Kisses and Warfare - Page 19

So, thank you.

And I hope you and the new owner get along.

I did explain in great detail what a loss it would be to let you go.

Below is the information on the new owner. He asked me to leave you his cell number if you need anything.Yours truly,



Blaze Stone.

Reachable on my cell 0491 570 156.What the ever-loving fuck.

I reread it again. Blaze owns my club.

And not once did he say a word to me about it.

What an asshole.

Calling the number on the screen, it picks up within the first few rings. “Hiya, boss.”

“Ahhh…” he acknowledges. “You know, Katarina?”

Goddamn! I clench my jaw, trying to bite back swearing at him. He’s now my boss, after all. And I do want to keep my job.


“Just thought I should introduce myself, is all.”

“That’s awfully nice of you. Why don’t you come out and have a drink to celebrate,” he says, hanging up. I look at my cell, confused. Glancing up, I see the screen with the security camera pointed to where my sister is sitting, still with Marcus at the bar, but there’s now a third person with them. Blaze.

Just before I get to the door, my phone on my hip starts ringing, so I answer.

McPherson is on the other end. “Miss, there seems to be some men here that aren’t welcome.”

I hang up and quickly bring up the front of the club on my computer. I watch the news enough to know Blaze has a rival MC club. The clubs are always fighting each other in some way, and there are some members from each currently in jail.

One of the men walks in through the front door with two others beside him. From what I can see, it’s only Blaze in the club with his brother.

Who just so happens to be with my sister.


Running out of my office, I see my sister with Marcus and Blaze, and behind them to the left of the entrance is where two other members are from the rival biker club. I walk straight past my sister and to where McPherson is talking to the two guys.

Stopping in front of them, I offer them a simple smile. “Gentlemen.”

Two sets of greedy eyes turn to me.

“If you’re any indication of what’s in store… sign me up,” one mumbles.

I refuse to shake my head or tell him where he can shove his words. “It seems we are full tonight. But may I suggest a nearby neighboring club for you to attend?”

Both of them look to each other, then back to me.

“Now, now, girly, you wouldn’t be trying to kick us out, would you?” the one with dark eyes says as he pulls on his vest. The other one watches me with hooded eyes, and all I can do is offer a smile in return.

“Never, but as I said—” I turn to wave and my hand comes into contact with a hard body. Blaze’s eyes are sharp, and the scar on his eyebrow pinches as he looks at the two men in front of me.

“Is this why you won’t let us in?” one asks, not even looking at me anymore. His eyes are firmly on Blaze. “You let this scum in, but not us?” he questions, gritting his teeth, then shoots a daggered look down at me. “Silly girl.” He shakes his head.

“Seems we outnumber you, though,” the other says, looking around, then back to Blaze.

That’s when I hear the loud revving of motorcycle engines as Marcus walks up behind Blaze as well. Both sets of eyes go to him, and they seem to straighten up.


They nod.

Hmmm, that’s interesting.

Blaze seems to think so too because his angry stare goes from them to his brother.

Marcus doesn’t say a word at the name they have just called him. Instead, he simply stands still behind his brother, letting him know he’s there if needed.

“Seems we aren’t wanted here.” Both sets of eyes flick to me again. “Our mistake,” one says while shaking his head.

“So, sorry, boys, maybe next time, or maybe not.” I smile.

They turn and walk out the front, the door closing behind them.

“You stupid fool,” Blaze whispers to me.

I straighten and turn to face him. “What did you just say?”

There’s anger evident on his face as his eyes turn to Marcus.

“You’re dealing with them again?” Blaze asks Marcus, to which he doesn’t answer, just walks away to where my sister is talking to Teddy at the bar.

I go to walk away, only he captures my wrist. “Office, now.” I pull my wrist free and go straight there, his footsteps are heavy behind me. Rochelle waves at me as I enter, and I smile back as I’m pushed in from behind rather harshly.


“Don’t you go near them. Don’t you talk to them,” Blaze says as he steps close to my face, his lips inches from mine. If I leaned forward, I could kiss him, and he wouldn’t be able to stop me. That’s how close we are.

Tags: T.L. Smith Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024