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Dawn of Forever (Jack & Jill 3)

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She raised her arm and ran her fingers through the hair at the nap of his neck, as if to hold him close for an extra few seconds. That same hand took the life of a serial killer. It didn’t seem possible. He adored her touch. He craved it. He lived for it.

“I can’t take credit for any of it. Everything was donated.”

“But someone had to get the donations.” Luke smiled at Sunny as he unfolded his napkin on his lap.

“I have great friends.”

“She has influential friends.” Jude took his seat on the other side of Jessica.

Grant seemed to tense as much as Luke did. The chances of a food fight or brawl breaking out between the two siblings was higher than average that night.

“I’ve met people from all walks of life during my years of volunteering. But yes, the influential ones make thousand-dollar-a-plate holiday charity dinners possible.”

“Why don’t you just give this food to the homeless instead?” Jude gave his mom a pointed look.

Jessica grabbed her brother’s leg, knuckles white, but he didn’t flinch.

Luke liked Sunny. She always paused for thought before responding, the only one in the Day clan that wasn’t a hair-trigger.

“You’ve been attending these dinners for the past eight years, my dear son. What part about ‘everything is donated’ don’t you get? The hotel donates the room, three different catering companies donate the food, two local florists donate the decorations, and the band is also here tonight free of charge. Every year we pick two local charities to be the recipients of the money. But the reason this is such a success is because we use the holiday dinner as an opportunity to personally thank each donor and let them know how their contribution changes lives.”

“Stop being such an ass,” Jessica gritted through her teeth.

Jude shoved his chair backward, making a weak effort to give the guy behind him an apologetic look for ramming into his chair.

“Of course I’m the ass because coddled little Jessica could never be an ass.” Jude stood, towering over his sister.

She balled her hands. Luke grabbed her arms, her muscles steel beneath his touch.

“Both of you out.” Grant stood with an air of authority, attempting to level his twins with a glare that brought the temperature of the room down below freezing.

Jerking from Luke’s grasp, she stood, eyes narrowed at Jude. He turned, shoving his way through the sea of people with Jessica on his heels.

“Let them go.”

Luke squinted at Grant. He respected Jessica’s parents, to a certain degree, but their lack of doing anything to diffuse the situation between Jessica and Jude left him questioning their morals. Pondering their parenting skills had to wait. Luke barged through the ballroom doors, looking in both directions. They were gone.


“What the fuck is going on with you?” Jessica grabbed the sleeve of Jude’s suit jacket as he stomped toward his black Jetta parked in the hotel’s parking ramp.

He whipped around, jaw clenched, anger simmering in his eyes. She didn’t back down. Jessica would never back down from her brother.

“Go back to your mommy and daddy and your Prince Charming. Go live your fucking fairytale.”

She shook her head, anger in her belly, tears in her eyes. “Fairytale? Are you serious?” She shoved him.

He growled, fists clenched at his sides.

“I’ve pulled off the greatest illusion in the history of the world. Luke loves me. He thinks I’m redeemable.” Her voice cracked on the last word as tears spilled over. She motioned between them with her finger. “We both know I’m not, but you are.”

Jude widened his eyes. “You’ve taken one man’s life. A fucking serial killer who murdered your best friend. Do you have any idea how many people I’ve killed? I’m a killer disguised as a computer engineer. I fuck women like most people chew gum because I know things about love that would break you.” He leaned down until she could see every speck of pain in his eyes like shards of glass embedded into his soul. “I could obliterate your last shred of sanity.”

He stood, his jaw set like chiseled stone. “Now go before I do or say something I’ll regret.”

“Stop protecting me,” Jessica whispered.

Something gutted him and she felt it. That was their bond. It would forever be an inseverable bond. There was nothing worse than feeling his pain but not seeing it.

“Sorry, princess. It’s my job to protect you.”

“Hit me, asshole. But don’t take the coward’s way out with all your bullshit name calling.” She shoved him again. His degrading comment rekindled her anger. “Do it. DO IT!”

Jude looked over her shoulder. “Not today. Wouldn’t look good in your wedding photos.”

“Fuck you, coward.”

Pressing his lips together, he gave her one last look then turned and walked to his car. “Yeah…” he mumbled in defeat “…fuck me.”

Jessica turned, tugging at the hem of her dress stuck to her heel. She looked up and froze, ignoring the black Jetta that sped past her.

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