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Prince Hafiz's Only Vice

Page 27

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“I see,” she said stiffly.

“You don’t see.” He looked directly in her blue eyes and braced himself. “My mistress became pregnant.”

Lacey turned pale, but she regained her composure. “Is it yours?” she asked brusquely.

“I found out too late that she had an abortion,” Hafiz said, the bitterness corroding inside him. “I’ve often wondered if the sultan campaigned for and funded it. Not directly, of course,” he added cynically.

“I still don’t understand—”

“Don’t you get it, Lacey?” he barked out. “I couldn’t uphold the expectations placed on me. I proved I wasn’t leadership material.” The list of his sins bore down on him. “I used the money for my own pleasure. I couldn’t make my country proud. I couldn’t provide the security of giving a rightful heir to the throne. But most of all, I couldn’t protect my unborn child.”

“Hafiz,” Lacey said grimly as she walked toward him. He braced himself for her to launch into a tirade. For a stinging slap. It wouldn’t hurt nearly as much as her disappointment.

She surprised him by placing a gentle hand on his arm. He looked down at her, bemused by the sincerity gleaming in her eyes. “Don’t let your mistakes define you. You are a good man.”

He drew back. She still believed in him. How could she? Wasn’t she listening? “You’re biased, but thanks.”

“Give me some credit. I wouldn’t give up everything familiar for a playboy prince. I certainly wouldn’t follow any man to the ends of the earth.”

“I believe the term you’re looking for is ‘this hell’,” he reminded her.

Lacey looked chagrined but wouldn’t be deterred. “And Rudaynah needs you. The mistake you made will serve you well.” She paused, obviously searching for the right words. “You have risen from your past like...a phoenix from the ashes. You’re stronger and smarter. You have worked hard all these years to take care of your countrymen.”

But he would never regain the trust of the people. His brother kept his distance, as if poor judgment was contagious. His own parents couldn’t stand the sight of him.

“I am not the kind of man you’re trying to make me out to be.” But he wanted to be. He wanted to deserve her admiration.

“You’re good for Rudaynah. This sultanate needs you,” Lacey insisted and cupped his face with her hand. “If I thought otherwise, I would take you away with me.”

Hafiz leaned into her touch just as his cell phone rang. They both jumped as the harsh sound echoed in the cavernous room.

“Don’t answer it,” Lacey whispered.

“It would be Glenn. He would only call if it was important.” He reached for the phone and answered it. “Yes?”

“Our exit visas have been denied,” Glenn said.

A coldness settled inside Hafiz as he considered what that could mean. “Did they give a reason?”

“No, but they were acting strange. As if it hasn’t happened before. What do you want me to do next, Your Highness?”

“Let me get back to you.” Hafiz ended the call and pressed the phone against his chin as he stared out the window. He quickly analyzed the sultan’s latest move and what it represented. He didn’t like any of the answers.

“Is something wrong?” Lacey asked.

“Your exit visas have been denied,” he murmured as he considered his next move.

“I thought the process was just a formality.” Lacey gasped, and she clapped her hand over her mouth. “Your father knows about me. He knows I’m your mistress.”

“Let’s not jump to conclusions. It could be a clerical error.” Hafiz wanted to calm Lacey, but he knew his answer wouldn’t soothe her.

“This doesn’t make sense. Why can’t I leave the country? Wouldn’t your father give me the red carpet treatment to the first car out of here?”

“Not necessarily,” Hafiz replied grimly.

Lacey pressed her lips together. “What’s going on?”

“There’s a possibility,” he said, emphasizing the word, “that the sultan sees your presence as an advantage to him. It would make me the most agreeable groom.”

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