Middle of Knight (Jack & Jill 2) - Page 50

Tears stung her eyes as she looked to the ceiling, blinking them away. “Thank you. I love you too.”


“Hey, boys!” Jessica beamed as she began to squat down.

“If you kiss the mutt first, you can forget about kissing me.”

Wetting her lips, she stood back up and wrapped her arms around Luke’s neck, holding on tight as he lifted her up. Luke kissed her whenever, however, and wherever he wanted—except his office. They’d had more than one argument about that.

“How’s our girl?” He nipped at her neck before sliding her back down his body.

“I’m good. You could say I threw another shovel of dirt onto my past.”

They held hands and walked toward Yerba Buena Gardens. “How so?”

“My mom forgave me for the attack that put her in the hospital.”

Luke squeezed her hand. “She hadn’t before now?”

“She did right after it happened and many times since.”

“Today you forgave yourself.” His words stopped her. Jones tugged at the leash while Luke bent down, level with her face.

“How did you know?” she whispered.

Cupping the back of her head, he pressed his lips to her ear. “I have a degree in psychiatry.”

“That makes sense.” She smirked.

“Luke? Is that you?”

He turned toward the woman’s voice as Jessica stepped to the side to see past him.

“Jones!” Jessica chased her disobedient dog after Luke dropped his leash. He just … let go of it. “Dammit, Jones, come back.” Thankfully, another dog captured his attention allowing her to grab the leash. After giving the other dog’s owner an apologetic smile, she tugged Jones toward Luke and the tall blonde in a black, short-skirt business suit, with a good mile of legs and stupidly high heels, who happened to be embracing him.

“Excuse me, sir, I think you lost your dog.” Jessica grinned with bared teeth as the blonde pulled away and adjusted her messy bun of hair while giving Jessica a coy smile.

Luke grimaced, taking the leash in one hand and Jessica’s hand in his other. “My apologies. Jessica this is Dr. Eva Lorenzo. Eva this is my girlfriend, Jessica Day.”

His girlfriend. With a quick look up at him and the hint of a smile, she forgave him for the dog-chasing incident.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Eva extended her hand and Jessica released Luke’s to accept it.

“You too. Are you in town for the medical conference at the Moscone Center?”

“How did you know about that?” Luke asked.

“While I waited for my mom at Samovar, the waiter said they’d been pretty busy because of it.”

“Yes, I am in town for it.” Eva said to Jessica while looking at Luke.

An awkward silence followed.

“Did you go to medical school together?”

“We did.” The grip Luke had on her hand tightened with his answer.

The conversation, if it could really be considered that, felt strained and odd.

“Eva was Fran’s roommate in college.”

Another awkward silence while the two much taller people stared at each other.

“Well, that makes sense. I don’t know who Fran is, but—”

“She was my fiancée.”

Eva nodded, casting her eyes downward for a moment. Maybe it wasn’t such a relief that she caught Jones so fast. Missing the most uncomfortable conversation ever would not have been a bad thing.

“I can take Jones and head home if you two need a few minutes alone to talk behind my back or reminisce about your engagement with Fran.”

Eva’s eyes widened as her lips parted. Not so much as a flinch came from Luke. He knew Jessica’s inappropriate humor and he’d perfected ignoring it.

“It was good to see you, Eva.” Luke gave into Jones’s incessant tugging and pulled Jessica with them.

“I’ll give Francesca your best.”

Luke kept walking, failing to acknowledge Eva’s parting comment.

“I’m sorry.”

Jessica’s legs sped to a jogging pace to keep up with Luke’s long strides. “Why are you sorry?”

“I’ve not told you anything about Fran, including her name. I put you in an uncomfortable situation back there and I should not have.”

“Luke, I’m fine. It’s not like I didn’t know you were engaged. I just don’t understand the weird looks you two were sharing.”

“While you were chasing Jones she told me something and I had trouble processing it.”

“Can I ask what she told you?”

Luke stopped so abruptly Jones’s momentum jerked his arm, causing him to flinch. “You can ask me anything. You know that, right?”

That was a good question. Jessica couldn’t say for sure why she’d never pressed Luke for information about his ex-fiancée. Had she been so self-absorbed with her own past that she didn’t think Luke might have needed to discuss his?

“I think so.” She nodded, narrowing her eyes a bit.

They continued toward his condo.

“Fran is on the heart transplant list,” Luke said in a Dr. Jones matter-of-fact way.


“She has congenital heart disease. I think she had two, maybe three surgeries as a child. For years she was fine.”

“So what happened?”

He shrugged. “Eva didn’t go into detail other than to say Fran needed a transplant because the medications are no longer working. Sometimes there can be scar tissue from childhood surgeries that can cause problems later in life.”

Tags: Jewel E. Ann Jack & Jill Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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