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Say It Ain't So (SWAT Generation 2.0 9)

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But to be honest, I wasn’t in his league.

He was tall, muscular, and handsome as hell.

Though I found myself pretty, I didn’t think that I would appeal to Sammy when he realized what he was getting with me.

“Your face is all scrunched up in a frown, Hasty,” he teased. “Why is that?”

I sighed and dropped my head to his chest, momentarily drowning myself in the water before moving my face sideways to rest against his shoulder where there wasn’t any water pouring down.

“I have these thoughts,” I said. “I’ll try to get over them.”

He hummed as he worked his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp.

“The bottle says to leave it in for three to five minutes,” he murmured as he reached above my head and pulled the soap down. “So we’ll let that do its thing while I get you clean.”

“What about yourself?” I found myself asking.

“I’ll get to me in a second,” he teased as he brought the bar of soap down between my breasts and thoroughly soaped up my boobs.

I couldn’t help the laughter that fell from my lips as he made sure to get me extra, super clean.

“I think that’ll do for now,” he said as he moved on to my arms. Then my back, followed by my legs.

He had to bend down shortly after that, coming face to face with my pubic area.

“Oh, what I wouldn’t give,” he teased as he pressed a kiss to my right hip, followed by my left. Then, when he came to my belly, he said, “Do you think that babies can hear when they are this small?”

I had no idea.

Taking care of kids wasn’t something I’d ever done before, so I had zero experience.

I hadn’t ever been around kids.

Not ever.

“I don’t know,” I admitted.

He leaned down and whispered something against my stomach, his lips moving against the skin of my navel. I couldn’t hear his words, but based on Sammy’s smile? It had to be something funny. Or naughty.

“What did you say?”

“I’ll never tell.”Chapter 13

Well, well, well. If it isn’t Little Mr. I’m never drinking again.

-Beer mug


My heart was still fucking racing.

All I could do was continue to replay Patman and Hastings’ altercation over and over again in my head.

Each time I closed my eyes, or let my mind wander on its own for a few short seconds, I once again saw her flying through the air.

I saw her slamming down hard onto the faux wood floor.

Saw her head bounce off the ground and her arms flail.

Even worse, I saw myself beating Patman senseless. At least, daydreamed, anyway.

Hours ago, when I’d gotten off of work, I couldn’t help myself from going into the building upon seeing her familiar car.

Everything was still up in the air.

And now? Now I was on my knees in Hastings’ shower with my hands on her hips and my face inches away from her mound.

“I’m not taking you today,” I said.

“You already told me that,” she murmured, her hands going through my hair.

I looked up at her, feeling the spray of the water hit the back of my head and slide down the length of my back.

It was already getting colder.

We’d need to hurry this up.

“I was talking to myself,” I admitted sheepishly. “Spread your legs.”

She did, propping one foot up onto the soap holder as she looked down at me and with expectation on her face.

I grinned and worked my way up her leg with the soap, starting with her feet.

She giggled when I worked my fingers between her toes.

“When I’m fat and super pregnant, I want you to do this exact same thing,” she murmured softly, looking down into my eyes.

My face hopefully showed my willingness to do that for her.

“I should probably be scared about this baby,” I admitted. “I should probably be cautioning myself because we don’t know each other all that well. But I’m fucking excited. Somebody that loves me unconditionally sounds like a damn good thing.”

Her eyes were hot as she said, “He will.”

“He?” I teased.

She shrugged. “Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t have a feeling either way it goes. But I’m going with he because it’s better than saying ‘it.’”

I smoothed my hands up her leg until I reached the apex of her thighs.

“Do it,” she ordered.

I wanted to.

I really did, but…

“If I do it, I don’t think we’ll get out of here without doing it,” I teased. “And we’ve done this a bit backward. But for now, I want to get to know you. When we do finally get back to that point,” I said as I guided her leg back down and did the other foot all the way up to her upper thigh again. “I’ll know you. And you’ll know me.”

I handed her the soap and she looked like she wanted to shove it back into my hand and force me.

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