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Dominic (Benedetti Brothers 2)

Page 59

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“She’s right,” I said. “I’m a shit of a dad. Lucia’s just speaking the truth.”

“We’re not here to fight. We’re here for a funeral. Our father’s funeral.”


“He raised you as his own. And he regretted that night. Put your anger aside, at least for now. The man is dead, for Christ’s sake.”

Salvatore and I locked gazes. Our hands fisted.

Gia cleared her throat as Roman walked out of the study. What Roman felt at seeing me, I didn’t know. He’d long ago learned to conceal any emotion from his face. But when his gaze fell on Gia, I saw the infinitesimal change in his eyes, that spark of surprise.

No. Of shock.

“Dominic,” he said, extending his hand to mine, drawing me in for a brief, cool hug. “I know Franco would be glad you came.”

“You’re looking well, Uncle.” He did. His suit was more expensive than any he used to wear when he wasn’t head of the family, and I didn’t miss the Benedetti family ring on his finger. As if he had any right.

“I didn’t realize you’d be bringing a guest.”

He turned to Gia. He studied her closely but revealed nothing of how he felt.

“Gianna Castellano,” Roman said, addressing her.

His mouth moved into a smile. It almost touched his eyes.

“I think you were this big when I last saw you.” He gestured to his waist. “Franco would be pleased to have you here.”

Gia shook his hand, betraying nothing even as I felt her tense beside me.

“You know my uncle Roman?” I asked her.

Her gaze flickered to mine, perhaps remembering what I’d said I’d do to him the night I made her promise to pull the trigger on me when it was over. When she had her revenge.

She cleared her throat and returned her gaze to his. “I vaguely recall the name, but I’m sorry, I—”

“I’d be surprised if you remembered me. You were a child,” Roman filled in.

“Did you know my father?” she asked.

“I did.”

I could see from Roman’s face he did not expect or welcome Gia’s questions.

“And my brother, Mateo?” she pressed.

I released Gia’s waist to take her hand, squeezing a warning.

“Yes. I’m sorry for your loss.”

“And I’m sorry for yours,” she managed.

Roman nodded. “I’ll have a room made up—”

“She’ll stay with me. Have the maid send up extra towels,” I ordered.

For the briefest moment, Roman’s eyes went flat and dark, and for the first time, I thought I glimpsed the real Roman. But I’d always spoken this way to him. I’d always felt superior and never hid the fact.

“Of course,” he said. A couple walked up the front steps just then, and he excused himself. The four of us stepped to the side, each of us watching every move anyone made.

“Did you bring your brood?” I asked Salvatore, not hearing any children running around.

“No. They’re staying with Isabella and Luke.”

“I don’t like this,” Lucia whispered loud enough in Salvatore’s direction for Gia and I to hear.

“We’ll be fine. Nothing’s going to happen. We’ll fly home tomorrow as soon as the will has been read,” Salvatore said.

A maid came then, and Roman instructed her to take Gia and me up to our room.

“Why don’t you go ahead? I need to talk to my brother.”

“Lucia, maybe you can go help Gia,” Salvatore started.

“I know when I’m being excused,” Lucia said. “Come on. You look like you like this about as much as I do,” she said to Gia. The two of them turned and followed the maid up the stairs.

Salvatore and I walked toward the dining room.

“A man named Henderson who claims he was a friend of father has requested a secret meeting with us,” he said in a quiet voice. “He said it’s urgent. He wants to meet before the funeral if we can. Definitely prior to the reading of the will.”


“Another body turned up. I’m not sure if Roman is aware just yet.”


“Same brand. Ours.” He paused. “He was a federal agent. Henderson believes he was Mateo Castellano’s source.”

“A fucking federal agent? Branded with the Benedetti name?”

Salvatore nodded.

“Who is this guy, Henderson?”

“I’m not sure. He did some work for father over the last few months. Roman doesn’t know about him apparently.”

“Urgent meeting?”

Salvatore nodded. “I think we should go before the funeral. We’ll leave together, the four of us, and meet at Henderson’s home office. He was adamant no one would know. He seemed…nervous. Rumors are circulating, Dominic. The family has weakened, and with father’s death, our enemies are becoming less and less subtle. The method of Mateo Castellano’s death has brought unwanted attention to the family. And now, with a federal agent’s dead body turning up, there will be more.”

“I heard the recording Mateo made. At least what he got out before he was killed.”


“Scava names Roman. They were in this thing together. Roman is part of the human trafficking ring.”

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