Testing Her Professor (Sister Switch 1) - Page 9

“Damn it, I told her to botch a couple of them.” I hear her covering her mouth as if somehow she can take it back.

“Don’t worry. I’ll pretend we didn’t have this conversation with one important condition.” Knowing that I’m in the living room and Alyssa can’t hear me, I finish my demand.Chapter 5AlyssaHe gets out of bed quietly, but I can still feel him go. It wakes me up, but I wait until he’s out of my bedroom before I get out of bed and quickly wrap myself in my favorite silk robe. I hear him on the phone and secretly listen in.

“Get her fired, and your secret is safe with me.”

“Bastard,” I hiss out as I listen to him demand that she gets me fired.

Standing up, I throw some clothes on and snatch the phone from his hand. “Alexa, I’ll call you later.” I hang up and look at Bennet and slap him across the face. “You need to leave immediately.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Are you seriously asking me that? I let you fuck me to keep my sister from failing, and then you go around and blackmail her into getting me fired. You’re a sick fucking bastard. I need you to leave. Now.”

He walks back into the bedroom, and I hear him get dressed. I do my best to wipe the tears from my cheeks when he comes out of the bedroom. He’s not entirely dressed. He’s only wearing his jeans with his T-shirt thrown over his left shoulder, and damn does the bastard look sexy. “Listen, babe. I’m not going anywhere. I only got dressed because you’re pissed and naked under that robe, and fuck me, it’s a sexy sight.” I look down and see that it’s all but untied, leaving most of my cleavage and stomach showing. I adjust it because he doesn’t get to look at me like that anymore.

I should be kicking him out, but I’m not demanding he leaves. I’m mentally telling myself that it’s because I want to hear what he has to say, which is a total lie. “First, I know your ass didn’t fuck me to keep your sister’s grade safe, and you know that’s true, so if you ever lie about that again, I’m going to take you over my knee and spank that ass like I’ve been thinking about all damn day. Second, I’m not just a lowly professor at a small college, so my money is enough to take care of both of us. Lastly, you already work for me.”

“Work for you? Are you nuts?”

“No, although I have to say you’ve turned me into a mad man who will rip the head off another man for even looking at you.” I roll my eyes even though something in his expression tells me that he’s deadly serious.

“I’m a silent partner in King’s company. I have been for the past ten years long before it became the success that it is. We grew up together, and while he went to college, I joined the military. I come from a family with money, so I partnered with him. I haven’t looked into his staffing because none of it mattered. We never talk shop when we hang out, which is rare as fuck.”

“So, in reality, you’re firing me.”

“Well, yes, but since I’m not actually your boss, I can’t do that.”

“Why can’t I work there then?”

“Because there’s a no fraternization policy. It’s one of the many standards we put in the company to avoid any impropriety. Then you stumbled into my world, and I’m not allowing you to leave it until I’ve taken my last breath on this earth.”

“Why do you teach then?”

“Because I hate wearing a suit.” I frown at him. “Honestly, I had no interest in a career in business, but I’m killer at numbers, so I got my degree in teaching.”

“So wait, if you’re a half-owner of King corporation, then that means you’re rich too.”

“Yes, and that’s why you’re canned. There’s no need for my wife to work, especially for that good looking son of a bitch. Besides, you’re free to spend your time traveling with me, or babysitting a rambunctious five-year-old with a My Little Pony obsession.” He slides his arms around my waist and pulls me close, spinning me so that my back is pressed into his chest. Leaning down with his hand splayed over my belly, he whispers, “Or we can spend time watching our babies grow.”


“Yes, I want a dozen or so.”

“Yeah, well, I want to live in a castle.”

“That can be arranged. In fact, there’s definitely room in the family castle for a dozen babies. Since you’re a twin, maybe you only get pregnant six times.”

“Only six? How kind of you.”

“Well, I am a sweetheart, even though you hate me.”

Annoyed? Yes.

Hatred? Not even close. “I don’t hate you.”

Tags: C.M. Steele Sister Switch Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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