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“Issy, wait up.” Heather walks up behind me with a tray in her hand as the club doors open. Guys filter in quickly. This club’s never dead, and the mixture of patrons that come through the doors are interesting, to say the least. It’s not just old guys, it’s also some very attractive younger guys, which makes Heather happy.

“The owners pick two to three girls to go back to their place to serve their guests. I want to be one of them. Be on the good side of them, you know? Can you help me?”

Fuck! I want to scream at her that it’s the last place she should be hanging around, but I don’t. Instead, I smile and nod my head.

Attachments—I should never make them, but with her I can’t seem to help myself.

“Yes, now go before Benny puts you out back.” I wink at her. I lied, of course, I will do anything to make sure she isn’t picked tonight.

Going to my first table is easy, and the night seems like any other. When time flies by to two a.m. I’m starting to think they won’t come in. We close in two hours and tonight isn’t as busy as most nights.

“Issy, I need to speak to you.” Benny nods his head in the direction of his office, so I follow and shut the door behind me once we’ve entered. He sits at his desk, his pen in his hand as he writes something on the paper in front of him. “Their cars have pulled up out front, I need you to serve them. Give them whatever it is they want, I don’t care what it is. You’re one of my best waitresses, you pull as many tips as the girls on stage. So dazzle them with your brilliance, okay? With your best smile.”

I give him a simple nod.

He looks at the camera feed showing on the screen next to his desk. “Okay, go.”

Spinning around to walk out, as I touch the door handle he calls my name again, so I wait to hear what he says, “Don’t fuck this up.”

I walk out smiling. I’ll show them the best time. And maybe one will even meet his maker tonight.

“You aren’t fired, are you?” Heather grabs my hand as she pulls me to the bar. “No.” She makes a ‘phew’ sound and then continues, “It’s fine, I can see that’s not the case, your smile is too wide. Why are you smiling so big?” I shake my head not wanting to say anything. “Anyway… Oh. My. God,” she yells in my ear, I have to cover them from the screech that follows. When I go to say something to her, her eyes are glued on the door. I spin around and watch three men walk in. Each one as dangerous as the next. All covered in tattoos. All killers.

These are the men who murdered my family, and tonight, I’m going to take one of them to the grave as retribution.

“Stay away from them,” I say. Pulling my arm free from Heather, I grab the tray as they all take a seat.

“Issy,” she calls my name, but I ignore her.

Walking over to them, I place on the best fake smile I can muster as I reach them. They all look at me, but only one keeps his eyes on me—he’s the one that makes you think about making a dental appointment to ask for teeth as perfect as his.

“What can I get you, gentlemen?”

One snorts, one speaks and it’s the one who happens to have a great smile, and the other keeps quiet. “We’re anything but gentle, missy.”

I’ve never seen the three of them to this day. My uncle didn’t want me to know what they looked like. He believed going in blind’s my best option because that way my face can’t deceive me. My uncle has known what I want to do since I was old enough to realize it. He was the one who put the idea in my head, and helped me make it a reality.

“That’s okay, we don’t do gentle in this place anyway. So, what’s your poison? Whiskey? Tequila? A beer perhaps?” I ask.

The one who didn’t snort and said nothing looks up at me, his eyes are dark brown with a hint of black to them. He assesses me then smiles. His teeth are crooked, but even so, he’s still beautiful. All of them are, in their differing ways.

“Whiskey, neat,” he finally says.

I offer my best soft smile as I turn away and step to the bar. I reach for my pocket mirror to check my makeup, and when I do I notice he’s still watching me, his eyes trained on me. Just the way I like it.

“Issy, what do they want?” Benny appears at my side.

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