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Sinister Love (Dark Intentions Duet 2)

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If my father broke a rule, he paid the consequences, the same way he would make others pay for their mistakes. So a life for a life, I had to bargain. He could have a life but under my conditions. But all of this would ruin her innocence in the process. Saskia would see things, hear things, maybe even experience things she won’t be prepared for. But what a lot of people don’t see, is that Barbie is strong. If you look close enough, you can see it. She’s so much more than even she thinks.

“She isn’t working on others, is she?” I ask. He has to confirm it, and I need him to verify it with his own lips that she isn’t being used as a sex slave like his other girls are. I need to hear him affirm it.

His lip curls up. “No, Ryken. Your orders were unequivocal. But remember that was the only command. Whatever else happens, you can’t come after us.”

“That doesn’t sound good, Antonio. That sounds like you may be treating her very badly, and let’s hope you wouldn’t do that to someone who puts food on your table.”

He sits up straight. “Food on my table…” He laughs. “Your family may have started this, Ryken, but Melbourne is mine now. You’re always welcome, but you aren’t to rule here.”

Scott looks down.

Quinn’s stance hardens, I can feel his posture straighten beside me.

Antonio looks up at me. “Are you thinking you can take over from me, Antonio?” His hand wipes his mouth.

“I’m not really thinking it. Can’t you feel it happening, Ryken?” Quinn steps around, so he’s now next to me. Antonio makes a clicking sound with his mouth as he finishes talking. Antonio eyes then look up to Quinn. “Why you follow him, I have no idea. You know you should have been the next in line after the old man kicked it. Ryken wasn’t in this world, only briefly, and he didn’t want it either. You were this world, Quinn. So why don’t you take it?” Antonio stirs.

I laugh at his words. Quinn doesn’t move or say a word. But Antonio looks to me like I’ve lost my mind. Maybe I have.

“You’re trying to poach one of my men right in front of me. You have some motherfucking balls.” Now it’s his turn to sit back. “So, I was thinking… maybe business practices need to change. Maybe someone needs to change it all.”

Antonio has no smirk on his face now, he knows what I’m talking about. He knows what I will do.

“No one can do what I do. Remember that fact, Ryken.”

I look up to Quinn, to whom I’ve offered Antonio’s place, and he smirks. When I knock him from power that is. “You think no one can, hey?” I question.

“You forget I have your girl trapped in one of my rooms, Ryken. Is now the right time to actually threaten me?”

Antonio knows who I was thinking of. People respect Quinn more so than me, he’s been around here longer. But I will never find anyone more reliable and honorable than him. His allegiance is firmly in line with me.

“Yes, about that… I’ve come to get her back.”

His head shakes. “You know not to back out on a deal, Ryken. People will talk.”

I rub my hands together. “I’m not here to back out, I’m here to bargain.”

His eyebrow perks up. “Go ahead, I’m listening.”

“I’ll fight your best fighter on fight night. If I win, I take her with me, and my payback is done. If I lose…” I look up to Quinn, his eyes are now on me, “… you can have Quinn.”

Antonio smiles widely. He wants Quinn as much as he wants my power.

“Done.” He claps his hands together and shouts for some drinks. A bartender drops them in front of me. Shots. I take one and hand one to Quinn who already knew what I had planned. That’s why I’ve let him beat the fuck out of me the last few nights. We’ve been training, and not to toot my own fucking horn, but I’m already a fucking excellent fighter.

“Two nights from now,” Scott says.

My hands rub together in anticipation. Scott looks away. He doesn’t hold eye contact for long.

Then Amy walks in, a smile on her face as she sits near Antonio. “I just had to get something out of my system, I feel better now.”

Scott looks up at her then looks to the door. The smile that’s on her face I don’t like, not one little bit.

“Two nights,” I say to Antonio. He wipes his hand on his trousers, standing. He offers me his hand, and I shake it. He looks at me carefully. I can see it, the hunger for more power. He wants what I have, but he won’t get it. The only way I’ll lose this fight is if I’m carried out in a body bag, and that won’t be happening. Because then he wins, and Antonio can’t win. My father would haunt my ass, and I’d never live that down.

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