Sinister Love (Dark Intentions Duet 2) - Page 55

Chapter Twenty-Three


He gave me his car, his shiny red car. I’m going to give it back, but I’m sure as shit enjoying driving it for now. It’s one of the most beautiful cars I’ve ever driven. Pulling up to his house, cars are lined up everywhere. The last time I was here, I cut my feet open in his room. Now I’m back and this time with him by my side, and not as some sort of third wheel or a sordid hidden object.

“They’re early,” Ryken says.

We get out and see Cane and Quinn straight away. They look to be in a heated discussion on the steps but shake their heads at each other as we walk up. Ryken’s hand touches the small part of my back as we make our way up and past his friends. The door is open, and he walks straight in. Sabrina’s there and seated on a sofa by herself, while some of the guys I recognize sit across from her, staring at her. The leader, the one that spoke most when they took me, looks at me and smirks. He looks past me, and I feel him before I see him—Ryken sits down next to me, his hand on my thigh and leans in and whispers in my ear, “Why don’t you go up to the room?” I shake my head. He doesn’t argue, just keeps his hand where it is and looks around.

“Why are we here, Ryken?” This comes from the guy sitting across from us, his name is Michael from what I remember.

“Michael, do you have better plans?” Ryken says, laughing.

Michael’s lips twitch. “Yes, actually I do, I could be nose deep in pussy right now.” He winks at me then sits back further.

“I’m not afraid to punch you out again if you wink at my woman,” Ryken says in his most serious voice, the air turning frigid. His hand stays on my thigh, and he squeezes it before he moves. Quinn and Cane walk in. Cane sits next to me, while Quinn stands behind Sabrina. She visibly relaxes with him being near. It’s quite surprising not to see her attacking anyone.


We all look to a man who’s younger than me. And I’m probably one of the youngest here, apart from Sabrina. He scratches his head then looks at Michael and then to Ryken, and he has a vest on the same as Michael. “Are we here about the threats on your woman?”

Ryken’s eyes go dark as he inclines his head, and everyone seems to go quiet.

“We had a letter sent to us as well. Along with a photo of us putting your girl in the van.” Ryken’s hand tightens on my leg, and I manage to squeal as his fingers dig in harder than he obviously intended because as soon as he realizes what he’s doing, he lifts his hand.

Ryken stands, pulls out his cell, and looks around. “Does anyone here want to admit to anything? I may consider killing you faster if you confess right now?” Ryken asks, looking around.

Not a peep is heard, so he shrugs his shoulders and presses call. We all sit there confused, until….

It’s a phone, and it’s ringing right next to me. Everyone seems to turn at that exact moment, and all eyes come to me, or should I say the person sitting next to me. Something cold touches my neck before I have a chance to turn around and see who it is. But his voice I recognize straight away when he speaks.

“You dumb fuck.”


My eyes go wide, and Ryken looks to him, shocked. Out of everyone here, I’m guessing Cane never came across his radar. Not once.

Voices are raised, and people start moving.

My heart goes into overdrive, I’m not sure what’s going on. Ryken’s nostrils flare in anger, his fists clench, and his knuckles turn white. Everything seems to go in slow motion.

How is this my life?

How am I the person that ends up in these situations?

I don’t ask for this. I don’t bring them on myself. They just seem to happen. All the damn time.

My eyes lock onto Ryken.

Is it him?

Is he a curse on me?

He can’t be, though, because he’s everything I want when it’s just the two of us. We are perfect together. A sonata of two perfect souls coming together to form a movement within a symphony.

Ryken Lord is it for me. I kind of knew that the moment I met him. I just forgot to tell myself I could have him and that I could be happy.

And now, it could all be ripped away from me, and I didn’t even see it coming. I thought Ryken would handle everything. Keep me safe. But by the look on his face, he had no idea this was Cane. No one did. Obviously.

Tags: T.L. Smith Dark Intentions Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024