Distorted Love (Dark Intentions Duet 1) - Page 59

They’re fighting words. I should go wherever he asks. I do owe him that much. He did kill someone before they had time to kill me.

“You do, Saskia. Don’t make this hard for both of us.”

Shaking my head, I step back to the door. The cell rings again, and I pick it up in hopes to avoid speaking to Quinn any longer. Then the voice on the other end makes me wish I didn’t answer it.

“Oh, how I have missed that voice. A year really didn’t diminish my hate for you.”

“Tell your man to leave, I’m not coming to you.”

He laughs into the phone. “You are. You and I have some things to discuss, Barbie. If Quinn doesn’t bring you, I will, and that won’t make it any easier. No. Because then, I’ll be even more fucking angry that I had to leave to get your sweet ass.”

“Fuck you,” I say, slamming my cell down and then slamming it down again for good measure. Probably breaking my phone in the meantime.

Someone coughs. I almost forgot Quinn was here. Almost. He’s smirking, though, at me breaking my cell phone.

“Did he really need to send you?” I ask, pulling my bag up on my shoulder and trying to pick up my cell. It’s broken, I’ll need a new one.

“He did. You wouldn’t have come.”

“Where has he been?” I ask, hoping he’ll tell me.

“Paying your debt.” He opens the front door, turning away from me.

“Is it paid?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “They still require payment. You are to be payment.”

My feet stop in place.

What does that mean?

“I don’t understand.”

Quinn opens the front door, gestures with his hand to my car. Following him out, I lock the shop and climb in with my bag clinging to my side handing him the keys.

“What do you mean?”

He sighs heavily. “You can ask Ryken.”

My head shakes fast.

“Tell me.”

“Half the debt was paid, his loyalty will never come into question again. He well and truly proved his loyalty to the cause. But payment is still due. The one that interfered should be dead. You should be dead, Saskia. The only reason you’re breathing is because of him. Think about that when you speak to him.”

“Fuck him. I wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for him.” My hands slam down on my lap as I turn to look out the window. “Why did he come back?”

“Because he owns you.”

My mouth drops open. “Say what?”

“He owns you. And in the game of buying, he was outbid.”

“Outbid?” My head is spinning, and my forehead furrows with lines.

What the hell is he talking about?

“Basically it works like this. He had to show his loyalty because that was broken when he shot the Spikes MC kid. Ryken did that by starting from the bottom by fighting, cleaning, doing the worst of the worst jobs. Then he climbed his way back up. He’s good. Took him only a year to get back to where he was. But the problem is, the President of Spikes MC Melbourne Chapter is, well, he’s a cunt. He doesn’t play games. Even if Ryken is the King of the underworld here in Darwin, he isn’t the king of them. He collects girls, and the MC exports them. Basically they’re needed by both parties. The Darwin Chapter gets paid well. Then the President of the Spikes MC Melbourne Chapter sell to existing buyers within the country, or they go to resources around the world offering to the highest bidder. With the buyers resourced previously by Ryken’s father, and now Ryken. This world is made up of a few kings, and the Spikes MC is pretty fucking high up there. Ryken’s father may have struck the agreement with them, but Ryken must follow through and become his father, and also gain the respect and trust that his father had.”



What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

And who the fuck deals with so many people in a line like that?

“So what does that mean for me?”

Quinn looks down. “You were Ryken’s property. Now you aren’t…” He coughs. “The man Ryken killed for you… unfortunately, that was the President’s nephew.”

My head drops to my knees. “What does that mean?” I reiterate.

“They wanted something else in exchange for his death. A life for a life. They weren’t happy with the year Ryken served, it wasn’t enough. All that did was restore their trust. They wanted more and they wanted Livia, but she’s pregnant.”

My eyes go wide. I didn’t expect that. “What?”

“So you were the next best thing. They knew of you and how important you are to Ryken, so you were their next choice. You are what they want, and there is no way out. Ryken tried and failed to appease them.”


Quinn doesn’t answer me, he just gets out of the car. Sitting up, I see him standing on the steps talking fast to Ryken who’s looking my way. He turns once to Quinn, scrunching his eyebrows, then looks back to me. He’s waiting for me to get out of the car. I don’t want to. Everything that was just said makes no damn sense.

Tags: T.L. Smith Dark Intentions Duet Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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