Kisses and Warfare - Page 32

“The girls respect her?” I ask.

Steve doesn’t look back to me when he answers, “Yep.” He walks forward, then stops. “You can come back. They all know who you are, thanks to Silver. Which is why she’s arguing with Kat now,” Steve says, making my eyebrows pinch together. I follow him back and see who Silver is and groan.

Of course.

Both sets of eyes look at me, and I smirk, walking over to Katarina.

Silver, who I know by another name, crosses her arms over her chest.

“I know him. He will be fine with me going,” she says back to Katarina.

“Then I’ll fire your ass,” Katarina retorts back to Silver.

Silver’s eyes go wide, and she looks to me for help. I say nothing.

“You’re going to let her fire me?” she yelps.

“You do know I run this place, not him,” Katarina states firmly to Silver. “Don’t be a pain in my ass, Silver. Go and do the job you’re paid to do. Before I follow through and fire your ass.” Silver’s bottom lip puckers out in some sort of pouting motion, and she storms off like a petulant child who’s just been disciplined.

Turning around to face me, Katarina places her hand on her hip. “You,” she seethes. “How do they know you bought this place?”

“I know most of the girls,” I reply. They come to the club often. They’re fun to watch.

“Of course, you do. How many have you slept with?” She places her hand up immediately. “No. Stop! I don’t want to know. Don’t tell me.” Kat turns and walks off.

I follow until we pass the naked girls who are getting ready. I pay them no attention as I pursue the hot little ass in front of me. When she gets to the back door, she reaches for a bag and walks out. Just before the door closes, I follow her, the door shutting behind me.

“Stalking isn’t a quality you should be aiming for,” she says, opening the bin and throwing the bag inside it. Wiping her hands on her pants, she turns to me.

In two strides, I’m in front of her. My hands reach around her waist, holding her to me, then my lips smash against hers in a fiery kiss.

I can’t fucking resist.

They’ve been teasing me since the moment I saw her tonight, and I need to have a taste. She doesn’t disappoint at all. This woman tastes like all my wicked desires joined into one, and everything I shouldn’t damn well want.

Kissing Katarina is like drowning. You know you need to help yourself, you know you should come up for breath, but the fight doesn’t win out. And soon you’re drowning, unable to stop yourself as you grip on for dear life, hoping she will look just once before you go under.

Kat’s hips push into me, and I groan. Biting her lip as she catches her breath, I don’t let her catch it for long. I’ve craved this crazy bitch ever since I tasted her. And now she’s the only thing on my fucking mind. I can’t seem to escape her.

Hands touch my chest and push me back, breaking our kiss. “Stop!”

And I do, my hands drop from her body, and she steps back. Her body goes forward as she bends over, hands going on her knees.

Fuck! Is she laughing? I’m so confused.

When she finally stands, she has a straight face. There’s no humor there at all.

“We can’t do this. I have a lot going on.”

“Wasn’t it your plan to make me love you?” I ask her.

Kat touches her lips and smirks. “You’re almost there,” she says. Then she walks back inside, leaving me standing there confused as fuck at her words and laughter.

How could I almost be there? That makes no sense.

What? Because I haven’t touched another person since I tasted her? That I don’t want to touch another person since her?


Is she right?

No, the bitch is crazy.

I don’t fucking fall in love.


Though, I did say the same thing about my brother, and he is the last person I would have thought could love, yet now, he can’t seem to breathe without Rochelle.

Wiping at my own lips, which I am sure contain traces of her, I walk around the building and leave.Chapter SixteenKatMy hands shake as I wait for Mitchell. My leg bounces and I have to hold it to contain it. Why on earth did I agree to this? I see him before he sees me. He’s dressed in a suit, and he looks good. Asshole. Mitchell spots me and turns my way where I’m sitting on the park bench. I don’t get up when he reaches me, being too nervous and afraid of what I will actually say or do. You know, like kill him for one. He is Annabelle’s father, after all, even if he is the shittiest one on God’s earth.

Tags: T.L. Smith Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024