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Snitches Get Stitches (Bear Bottom Guardians MC 8)

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I squeezed again, testing his limits this time.

What I hadn’t expected was for him to pull out, drag me off the bed, and then take me to the floor.

“Liner,” I gasped as quietly as I could. “What the hell?”

“The fucking I want to give you will be loud as hell on that bed,” he explained as he moved me until I was up on my knees beside the bed. “You can’t voice any of those sighs of pleasure out loud, though. Just FYI.”

I felt him line his cock up with my entrance, and before I could agree or disagree, he was once again inside of me.

This new position felt like he’d gotten even farther inside of me. I felt like I could feel him in my throat.

It was everything to me.

Everything I’d ever imagined and wanted rolled all into one exquisite test of torture.

His thrusts were long and hard, slow and sweet.

His large hands framed my hips, and with each thrust of his cock, he pulled them backward so that I was taking all of him and more.

I dropped down onto my elbows, and then even farther so that I could wrap my hand around the base of the nightstand.

When I grabbed hold of it, something underneath of it rolled, but I was too caught up with what was going on between my legs and inside my body to pay attention to what it was on the floor.

Instead, I held on for dear life as he gave me everything he had to give.

I had no clue how long it was until I was on that brink…the one where I knew I was about to come. A couple of minutes. Hours. Hell, it could’ve only been seconds.

My eyes were closed, and my face was rubbing against the rough carpet that seemed so soft beneath my feet but wasn’t so soft when you were touching it with your face.

His knees between my thighs shifted, and all of a sudden one of his feet was now planted beside my knee instead, causing a whole different level of penetration that made me nearly scream as the pleasure of the act assaulted me.

Waves of agony and bliss crashed over me all at once, and I had to turn my face so that my teeth latched onto my arm, muffling my cries of euphoria.

Liner reached forward and brought me back up to my hands, then went a step further until his hands were resting on my shoulders, giving him even more purchase to yank me back into his thrusts.

The pure torture turned into something more, and had he not been holding me up, I would’ve fallen face first onto the carpet and laid there as everything rolled through me.

I heard him grunt in pleasure. Heard him curse.

Then felt the splash of his release hitting my back.

I arched it in reaction, loving the way that he marked me as his.

And I knew that was what it was.

A claiming.

Our breathing was harsh in the darkened room, and I couldn’t decide whether or not to stand up and risk allowing his juices to slide down my back and possibly hit the floor. However, before I could make the decision to stand, he was there helping me by wiping me down…or rubbing it all in.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t go back to my room smelling like sex, so he pulled me into his shower—his wonderful shower that I was going to miss very much right along with him—and washed me off.

Being careful not to get my hair wet, he thoroughly cleaned and washed every available surface…then fucked me all over again against the tile wall.

What really was an hour later, he led me to his bed, and I crawled inside, loving when he curled himself around me seconds after climbing in himself.

I pressed a kiss to the bicep that sneaked its way under my head, then closed my eyes and wished my life was different.

That I could have this happy for the rest of my life.

Things inside of my chest were tight, and I was finding it hard to draw air into my lungs through the constriction.

“Just breathe,” he whispered into the darkness.

I laughed, and it came out sounding watery and pitiful.

“You don’t know me, Josiah,” I breathed.

It hurt to breathe.

“Yeah, I do,” he said. “I haven’t known you for long…but I’ve known you long enough to deduce a few things.”

“Yeah?” I asked, trying to sound like I wouldn’t start crying at any second. “What things?”

“I know you’re a good mother. I know that you’re a caring, devoted sister.” He paused. “I know that you care about me and the lives of my friends. I know that you could’ve been like them, or worse after all that they’ve done to you, but you’ve instead turned yourself into someone that your daughter can be proud of.” He pressed a kiss to my shoulder. “I also know that when you’re gone, I’m going to have a hole in my heart shaped like a perfect Theo cutout.”

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