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Prince Hafiz's Only Vice

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Lacey’s fingers fluttered against her cheeks as if she was brushing something away. “I wish I didn’t know any of this. I wish I could have left Rudaynah the night I found out about your engagement.”

Hafiz remained silent. He knew he should feel the same way. She was his weakness, his vulnerability, but he didn’t want her to go.

“That night had been magical,” she said softly. There was a faraway look in her eyes. “It was the right way to say goodbye. I would have left here believing that...what we had was special. That I had been special.”

Hafiz clenched his hands. He wanted to tell Lacey how special she was to him. But what purpose would it serve? What they had was over. It could not continue.

“You think I’m bad for you,” Lacey said. “That I’m proof of your bad judgment, or that I symbolize all of those wild impulses you couldn’t get rid of. One of these days you’re going to realize that I was the best thing that had ever happened to you.” She pointed her finger at him. “Someday you’ll realize that everything I’ve done was to protect you.”

“I don’t need your protection, Lacey.” He shook his head. “It was my job to protect you.”

Lacey blinked rapidly as if she was preventing more tears from falling. “I wanted to be your confidante. Your partner. My goal was to help you be the best prince you could be.”

“And in return, you would become a princess.” Hafiz grimaced. Even as he said it, he knew that wasn’t her true motivation.

“If you believe that, you don’t know me at all.” Her shoulders drooped as if she didn’t have the energy to fight anymore. “I thought you knew everything about me,” Lacey announced dully as she pulled her hair away from her face.

“And you know everything about me,” Hafiz said. “I confided in you when I shouldn’t have.”

Lacey jerked at his harsh tone and slowly turned to meet his gaze. “Why do you continue to believe that I would betray you?”

Her question was carried out with a wispy puff of air. The wounded look in her eyes threatened to shatter him inside. He drew from the dark edges that hovered around him, knowing he had to be callous, and knowing he was going to regret it.

“Because you are a mistress. A fallen woman. Betrayal is your only power against me.” Hafiz knew what he said hurt her where she was most vulnerable, but it was his only guarantee. That cold response would prevent Lacey from trying to hold on to him and what might have been. He had to protect her even if it meant tearing down the love she felt for him.

The darkness surged through Hafiz, and he struggled against the cold bitterness invading his body. He’d battled it before, only this time he had to do it alone. In the past, Lacey was the only person he knew who could stem the flow.

“If I’m a fallen women, you shouldn’t be seen with me. So, why are you still here?” Lacey asked in a withering tone. She folded her arms more tightly and crossed her legs. Hafiz wondered if it was an attempt to get as far away from him as possible. “Stop the car and I’ll get out.”

“That’s enough.” Hafiz’s tone held a steely edge. “I’m making sure you get on that helicopter.”

She gave a haughty tilt of her chin. “I’m perfectly capable of finding my way.”

“I’m sure you could, but you don’t have access to the palace.”

“Palace?” Hafiz saw her tense as a sound of panic rumbled in the back of her throat; she turned abruptly to her window. When she didn’t see anything on her side of the limousine, she frantically searched out his window.

He knew the minute she saw the towering mud brick walls that surrounded the palace. The historical site was constructed as more of a fortress than the home of a sultan. It wasn’t opulent or majestic. The curved buildings, domed roofs and large archways were made out of clay. The buildings were functional and cool against the desert heat.

It was also designed to intimidate the enemy. Lacey had a look of unease as they passed through the guarded gates, and she got the first good look of the palace. Hafiz held back his assurances. He needed her to focus on leaving without looking back.

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