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Distorted Love (Dark Intentions Duet 1)

Page 21

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“Like father like son.”

He nods his head. “Then your first born child, and so on. Don’t make emotional connections to others. It will ruin you. Marry. Have kids. By all means. Just don’t love them.”

“You don’t love me?”

“You…” Dad’s eyes skirt downward then back to me, “… I do.”

“You didn’t love her?” I ask referring to my mother.

“Once, I may have. At the beginning.”

“You’re an asshole, you know that, right?”

He nods his head at my words, and the first real smirk appears on his face. “Oh, I know. Soon you’ll be the same asshole I am.”

Shaking my head, I stand from the seat. “I’ll never be like you.”

He laughs, it’s fake. “You already are. You just don’t see it, yet.”

Pushing the door open, I slam it behind me as Quinn stands outside watching me.

“You going to start calling me boss now?”

His lip curls in disgust. “Fuck no.”

I shake my head, pushing past. Looking down toward the cellar, I notice the girl. She’s tied to the stairs with tape over her mouth, and a look of absolute terror in her eyes.

I keep walking.

Not turning back.

Not doing anything to save the girl.

Maybe I am as bad as him?

And maybe he can see that in me.

CANE’S DRIVING, I’VE been drinking not wanting to go anywhere.

“You need to fucking eat, you haven’t eaten all fucking day. All you’ve done is hold onto that fucking bottle after being at your dad’s place. What happened, man?”

Shaking my head, I drink some water that he’s just offered me and he takes away my bottle of bourbon. Fucker.

“Honestly, you don’t want to fucking know.”

“Cunt trap…” Cane whisper yells as he comes to a stop at the restaurant.

It’s a fifties-style burger joint, and they make the best burgers in town. Looking up, I notice what he’s talking about, and before I can tell him to drive away, she’s knocking on the window and smiling brightly.

“Too late to back out now. Cunt trap’s seen you.”

I haven’t told him, Cane doesn’t know I fell into it. That I chose to be with Livia that night. She isn’t as bad as he thinks she is. Livia’s actually a decent human being when you take away people and her popularity.

“Livia…” I push the door open and she smiles brightly at me.

“I was wondering whether I would run into you. You coming later?”

Shaking my head, I really look at her. Would she be someone Quinn would take? He met her, never mentioned it. Or was he hoping for something else?

“No parties tonight?”

Cane coughs loudly covering his mouth saying “cunt” as he walks past us. Her eyebrows scrunch together as she tries to work out what he’s saying, but it doesn’t faze her as she looks back to me.

“What would you say if I was evil, Livia. If my family was evil.”

She looks at me skeptically. “I would say, ‘what does it matter to me?’”

Her response bothers me for some reason. More than it should. Was my mother the same way with my father?

“What if it involved you in some way?”

She puts a hand on her hip. “Well, I’m going to be a lawyer. So as long as you don’t mass murder people and leave behind evidence, I’m pretty sure I could make you a free man regardless. I’m going to be the best in my field.”

“A lawyer?” I ask her. That surprises me. “I can actually see you doing that.”

Livia’s shiny pink lips smile brighter. “I know, right.” She flicks her hair to the back of her neck, and I look to the restaurant. Cane’s already standing outside the restaurant waiting along with everyone else, including Stiles and Nate. They’re all waiting for us so they can go inside.

“Shall we eat?” Livia asks.

Nodding my head, I can still feel the alcohol running through my veins. I feel it in my stance, but I follow her inside anyway. Cane watches me, raising his eyebrows at Livia holding onto my hand. Nate looks then instantly looks the other way. Sitting down, she takes a seat, pushing it so she’s flush next to me.

“You two a thing now?” Stiles asks. I’ve always liked him. Respected him. He’s one of the best football players we have. His games are interesting and usually well thought out making him one of the most stand-out players the coach has ever seen.

Livia answers for me, not giving me any opportunity to. “Yes. Well, we’re sorting it out.” Her hand comes to lay on my shoulder.

The doors of the restaurant open and we all turn around to look. Saskia walks in, laughing at something Robert says as he follows behind her. But the smile stops the instant she sees us. Her eyes skim over me to Livia who’s still holding onto me. Then around the table stopping on… I turn to see Stiles standing smiling at her. Robert nudges her then pulls her over to the counter.

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