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Prince Hafiz's Only Vice

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That was no surprise. Ashraf was the perfect son. The perfect prince. And did it all effortlessly when Hafiz failed spectacularly.

While Ashraf embraced tradition, Hafiz always questioned it. Hafiz was tempted by the world outside of Rudaynah, and Ashraf preferred to stay home. Hafiz couldn’t resist the charms of an inappropriate woman. From all accounts, his brother lived like a monk, nothing distracting him as he fulfilled the role of the heir apparent. One day he would be the benevolent sultan this country needed. Rudaynah would be in good hands with Ashraf on the throne.

“I was thinking about something else,” Hafiz said.

“Someone else. A woman,” Ashraf guessed. “And from the look in your eyes, not the woman you are about to marry.”

Hafiz nodded. “Her name is Lacey Maxwell.”

No recognition flickered in his brother’s eyes. “Who is she?”

“She’s my...” Mistress? The term bothered Hafiz. It had been Lacey’s status, but the word minimized her place in his life. She was not a sexual plaything. The label of mistress didn’t describe her generous spirit or inquisitive mind. It didn’t explain how important she had been in his life.

“She’s yours,” Ashraf said simply.

“She should be my bride.” It hurt to say it. He hadn’t said it to Lacey, and now it was too late. He gave voice to the idea, even though he knew it couldn’t happen. And yet...Hafiz pushed away from the window.

“I know that look,” Ashraf said. “Whatever you’re thinking, just forget about it.”

“You don’t know what’s going through my mind,” Hafiz said with a scowl.

Ashraf grabbed Hafiz’s arm. “Back out of this wedding and you could lose everything.”

Okay, so his brother was a mind reader. “I’ve already lost everything,” Hafiz replied.

“Not quite. This is just wedding nerves,” Ashraf said, his fingers biting into Hafiz’s arm. “Marry the sultan’s choice and keep this Lacey Maxwell on the side.”

“No, she deserves better. She should be the one who should have my family name. I don’t want to hide how I feel about her anymore.”

“Listen to me, Hafiz. I’m giving you advice even though it’s against my best interest,” Ashraf said. “I understand you will be made crown prince once you marry.”

The pause between them sat uncomfortably on Hafiz. “Does everyone know about that agreement?” he finally asked. “Don’t worry, Ashraf. Knowing the sultan, he will find a loophole to prevent that from happening.”

“Typical Hafiz,” Ashraf muttered. “You always think someone is going to betray you. That they are destined to fail you.”

“I’m cautious,” Hafiz corrected. “The more I know of this world and the more I understand people, I become more cautious.”

“That shouldn’t include your family.” The shadows darkened on his face. “Despite what you may think, I didn’t betray you when I became crown prince. I had to preserve the line of succession.”

Hafiz drew back, astounded by the guilt stamped on his brother’s face. “I don’t blame you. I blame myself. I’m sorry you were dragged into this. In fact—” Hafiz tilted his head as a thought occurred to him “—you were affected most of all by what happened.”

“You have the chance to redeem yourself and reclaim the title of crown prince.”

“Maybe I don’t want it anymore,” Hafiz said. “Maybe I found something better.”

“Like the title of Lacey’s husband?” Ashraf asked in disbelief.

He wasn’t worthy of that title. He had disappointed Lacey too many times. But he was willing to spend the rest of his life earning the right to be with her.

“You are very close to regaining your birthright,” his brother said. “Don’t ruin it now.”

He was very aware of completing his ten-year quest, and yet he didn’t think it was going to happen. He didn’t believe it should happen. “Sometimes I think ruling Rudaynah was never my destiny.”

“What has gotten into you?” Ashraf asked. “This isn’t you talking. This is Lacey.”

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