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End of Day (Jack & Jill 1)

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Dr. Jones blinked on cue, keeping his expression neutral.

Jessica sighed. “I knew rules and regimen. Pete broke the law and answered to no one. Nothing major. Possession, I think. I know, what are the chances of a DEA agent’s daughter getting involved with a druggie?” Jessica shrugged. “What can I say … it happens. Anyway, on our third date he took me to the club and dedicated this amazing song to me. I felt like a queen and later that night I treated him like a king, until…” She stared at the aquarium, lost in the past.

“Until?” Dr. Jones prompted.

Jessica smirked. “Until I made him bleed.” She met his gaze and waited patiently in their customary standoff.

They both knew when she was waiting for a reaction, and they both also knew he wouldn’t give her one.

“I sank my teeth into his carotid, drained his blood, then called in the clean-up crew.” She faked an exaggerated smile with clenched teeth.

Dr. Jones tugged on the cuffs to his shirt then removed a hair from his sleeve. “And how did he react?”

He was no fun, a buzz kill, and a complete stodgy grump. “He called me a fucking lunatic, insisted I untie him, and had me banned from the jazz club.”

“Why did he have you banned from the jazz club?”

Jessica sat erect and gripped the edge of the desk. “Are you kidding me? We’ve been dancing around the entire point of all this bullshit therapy for weeks and weeks, and you’re still not ready to address why it is I need to make these men bleed? You don’t want to know about Four and my dead best friend?”

“Time’s up.”

She slammed her hand on the desk. “You’re damn right! Time’s up. We’re finished.” She grabbed her purse and stomped to the door.

“Jessica?” Dr. Jones called, not bothering to stand or look at her.

“What?” she grumbled before shutting the door.

“You’re making progress.”

A sarcastic chuckle vibrated from her chest. “Yeah, well I have a date tonight. We’ll see if he agrees with you by the end of the night.”


In college Jessica’s roommate, Kelly Gunner, persuaded Jessica to do a few triathlons with her. Jessica, a self-professed exercise junkie, was an easy sell. After graduation Kelly continued her role as Jessica’s training partner and also took on a new role as her designated matchmaker.

“Please tell me this guy is sex personified, not full of himself, and good in bed,” Jessica said to Kelly over the phone as she zipped the back of her white strapless dress and slipped on her heels.

“Don’t be pissed, but honestly I don’t know anything about him. Gabe’s known him since preschool. Their parents are still neighbors.”

“And?” Jessica combed her fingers through her long dark hair that she’d spent over an hour straightening.

“And what? That’s it. I’ve only known Gabe for two weeks. I haven’t met his parents, so of course I don’t know anything about his friend. But Gabe said everyone loves him.”

“Pfft, then why is he still single?”

“Probably the same reason you are.”

Jessica camouflaged her lips in blood red as she considered that possibility. Was her date for the night single because he was a vampire too? “I doubt that, but we’ll see. I had a shit day with my psychiatrist so I need a no brainer evening with a guy who can give me an orgasm with a simple handshake.”

“You see a shrink?”

“Saw. Today was my last day.”

“What on Earth were you seeing a shrink for?”

“To exercise my brain,” Jessica deadpanned.

Kelly laughed. “Whatever, you weirdo. Gabe’s here so we’ll meet you there soon?”


“And you have his address?”

“You messaged it to me twice and e-mailed it five minutes before I called you.”

“Okay, hun. See you soon.”

Jessica slipped her clutch under her arm, rolled her eyes to the ceiling, and crossed her fingers. “Please, please, please let this guy be normal, very hot, and not afraid of a little blood.” Before she opened her door she sensed God giving her an affirmative wink.

The double date that night was at said date’s place, a twenty minute drive from Jessica’s apartment. It was the epitome of a blind date—more like a blind, deaf, and mute date. She didn’t know anything about him, not his age, a physical description, profession, or even his name. One thing, his address, was all she knew. He lived in a newer condo in the Mission Bay area.

She took the elevator up to his floor, checking her makeup in the hall mirror before knocking on the door. Long hair, short dress, and high heels, she prayed it would be enough to put a smile on said stranger’s face.

When the dark paneled door opened, Jessica exhaled in relief. The man before her was an easy eleven out of ten.

“Oh, hi there.” He smiled and Jessica’s mind already had him naked, branded, and kneeling between her legs.

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