Playette - Page 49

I nod my head once. “Thank you, Sharon. I will pay you back. I’m sorry.” It’s all I can say, after all, I have brought danger to her front door.

“You have a lot going on, I realized it from the first moment I saw you. It’s why I stayed away. But please, don’t bring any more of your shit here.” She reaches for her daughter’s hand and walks out the front door. I hear her start the car and when it pulls away, it isn’t long until I hear footsteps.

“Isadooora… Isadooora,” he calls my name, taunting me.

He knows I’m here.

How the fuck he knows, I have no clue.

I’m not friends with Sharon and everyone knows it.

Grabbing a hoodie that Sharon left for me to wear, I step out the back of the house onto the porch. I notice he’s walking around, so I quickly and quietly turn and run to the front of the house opening the door. I see Ace sitting in the car, I smile as I clasp the knife I have in my hand. I can hear Jasper calling my name, and it’s like a lullaby the devil would sing to you. One you want to go to, one you’re seduced by, but you know damn well you shouldn’t be. Ace is tapping his fingers on the steering wheel when I open the passenger door, I slide in next to him.

“Fuck.” Ace goes to move his hand to his belt, but before he can use his knife I have mine slamming into his hand, going in deep until I hit the car seat springs. He grunts loudly. I smile that he didn’t cry out in pain because it’s got to hurt. Honestly, I thought he would scream blue murder, but for some reason he’s quiet. It’s not something I wanted to do, I like him, but I still have a mission and he’s one of those who should be dead. I’ve failed on that account, too.

“Press down on the gas. Now.”

He shakes his head, his teeth grinding together, my hand staying on the knife through his hand and I twist. He grunts a little louder this time. “Drive. Now.”

He presses on the gas as I turn around to see Jasper standing in the middle of the road with a smile on his face. It’s not a nice smile, more like a smirk, but I can see he’s more than fucked off through his gritted teeth.

He’s angry, a shiver wracks through my body as I turn around in my seat not wanting to think what he will do to me if he catches me right now. That thought scares me.

“What the fuck are you doing, pink?”

Turning around in my seat. “Take a left.” He does. “Right.”

“Pink…” he warns using his nickname for me. “He’ll find you. I’ve never seen Jasper so fixated on someone like he is on you.”

“Good for him.” I pull the knife out of his hand and he grunts loudly.

“Why haven’t you done it? Why haven’t you killed him? That’s what you’re meant to do, right? Kill Jasper?”

I laugh at him. “I’m meant to kill you all,” I say wiping the knife blade on the seat.

“Why haven’t you killed me, then?”

I don’t lie when I answer, “I was planning to.”

He turns and looks at me, surprised. “Would you have done it?”

I nod my head. “Yes, it was just a matter of time.”

“I don’t believe you.”

I shrug. “Lucky for me, I don’t care what you think.”

He starts laughing. “Your uncle’s a real piece of work.”

“Where is he?” I demand. I need him back, and I will do anything in my power to make sure it happens.

“Where you left him, still at the mansion.”

“Pull over.”

He does so. As soon as the car is stopped I take the keys from the ignition, burst out of the passenger side and walk around to the driver’s side. “I’m guessing this car has a tracker, too?”

He nods his head. “Of course, it does.”

“Lift your hands above your head, if you move I’ll stab you.” I reach for the gun tucked into his belt.

“I couldn’t kill you even if I tried, pink.”

“Why is that?”

“The boss won’t allow it.”

“How sweet,” I say, rolling my eyes while stepping back. Jasper, with all his hearts and flowers, maybe he should really start sending them instead of telling his men not to kill me.

“It is when you think about it. I know what he would do to you if he didn’t care. If you were just another bitch. I’m going to tell you, pink, because he is, make no mistake, a ruthless fucking killer. The last bitch who thought they had a chance with him ended up in a body bag and sent back to her parents’ doorstep. But you have no parents to be sent back to, isn’t that right, pink?”

Tags: T.L. Smith Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024