Sinister Love (Dark Intentions Duet 2) - Page 53

“You brought company?” I ask him. He looks back to the girl, who’s possibly eighteen, and touches her shoulder. She shrugs him off as he points to the door. She steps in, scowls at me, then he follows. They follow me up the stairs to where Barbie’s waiting. When Barbie sees the girl, she gasps loudly, and the girl spits at her and tries to hit her, while Quinn pulls her back just in time.

“That bitch,” Quinn’s blonde screams.

I push Barbie behind me, while Quinn holds his girl tight. “You better get her under control, and tell her to never go for Barbie again, or I won’t be as nice as you, Quinn.”

The girl stops moving and calms down in his hands.

Barbie steps around me and offers a weak smile to the girl. “I never meant to hose you down. You know I didn’t have a choice,” Barbie says, confusing me.

“You know her?”

Barbie looks at me surprised. “She was there when I was. Scott made me clean her. She tackled me to the ground, and Scott knocked her out,” she says. Barbie steps around me, and I keep her to me, because if this girl thinks she can touch what’s mine, she’s delusional. That will never happen.

“You aren’t here to become friends,” I say, looking at the girl then to Quinn, who nods his head. “Now tell me, who the fuck sent that shit?”

He passes me a piece of paper, and all that’s on it is a phone number. “It’s untraceable, but it’s still an active number. Ring it and try to see if they’ll answer. So far that’s all we’ve found.” I take the number and push it into my pocket.

Barbie steps forward, offering her hand to the girl who’s now standing behind Quinn. “I’m Saskia.”

She looks to Barbie like she’s crazy. She may be, considering she’s stepping forward to a girl that wanted to hurt her just seconds ago. Quinn pushes her forward, so she steps in front and looks toward her.

“I don’t like you.” Saskia drops her hand. “But I’m willing to try. Better than only having him next to me all day.” She looks to Quinn then back to Barbie. “I’m Sabrina,” she finally says. Barbie has a ghost of a smile on her face as she looks at her then steps next to me, her small hands gripping onto my arm.

“Boss, you have that meeting tomorrow.” Quinn gives me a pointed look.

“You’ll attend?”

He nods his head then places his hand back on Sabrina. Barbie offers them a small wave as I walk them out and lock the door behind them. Walking back into her small area, I see she’s already in bed with one of my shirts on and curled up into a ball to view the rest of the television program we were watching earlier.

“We’re a thing now, aren’t we?” she asks as I undress and climb in behind her, spooning her.

“Fucking oath, we are. You’re mine.” I pull her closer to me.

“And you’re mine…”

I growl in her ear and bite her earlobe. She laughs then hits me away. Can you die of happiness? Because I sure as shit want to right now. Barbie is it for me, and I can never dream of replacing her. No one comes close to how I feel when we’re together. “Now I just have to get a baby in that belly, and a ring on that finger.”

She doesn’t respond or even move. She seems to go stock still. Pulling her so she’s facing me she tries to hide her fear, but I see it.

“What’s wrong?”

She looks down, and I kiss her nose. “I’m not sure I want children.”

That little statement comes as a shock.

Don’t most woman want to have children?

“Well, we won’t have children then.”

She looks up to me. “Do you want kids?” I shrug, unsure of what to answer. I guess I always thought it would happen. It’s what we do, have children to leave things to. Who would I leave my businesses to? “If you don’t, I don’t. As long as I have you.”

She smiles at me then it falls from her lips. “We still aren’t going to be moving fast. I like staying here. I like having my space right now. It got taken from me once, and I don’t want it retaken,” she says in a small voice.

“I would never take it from you.”

She turns back around and pulls my hand over hers, threading her fingers with mine. It’s how she falls asleep, very fast, leaving me with thoughts racing through my mind.

SHE’S UP AND GONE BEFORE I even get up. I felt her wake up and kiss me then she was gone. It’s perfect. So much fucking perfect right now that I’m afraid to get up and leave this fucking bed in case something goes wrong. But I have to because I have everyone coming to my house today. To a house that was once my father’s and is now mine. Well, no, I still have to make it my own. That’s going to be hard when everything in that place reminds me of him.

Tags: T.L. Smith Dark Intentions Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024