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Kisses and Warfare

Page 54

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He simply nods as Rochelle starts walking with her arm around me.

“Blaze was so worried,” Rochelle says, biting her lip. “I know, I know, don’t defend him. But I heard his voice when he rang Marcus. I’ve never heard Blaze be anything less than scary,” she says.

“It will never work, and tonight just cemented that fact for me.” I walk into my bathroom and start undressing.

“Oh God, you’re going to bruise.” Rochelle points to my stomach where it’s already starting to color.

“I’m sure it looks worse than it feels.” I step under the shower. The sting of the water on my lip is just bearable as Rochelle stays in the bathroom with me. I am thankful for having her here. And the fact I’m naked, well, that means nothing when you’re raised with a sister who’s close in age.

“Marcus is probably waiting for you. You should go,” I tell her, letting the water wash over me.

“No. He’s gone back home to get some things. I’m staying for the rest of the day.”

The sun is up now, and that means Annabelle is probably up.

“I’ll need to make an excuse. I can’t let Mom know,” I say, stepping out, being careful with how I dry myself so as not to put too much pressure on my face or stomach.

“Did they…” She looks over at me. “They didn’t, did they?”

“No, thank God. He just rubbed his teeny weeny penis over me through our clothes. I can tell you now that will be enough to give me nightmares,” I say while shaking my head.

“Okay, let’s go to sleep. I’m tired.” She yawns.

“You can go home, Rochelle. I’m a big girl.”

“You’ll need a buffer when Mom arrives. I can tell her you’re sleeping to give you an extra day or so. Plus, I want to stay.” Rochelle walks straight into my room as I throw on an old shirt with panties, and then climb into bed.

The front door is slammed open, making me jolt in bed, and footsteps are loud as they make their way to my room.

When I see who it is, I lay back down.

His hands are to his side, and his face is so stricken I have to look away.

“Blaze…” I take a breath. “You’re not wanted here.”

“Too bad. I’ll stay while you sleep.”

“I have Rochelle,” I say, looking at her. Her eyes bounce from me to him, but I still don’t look to him.

“And me… you have me.” Then I hear his footsteps, followed by the warmth of his body at my back. He envelops me in his warmth, and I know, I just know I am safe right now.

Blinking a few times, Rochelle lays down next to me and turns so she’s facing me. “You got this,” she says with a smile.“Mom, she’s sleeping. Just let her be.” I hear Rochelle’s voice, and I stay where I am.

“I just want to ask her something, for goodness sake, Rochelle.” I can just imagine Mom shaking her head. “Tell her to call me later.”

“Okay, Mom.”

I hear the door shut, and when her car starts and she drives away, I sneak out to find Blaze is still here, with my daughter on his lap as she lays her head on his chest.

Rochelle looks up from my kitchen, where she’s making a coffee, and smiles. “She woke you… I take it?”


“That woman doesn’t know how to be silent,” Rochelle says with a shake of her head.

I walk down to take Annabelle from Blaze and clap my hands for her to come, she looks to me then snuggles farther into his shoulder while sucking her thumb.

“Seems she likes me.” Blaze smiles.

“You don’t even like kids,” I tell him.

He looks down at Annabelle, who, little traitor she is, gives him a smile. “I like this one.”

“Annabelle, come on, hunny.” She doesn’t even turn to me.

“Here, have this.” Rochelle passes me a coffee as I study them.

Blaze has a magazine in front of him in one hand, the other arm wrapped securely around Annabelle. He flicks through the pages, not even bothered that my toddler has made herself at home on him.

“Thanks.” I take the coffee as Blaze looks up to me.

“Did you sleep well?” I ignore him and look to Rochelle.

“Mom brought her in, put her down, and she just climbed straight over on Blaze and asked him to pick her up. She hasn’t moved since,” Rochelle tells me as I look back at Annabelle.

“We need to talk.”

“No, we don’t. There’s nothing to talk about. Whatever this was… it’s over. It. Is. Over.”

“No, it’s not. It’s only just starting.” I shake my head at him. “You made me fall in love with you, and you’re going to break my heart,” he says as Rochelle gasps from where she’s standing.

“You don’t love me, Blaze, you love the idea of me.” I reach for Annabelle and take her, she protests and starts crying, squirming in my arms to go back to Blaze. I kind of don’t blame her, being in his arms is a very nice and safe place to be.

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