Kisses and Warfare - Page 52

“Fuck you,” I spit at him.

“Hold on, if I fuck you, will you like the way I taste and lose your mind, too?” he teases.

“Pres…” One of the prospects comes up to me. “Wretched MC boys just crossed over.”

“Oh, fuck!” Snow walks off and comes back not long after, my gun in his hand. He passes it to me. “I had a feeling they wouldn’t care for your warning,” Snow says, shaking his head.

“Let’s go.”

“He also said they have just stopped at the club.”

My hands squeeze the gun tight.

No fucking way.

No. Fucking. Way.

“Now,” I scream, running to my bike.

They all follow closely behind, and soon we’re screaming down the roads until we reach the club. It’s late, and it’s closed. We find Fred knocked out cold on the ground, and Kat’s car left where it was parked. Running to the door while Snow tries to revive Fred, I see it’s locked, and no one is inside.

“Blaze,” Snow yells, turning back.

Fred’s sitting up, and he’s rubbing the back of his head.

“I didn’t even see them,” he says, looking up to me. “Heard her scream, and then I was hit. That’s all I can remember.”

“Fuck,” I scream. Calling Marcus, he picks up on the first ring. “Wretched just took Kat. Get your ass to the clubhouse, now.” He doesn’t speak, just hangs up.

We wait for Marcus to arrive. He’s on good terms with them, so if anyone should know where they are, if they aren’t at their clubhouse, he will. We fucking hope.

Marcus gets out of the car, walks over, looks to Fred, then to me. “He has a house not far from here. It’s where he has his daughter when he has her.”

“You know this how?”

“People like to talk,” he says with a shrug.

“Are you coming?” I ask him.

Marcus nods, then goes straight back to his car and leads the way. When we pull up at the house it’s black, there’s no lights anywhere. I stop the bike as Marcus gets out of his car and walks straight up to the house and knocks.

He fucking knocks.

“Ummm… okay,” Snow says next to me. “He really did just knock, right? Does he think they will open for milk and cookies?”

“Shut up!” I hiss at him.

Marcus knocks again, then when he doesn’t get an answer turns to look at me. I get off, walk over as he stands to the side, and kick the fucking door in. It breaks easily and I step straight in, flicking a light on.

I turn back to my men. “Do you have the daughter yet?”

“No,” the prospect yells back. “They say she isn’t at any of the places you gave them.”

“Try the boyfriend,” Snow yells, smiling.

“She doesn’t have one.”

“Oh, but she does. She wouldn’t want daddy to know.” He shakes his head.

“Try for a girl’s name. Someone she calls and texts a lot, because that’s what my sister used to do,” the prospect relays that to one of the guys on the phone.

“He said he’s found an address and is going to check that out. Give him five minutes, it’s close.”

Looking through the place, I see no evidence Kat was here.

“Do you plan to kill him?” Snow asks, more in a hushed voice as we walk out. “I ask because if you do, that could mean war.”

“It’s already a fucking war,” I grumble.It takes ten minutes for the prospect to get the address, and we all sit out front of the house. The parents look through the curtains, and soon she walks out, her eyes cast downward as she steps up closer to us.

“You’re here for me, aren’t you?” she asks while biting her lip.

“Why don’t you come and sit on this bike, girl, and then let’s call your daddy,” Snow says, tapping the back of his bike. She walks past me and looks away from my intense glare. She is hesitant to touch Snow’s back, but he doesn’t care as he kickstarts the bike.

“Where is he?” I ask her.

“I don’t know. But here…” She hands Snow her phone, and he passes it to me. “Just don’t hurt me. He told me to stay where I was safe. He’s going to be so mad,” she says with a quiver in her lip. Snow smirks, knowing full well we wouldn’t hurt a child, but she doesn’t need to know that.

Pressing call on the contact name Daddy, it takes two rings for him to answer, “I told you not to call me.” His voice is gruff as he speaks.

“No, you didn’t,” I tell him back.

“You,” he spits.

“We had an understanding, Cane. Yet, you’ve broken it.”

“You are a piece of shit, and if you think you can tell me… me… what to do, you are highly delusional,” he says.

I nod to Snow, and he tells the daughter something just above a whisper. And she lets out an ear-piercing scream.

Tags: T.L. Smith Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024