Playette - Page 68

It’s too soon for me. I want to do the second time around right.

Well, as right as we possibly can.

It’s been three weeks now, and each and every time he tries to get me to stay. Most of my clothes are there, so I do practically live there, but I’m trying to let him breathe to make sure I don’t suffocate him either. It needs to be right, no wrong moves by either of us.

I hear a knock on the door of my small room, and I know who it is before I even open it. Same time almost every day he’s here to collect me. I argued a few times that we needed our space, to make sure that we’re doing this right. He laughed and slept in my bed. That was his idea of considering me having some space.

Opening the door, he’s there, smiling. My heart skips a beat, pounding so loud, I’m surprised he doesn’t hear it.

“I’ve missed you.” His hands wrap around my waist, pulling me to him.

“You saw me this morning,” I say, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and leaning in to kiss him.

“You make me come here, when you could easily live with me. Isadora, when I get home it’s you I want to see, so I come straight here.”

“Here isn’t so bad, is it?” I kiss his lips again.

“It is. It’s fucking awful. Now pack your shit and move in with me already, woman.”

“Ask me nicely,” I say, smiling.

He pinches my ass. “Fuck it! I’ll move you in myself.”

“So demanding.” I roll my eyes.

“You bet. Now hurry up. Have you finished work for the day?” I nod, pulling away before going to grab my bag. I look around at the few things I have left. I’ve never made this place a home, it’s never felt like one. Jasper’s home, on the other hand, has me written all over it.

“Yep, and maybe tomorrow I’ll grab the rest of my things, and we can make this thing official,” I say.

He smiles.


“You mean it?”

I nod as he pulls me in and dips me, so I squeal.

I know work for him has been good. I’m not into any of the illegal side of his businesses. Instead, I look after the staff at the night club and help Benny out, but Jasper asks that I don’t strip or dance for another soul apart from him. I agree, he’s the only person I like to dance for anyway.

“Yes, I prefer it at yours.”

“Ours,” he corrects me.

“It’s too soon to marry you, right? That’s probably throwing you off, correct? Move in one day, marry you the next?”

My eyes go wide.




That’s not something I’ve ever thought about. Ever.

Truth be told, I expected to die after I accomplished what I had planned. Now, I’m simply enjoying life and that just so happens to be with Jasper.

“Okay, okay, I take it back. No marriage. Yet.” He leans down, grabbing my bag and walking out. “But I’m going to tell you, I dreamt of you, before I saw you. So, I know, soon you will marry me.”

Shock glues me to the floor, my feet unable to move as he walks out. Did he just say what I think he did? Marriage? I never saw that in my future. Now, I guess I should.

Ace is standing out the front, smirking when he sees me. I know he’s trying to contain his laughter. I’ve become good friends with him, and really enjoy his company. He’s very compassionate, so much more than I originally thought.

“Don’t you laugh.” I hit his chest walking past him, but he drops over in fits of laughter.

“Did she freak out? Tell me what her face looked like?” he asks Jasper.

I’ve come to learn and understand their dynamic. They don’t just see Jasper as their boss, they respect and love him as well. He’s so much more to them, so much more than just a boss. He’s their form of a god.

I get it, he is godlike after all. But if you look closely, you can see the cracks that were marked on him specifically to make him the man he is today.

“Oh yeah, she’s still white,” Jasper says jokingly while opening the door.

Ace climbs into the driver seat.

“Fuck you both.” I flip them off.

Climbing in, Jasper leans down and kisses my lips. “It’s okay, Isadora, there’s still tomorrow.” He shuts the door and walks around to slide in, while Ace continues to laugh.

Jasper did the same thing with trying to get me to move in with him, he asked me every single day. I guess it worked. Because here I am agreeing to move in with him.

“Don’t you dare ask tomorrow. It’s slow, remember?”

He laughs, and I know he will.

Jasper will keep on asking until I agree.

And he will win.

Why wouldn’t he? He owns my heart.

Tags: T.L. Smith Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024