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Prince Hafiz's Only Vice

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And he would give it to her. He would be loving and protective. Hafiz would do everything in his power to make her feel safe and secure.

She felt herself weakening, but she couldn’t let that happen. She had to be strong. Strong enough for the both of them. Lacey struggled to voice another reason. “I’m your mistress.”

“You are my heart,” he corrected in a husky voice. “Marry me.”

“I can’t marry you.” Her firm statement trailed off in a whimper. She frowned ferociously and tried again. “I can’t return to Rudaynah.”

His hand stilled against hers. “Neither can I,” he confessed.

His words froze her racing thoughts. Hafiz couldn’t return to Rudaynah? What was he saying? “What?” The startled question tore past her lips as she stared at him with horror.

“I’ve been exiled.” He broke eye contact, the frown lines burrowing into his forehead. “Banished for life.”

Her hand fell from his. “Why?” she cried out, but instinctively she knew. “Because of me?” She sagged against the column as tears burned her throat and eyes. Her body threatened to collapse into a broken heap on to the floor.

“Because I refuse to give you up again,” Hafiz said, his voice rough with emotion. “I was given the choice to remain in my homeland or be with you. I chose you.”

Hafiz chose her. He gave up everything he wanted for her. It didn’t make her feel triumphant. The news destroyed her. Lacey struggled to contain the sob rising in her throat. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

“I don’t want to stay in Rudaynah if I can’t have you at my side.”

She wanted to be at his side, but not if it cost him his world. “You say that now, but one day you’re...”

“I refuse to hide how I feel about you, Lacey,” Hafiz said in a low voice as his eyes flashed with determination. “I have nothing to be ashamed about.”

“How can you say that? After all you did, you didn’t get the respect you deserve. Your father exiled you.” Lacey cringed as she said those words. She knew how important his status was to Hafiz.

She’d sacrificed everything, but she wasn’t able to give Hafiz the one thing he needed. He hadn’t redeemed himself in the eyes of his family. He would never gain the recognition that belonged to him.

Lacey covered her face with her hands. She didn’t want this to happen. She had done everything in her power to prevent Hafiz from losing the world he fought so hard to keep.

“Hafiz, you can’t give up being a prince,” she begged. “Not for me. Not for anyone. It’s who you are.”

“No, it’s not.” His voice was clear and steady. “I am myself, I am who I want to be, when I am with you.”

“No... No...”

“I’m not fully alive unless I’m with you,” he said as he wrapped his fingers around her wrists and lowered her hands. “I’m not myself when you are not around. I love you, Lacey.”

Tears dampened her eyelashes. “That can’t be,” she whispered. “It’s impossible.”

He cupped his hand against her cheek. The gentle touch contrasted with the demand in his eyes. “All I know is that this ring belongs only to you. I belong only to you.” He held the glittering royal ring in front of her.

She slowly shook her head. “Hafiz...” Her eyes widened when he bent down on one knee in front of her.

“Lacey Maxwell, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”


“LACEY, WHERE ARE YOU?” Hafiz looked over the assembly of dignitaries that crowded the throne room and spotted his wife lurking in the shadows. As she turned, the diamonds in her hair shimmered under the chandelier lights.

Pride swelled in his chest as she made her way through the sea of evening gowns and military uniforms. Hafiz watched statesmen and socialites respectfully lower their heads when she passed, but his attention was focused on his woman.

It amazed him how Lacey’s regal image concealed her passionate nature. Just thinking about it, he was tempted to sink his fingers in her copper red hair and pull down the sophisticated chignon. The rose taffeta caftan encrusted with iridescent pearls teased his senses as it skimmed her curves with each step she took.

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