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Kisses and Warfare

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Chapter SixKat“Miss.” Sparkle knocks on my door again the next night.

“What’s up, Sparkle?”

“Rebecca is here with those guys that come in to see her. I’m due to go up on stage. What if they do something?” She bites her lip, looking down.

“They won’t.” I walk around to her and tap her on the shoulder. “You look great. Ignore her, I’ll be out there shortly.”

Sparkle nods and runs off.

Clipping my phone on my black pants, I lock the office and head out. The club’s at capacity already. And tomorrow night will be even busier. I haven’t seen Steve since he walked out the other night, and it feels good to be back. Even if I am tired during my days with Annabelle, it’s worth it.

When I work, I earn great money.

When I don’t work, I don’t.

It’s as simple as that.

Annabelle deserves a good life, and that good life comes with the money I can earn to give it to her.

The blue room, which is what we like to call the center stage down from the bar, is where everyone sits ready for the performers. Sparkle’s taken Rebecca’s opening act, so she is first to come out. Stepping down to the blue room area, which isn’t exactly a room as it’s very open, I look around. Above the area is two steps where you walk to the bar and the entrance. Then, of course, we have a few private dance rooms.

“Please welcome, Sparkle,” the DJ shouts as the room dims and Sparkle walks out onto center stage. I look around for Rebecca, knowing she will be close to the stage, and spot her straight away. She’s leaning on it, which is against the rules, and she knows it. I beeline right for her and stop short next to her. Her face is plastered full of makeup, and when she turns to me, she sneers.


“You,” I say back to her with an eyebrow raised. “Explain why you are here.”

“I’m a paying customer.” Rebecca shows me her money in hand, then turns back to look at Sparkle.

“You’ve come to support Sparkle. How nice,” I say, not moving from my spot.

“Do you plan to stand there all night?” She looks me up and down.

Why on earth did I hire this bitch to begin with? Oh, that’s right, she can dance. Pity her personality sucks ass.

“I do. Well, until she’s finished,” I say, nodding to Sparkle.

I hear a few boos as Rebecca opens her mouth again.

“Told you my guys wouldn’t be impressed she’s stolen my spot.” Rebecca turns her nose up at me and looks back to the stage.

“If you do anything to her, Rebecca, you will regret it.” I turn to look for the source of the booing, and when I do, I smirk.

“They your guys?” I ask.

Rebecca turns and grins, but doesn’t answer me.

“This is going to be interesting.” I hear her laugh as I walk past the stage, where Sparkle still dances, and to the source of the booing. It stops the minute I step in front of them.

My lips turn up as I notice him. His lips, well, they turn down. Far, far down.


“Oh, now, come on, Kat. I’ve shown you I’m no longer a boy,” Snow says, his hand going to his junk, which I’ve found out he likes to show everyone. Even if his junk is impressive, not everyone needs to see it.

“Tell me, why are you here? And why are you booing one of my girls?” I cross my arms over my chest.

“You? Fuck, you’re the bitch boss?” one of the guys asks, his vest reads ‘Prospect.’

“Yes, that’s me. Now, if you would kindly stop booing my girl, I would appreciate it.”

Snow taps the seat next to him. “Sit, princess, sit.”

Flicking my eyes to Blaze, who hasn’t made a sound and still looks like someone just pissed in his drink, I smile. “No, I’m good. But if you don’t stop, I will kick you all out.” I turn, and just as I do, Rebecca climbs onto the stage.

Oh, fuck!

Oh, fuck!

Moving as fast as I can, Sparkle freezes when she sees Rebecca and stops her performance. Climbing up, I manage to reach Rebecca just as she starts removing her top. Pulling her backward off the stage, I march her out the back. She’s trying to get out of my grip and manages to pull her arm free.

“You fuck,” she swears. As she does, she waves over my shoulder as I reach for my phone. “Oh, you plan to call security and get me kicked out again. Hey, bitch?” she yells, rather pleased with herself. I do just that, call my security as she stands there, smugly smiling at someone behind me.

When I turn, I see Blaze standing there. His side is leaning against the door, his arms are crossed over his chest, and one of his feet is over the other one. I have to remember to breathe, and that I hate this man. I desperately want to break his fucking heart. But I also want to fuck him, there’s no denying that.

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