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Kisses and Warfare

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It’s been almost a year since I’ve been back. Not much has changed, and if it ever does, it’s me who opts for it. The floor is still dark underneath my feet, and the walls green with bad lighting.

“I told you I would.”

Steve wipes his face. “Thank God. I really do appreciate everything you do around here. Shit, Kat.” He shakes his head. “It’s insane. The girls never stop asking questions, and some of them I have no idea what they are talking about.” He shrugs, a smile returning. “So, when are you starting back? I say tonight. My wife wants me home one night soon.”

I bite my lip and take a seat on the other side of the desk. It’s weird sitting on this side, considering I was always on the other side in the past.

“I can’t tonight… I have to work out a sitter schedule. Give me a week to get it all under control. I have a few I’m interviewing tomorrow.”

Steve flops in my old seat with a thud. “Okay, okay. I can work with that. That’s workable,” he mumbles to himself. “A few of the girls have been showing up late, some not even bothering to call. They think I’m a softy, and so they think they can get away with it. So, just a word of warning as to what you’ll be up against.”

“You are a softy, but that’s okay. I’ll fire them if they don’t arrive on time. It’s not up to the other girls to pick up their slack.”

Steve’s hand bangs on the desk in triumph. “See, this is why you are better. I would suck with daughters.”

“You would, Steve, but that’s okay.” I stand, smiling at him.

“It’s good to see you, Kat. You look good considering… you know, having a baby and all.”

“Thanks.” I know he didn’t mean it as an insult. It’s not in Steve’s nature to be mean or hurtful. But that isn’t the nicest thing to say to a woman. Standing, I look down at him. “I’ll be back, Steve. Warn the girls, because I will fire them.”

“Believe me, it will give me great pleasure to tell them.” He says, smiling happily.“You don’t have to do this. We can help. Mom can help.”

I shake my head. “No, I have to. I need someone to help me with Annabelle, and I work nights, so it’s just someone to put her to bed and stay while she sleeps.” Taking a deep breath, I continue, “I can’t ask that of any of you five nights a week. You and Marcus are newly engaged, you need time together. And soon my income will be back to what it was, so I can afford it.”

“Okay, fine.”

A knock comes on the door, and when we open it, our mother is standing there with her hand on her hip as she narrows her eyes at me. “You didn’t even ask. Debbie from down the road said her daughter was coming for an interview to babysit my granddaughter.” Her eyes flick to Rochelle before they come back to me. “I canceled her, by the way.”

Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and then breathe out again while I try not to yell at my mother.

“That wasn’t your place. You have no right to do that, Mom.”

“It is. I will watch her every night while you work. It’s no issue.” Then she pushes in and stops where Rochelle is kissing Annabelle’s cheek before she turns back to me. “Are there any more of these sitters you need to cancel?”

“No, because I still want a sitter, Mother. Even if you do have her every night I work, some nights I may want a night off. And because you’re already helping with Annabelle, I would feel terrible asking you to help again.”

She waves her hand at me. “Please, it’s no issue at all. I love that child, and I don’t work. She’s one of the easiest babies to care for. Easier than you two, that’s for sure.” Her eyes flick to Rochelle then to me. “When do you start?”

“Next week.”

She nods. “Okay, I’ll expect her then.” She walks out, not even saying goodbye.

“I know you want to yell, but try to think of the money you’ll be saving.”

“She will hold this over my head and want to know my every damn move. You know it as well as I do.”

“Annabelle does love her,” Rochelle points out.

I sigh, sitting down next to her. “You’re right, I know you are. But still—”

“Still nothing, it’s sorted. Should I call Marcus and tell him I’m staying here tonight to celebrate?”

“No, you go home. Annabelle and I are just going to chill and watch movies.”

Rochelle stands. “Are you sure?”


Annabelle wakes, and Rochelle is off to go get her, coming back with a smiley baby in her arms.

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