Assisting Her Boss (Sister Switch 2) - Page 10

We arrive at the Hôtel du Louvre, and the opulence makes her smile. “Can we visit the Louvre while we’re here?” she asks, her eyes wide with excitement that I can’t get enough of. I’ll do anything to keep her that fucking happy.

“Yes, my love. Anywhere you’d like to go,” I whisper in her ear, causing a shiver of lust to run through her. The hotel concierge greets us and summons his staff to take our luggage up to the Honeymoon Suite. After all, that’s all they had available since I booked it at the last minute, or at least that’s what I’ll tell her if she asks.

“Thank you,” I say to the man at the desk.

As soon as we’re in the elevator, I pull her to me and kiss her hard. Once I finally let her go, we exit the elevator and walk to our suite. As I go to open the door, she asks, “So when’s your meeting?”

“In three days,” I confess, wagging my brows before pushing her inside. They left our luggage outside our room per my request. I don’t want anyone in this room until we depart.

“What? Do you normally take a mini-vacation before a business trip?” I sense the fragility in her voice. She has to know how special she is to me. I’ll spend the rest of my life showing her.

I shake my head silently, closing the distance and trapping her against the door with my body. “No. This is actually my first vacation ever. I wanted to spend time with you and punish your sister at the same time.”

She tilts her head sideways, arching her brow and concerned. “Punish her?”

I brush her brow down and then smirk widely. “Yes. Right now, Alyssa’s probably freaking out that I’m not in London where my meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.”

“Oh my. Alyssa’s really going to freak out. That’s not nice. She did this for me,” she pouts on the verge of tears. Now I feel like a dick.

I cup her face and ask, “What? Why would you want to meet me?”

“I didn’t.” She says it with such disgust that I jerk my head back like she smacked me. “That came out bad. I’ve seen your texts to my sister, and I thought you were too bossy.”

“I’m her boss.”

“It’s the same thing she said.”

“Well, why did you want to switch?”

“I’m awful at math. Like math is evil to me. Alyssa went to take my final exam so I can finally graduate.”

“Wow, so I owe her a bonus. She’s a sweet woman, but I was shocked to see you in her place.”

“I’m worried. Alyssa hasn’t answered her phone since ten. I’ve texted, called all morning.”

“Oh, so that’s who you were messaging. I was ready to break some guy’s face.” I’m not afraid to admit my possessiveness. I want her to know that I’ll fuck someone up who comes between us. I might be a businessman and a gentleman, but I’m suddenly extraordinarily territorial and fiercely protective over my sweet woman.

“No. It’s just my sister.”

“Then why were you smiling this morning.”

“Oh, I told her how come she didn’t tell me you were hot. She thinks my professor’s hot.”

“Is he?” I growl, letting my jealousy get the better of me again. What can I say? I’m nuts about her.

“Not to me. I think he’s a dick who has failed me many times.”

“His name,” I growl.

“It’s not important. It’s not his job to let me pass even though I suck at math and hardly did the work.”

“His name,” I repeat, hating that she’s trying to save this fucking asshole.

She rolls her eyes and sighs, “Professor Strong.”

“Bennet Strong?” I ask.

“Yes, you know him?”

I crack up laughing so hard. “Bennet’s my best friend and owns half the company. I’m not sure if I’m going to punch the fuck or hug him.”

“I’d say save all your hugs for me. Speaking of, I really need to call my sister.” She climbs off my lap and pulls out her phone.

“Alyssa, finally,” Alexa says.

“Hello, Alexa.” She turns pale as a ghost, and I know something’s wrong.

She’s visibly shaking and then releasing a deep breath. I’m at her side, taking her into my arms, plopping her onto my lap. “Oh, fucking shit. What the fuck are you doing with my sister’s phone?” I take the phone and put it on speaker because I don’t even know who the fuck has Alyssa’s phone.

“She left it in my classroom after her exam. Hmm…that explains why you aced the test. Not missing a single question.” I’ll fix it. It’s only Bennet.

I try to rub her back and calm her down. “It’s going to be okay.”

“Damn it, I told her to botch a couple of them.” I do my best to hold back a laugh, but my body shakes in silent laughter. Alyssa tries to be too perfect.

Tags: C.M. Steele Sister Switch Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024