Dishonorable - Page 45

Realizing I had no clothes in Raphael’s room—the person who’d changed the sheets had even taken the wedding dress—I opened the door to his walk-in closet. I switched on the light and deeply inhaled, the scent of him strong here. I wasn’t sure what I expected to find, but it wasn’t much. A few suits were hung neatly, all dark, some pairs of jeans were folded and stacked, and T-shirts. A mountain of them. All were either black or white.

I chuckled. Ironic. Black and white. Good and evil. He was both.

Turning, I found a discarded black T-shirt on top of the laundry basket. Glancing around to be sure I was alone, I picked it up, brought it to my face, and inhaled. Without overthinking it, I pulled the shirt over my head. It fell to midthigh, which would do. I left his bedroom and tiptoed down the hall to mine, aware of the ache between my legs, of how he’d taken me, how he’d been almost gentle. At first.

I still wondered if I had said no, would he have forced me?

Once in my room, I quickly got changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, brushed my teeth and washed my face, pulled my hair into a ponytail, and headed to Lina’s bedroom. She was already in the hallway when I stepped out of my bedroom, dressed and carrying Charlie, cooing to him as he nuzzled against her, his little tail wagging.

“I love him so much,” she said when she saw me.

“Me too. He’s wonderful.”

She looked at my face and smiled.

“You look good.” She winked.

“Shut up,” I said, taking her by the arm and leading her to the stairs. “I’m starving. You?”


“How did you sleep?”

“Great. I didn’t sleep on the flight, and I was dead on my feet.”

“Did you talk to Grandfather today?” I asked.

“Not yet. I told him last night that I’d call him today for lunch. It would be good for you too. You can’t avoid him forever. Maybe give him a chance to explain.”

I linked my arm through hers, and we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. “I know I have to see him. It’ll help to have you there.”

“Then it’s decided,” Lina said.

Nicola handed me a note as soon as I walked into the kitchen.

“For you.”

“Thanks,” I looked at the folded sheet of paper, confused, then opened it.


I hope you slept well. I had business early, and I won’t be back until late. Eric has been instructed to take you and your sister wherever you want to go.

Be in my bed tonight.


I quickly folded the note and stuffed it into my pocket, trying not to think about the words. “Be in my bed tonight.”

I decided I’d be irritated about Eric instead. I could drive a car. But he didn’t want Eric there as a driver. He wanted security. I thought back to the night before, to those men who’d come late, the ones he’d met with in his study. I shivered at the memory of how the one had looked at me.

“What is it?” Lina asked.

“Nothing. Just that we have a driver,” I said with resigned smile.

Lina studied me for a minute. She knew I was hiding something but thankfully, she didn’t comment.

“You’re not going to wear those sandals, are you?” I said, looking at her feet. “It’s a lot of walking.” She had on a pair of beautiful, brand-new sandals with a two-inch heel. I’d slipped on a pair of well-worn Toms.

“They’re cute. I have to break them in somewhere.”

“Siena’s probably not the place to break them in.”

“Beauty doesn’t come free,” she said, shrugging a shoulder.


She stuck her tongue out at me.

After breakfast, we left Charlie behind. Eric drove us to Siena, where my grandfather was staying. Lina had arranged for us to meet him at his hotel for lunch, which gave us a few hours to shop and sightsee. It felt great to be with her again. Alone in a beautiful place, I could almost forget the reasons we were here.

My grandfather was staying in the nicest hotel in the ancient city. As we walked toward his table at the back of the restaurant, I couldn’t help wondering if Lina’s or my inheritance was paying for it. I watched him as we approached, sitting behind the elegantly laid table with its white cloth, a smile on his face, his white hair perfectly styled, his suit impeccable as he rose to greet us.

“Lina and Sofia,” he said, smiling, holding out his hands to us.

Lina smiled back and took it. “Hi, Granddad.” She kissed his cheek, and his smile widened.

I felt that usual pang of envy at her relationship with him. I didn’t want to feel it, but I did. Even if he’d never be like other grandparents, his affection for Lina was obvious, as obvious as the fact that he’d never felt quite the same way about me.

Tags: Natasha Knight Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024