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End of Day (Jack & Jill 1)

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She shoved her two bottles of water in their holders. “Nah … I’ll stick with Jones.”

“So … shall we?” Kelly faked a smile that didn’t hide her eagerness to get going and end the awkward reunion between Jessica and Jones.

Gabe followed Kelly and Luke gestured for Jessica to go.

“After you, Jones. I want to look at your fine ass. It’s the best part of your personality. Besides, you’d never keep up with me, so I’ll let you set the pace.”

“You’re contumacious.” Luke pushed off on his bike.

“Whatever the hell that means,” she mumbled just loud enough for Luke to hear.

“Stubbornly disobedient.”

Jessica scowled at just how well Luke was playing the part.

“Catch me if you can.” He looked back and smiled. It was playful, flirty, and the sexiest look Jessica had ever seen.

“Hey! Where are you two going?” Kelly called as Luke buzzed past her and Gabe with Jessica closing in on him.

“See ya at the finish!” Jessica yelled.

“It’s not a race!” Kelly’s voice faded in the distance.

Jessica drafted behind Luke for miles. Aside from Jude, no one had ever physically pushed her so hard. The pace was intense … insane. They passed so many other cyclists Jessica lost count, all she knew was it felt like the final stretch of a major race and she would not come in second.

“Ready to have your ass handed to you by a girl, Jones?” Jessica hollered as she moved left to pass him.

“Wait!” he yelled, but it morphed into nothing more than a fading echo.

Jessica didn’t wait for anyone, but she should have. It happened in less than a breath. His voice, her name, stabs of pain, blurred scenery, then black.

She woke to his voice and flashes of red light.

“Don’t try to move, Jessica.”


“Yes. I’m here.”

The earth beneath her shook and then she realized it was the bounce of the gurney surrounded by strange faces.

“What’s wrong with my neck?” She tried to reach for her neck but a pain shot up her arm. “Ahh!”

“You fell off your bike. We’re taking you to the hospital. Your neck’s probably fine. It’s just a precaution,” one of the paramedics reassured her.


“They’ll meet us there.” Luke climbed into the back of the ambulance with Jessica.

“What happened?” her voice slurred.

“The pothole was big and you were contumacious.” Luke simpered and in spite of the pain, Jessica smiled.

“Contumacious?” the paramedic questioned.

“He’s an … o-overeducated idiot.” Jessica let her eyes close.


The emergency room visit lasted two hours, then turned into an overnight stay for observation. Jessica dodged any major injuries, receiving only stitches in her arm and some sexy road rash along her legs and her other arm, but by some miracle nothing was broken—except her pride.

“I don’t have phone numbers for anyone in your family.” Kelly rubbed Jessica’s hand.

“My parents are out of the country for their anniversary and Jude is at a conference. No need to call anyone and worry them.”

“I’ll stay with you.”

Jessica shook her head with an appreciative smile. “No need. I’m a big girl. Besides, they’re sending me home tomorrow.”

“I do need a shower.” Kelly pinched the front of her shirt, pulling it to her nose. “Are you sure you’ll be okay?”


“Call me if you need a ride when they release you tomorrow. I can take off work.”

“Thanks, Kelly.”

“Get some rest, showoff.”

Jessica rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t showing off … I just wasn’t going to let a guy show me up.”

“I still don’t understand why you two didn’t hit it off. You’re perfect for each other.”

“Good night, Kelly.”

Kelly grinned. “Night, Jess.”

Jessica leaned her head back against the pillow and closed her eyes. The medication they gave her began to numb the pain and slow her thoughts. The soft echo of Luke’s voice lulled her to sleep. Yes, I’m here.

A dull ache clenched Jessica’s body when she woke early the next morning, the physical impact of her accident magnified without the influence of pain medication. The gentle light of the distant horizon welcoming the morning sun illuminated the room. As everything came into focus she noticed the sleeping body in the chair next to her hospital bed. Luke.

He was still wearing his biking attire. Jessica’s heart swelled in her chest. Luke stayed all night with her, without her asking, without her knowing.

“Shit!” she whispered, trying to sit up.

Luke’s eyes fluttered open and he startled a bit as she grimaced trying to reposition. “Let me.” He jumped to his feet and adjusted her pillow to support her back. “Good morning.” He smiled, his face inches from hers for a brief moment.

“You stayed.”

Luke sat back down. He nodded, scratching the back of his neck. Then he smoothed his hand over his ruffled hair. She had never seen Dr. Jones look in such disarray. She liked it … a lot.

“I stayed.”

“Don’t you have patients today?”

“Eve rescheduled my day.”

Unwanted emotions crowded in Jessica’s chest then constricted in her throat. “You rescheduled your day?”

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