own library filled with books from floor to ceiling. There were so many stories for her to get lost in that she’d never have a dull moment.

I felt strong arms wrap around my middle and I smiled, leaning back against Victor. I rested my head on the center of his chest and his big, strong body enveloped me. For long moments we didn’t say anything, both of us just staring out the window. I could see his reflection in the glass, his silver crown sitting atop his head. Unless I was out on official business with him I didn’t wear mine. It felt strange having that weight on the top of my head, the priceless accessory filled with diamonds and rubies. But Victor had grown up with this. It was all he’d ever known.

But I also couldn’t deny that I felt beautiful and important when I had it on, knowing that I could help others with where I currently was at in life. And that’s what I wanted to do. So working with charities, donating my time, all of that and more was what I focused on. Well, that and the insatiable appetite Victor had for me. I had no doubt that our lovemaking would get me pregnant sooner rather than later. But I supposed that was the plan.

I turned around in his arms and tipped my head back to look in his face. His amber-colored gaze was focused right on me. But then again, it always was.

Rising up on my toes, I placed my lips against his. He instantly had his hands cupping each side of my face, holding me in place as he probed the seam of my lips with his tongue, gently urging me to open. And I did so instantly.

He swept his tongue inside my mouth and moved it along mine, instantly having me wet and ready for him, needy for the things only Victor could give me. In the short months that we’d been married I found myself hopelessly falling in love with him. He was a ruthless leader if his kingdom was threatened, but a kind and gentle one as well. He cared about his people, about the ones he loved.

Pulling back, I couldn’t help but smile, my lips tingling from his kiss and my heart pounding from my emotions.

“I love you,” I said softly and rested my head on his chest, hearing his heart beating a steady rhythm. I’d fallen asleep to the sound many times. His hand on the back of my head was calming and secure, letting me know that he’d never let anything happen to me. We were in this together and always would be.

“I love you, Willow, My Queen.” And then he just held me and it was perfection.

Epilogue One


Six months later

My hand shook as I pulled the gown across my body. I sat on the edge of the exam table, the doctor for the royal family jotting something down in a file. “You’re sure?” I asked, my voice shaky. He glanced at me and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, smiling.

“Positive, Your Highness.” He finished writing something down and I glanced away, thinking about everything this would entail, how this would change our very lives.

Placing a hand on my flat belly, I thought about the baby growing inside of me, and how I would let Victor know. Since our wedding night this had been bound to happen, no protection being used as he tried to get me pregnant with his heir. But this wasn’t just the next royal in line for the throne. This was our baby—Victor’s son or daughter—something I’d grown to want desperately.

“Would you like me to call in the king to break the good news?”

I shook my head. “I’d like to tell him in private, if that’s fine.”

The doctor nodded and smiled. “As you wish, My Queen.”

He left the room and I quickly got dressed, my heart beating fast and my hands still shaking. I was nervous but excited to tell him the news.

I quickly got dressed and headed to his office, where I knew he’d be working. My legs felt like pudding and my hands refused to stop shaking. I had to clasp them together to keep them still.

The door was partially open, so I brought my knuckles down on it twice before pushing it open. Victor was leaned over his desk, has broad shoulders hunched forward as he read the file in front of him. My mouth suddenly went dry, my throat tightening. He glanced up at me, the strain on his face evident until it dissipated and he smiled. He leaned back and held his hand out for me, curling his finger inward and gesturing me to come forward.

Tags: Jenika Snow Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024