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Defying His Charm

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Her last glance back at him in her rear view mirror made her heart beat rapidly as he stood there with his hands in the pockets of his perfectly tailored tuxedo pants, watching her as she drove away.

Chapter 3

“Survival mode,” he muttered under his breath as he walked up her sidewalk. “What the hell did she mean by that?”

He pressed the doorbell, still looking up and down her street for some reason. He was half expecting her to come barreling up the street on a walk. He certainly hoped not, he thought as he pressed her doorbell again. He wasn’t sure his body could handle her in those tight leggings she wore to work out in. And he damn well didn’t like it when she wore a sports bra! Those beauties should never be abused like that! The very idea of mashing breasts like Naya’s into a ruthless sports bra should be criminal!

When the door opened, he turned back to face her. And froze!

He’d thought that seeing her in her workout clothes was bad?


Naya was standing in the barely opened doorway and looked like she’d just gotten out of bed. Her hair was messed up, like someone had been running his hands through her hair while he made love to her all night. Just like he wanted to do! And her face was free of makeup, showing him all of her sexy freckles.

Luke knew that freckles shouldn’t be sexy, but on Naya, they were damn sexy!

Hell, even her lips without any lipstick were turning him on! They were rosy pink and her cheeks were flushed, as if she’d been laying her cheek against his chest all night and it was still warm from his skin.

He took a deep breath, trying to control the lust that hit him hard and fast. Another deep breath.

It wasn’t working.

“I’m coming inside, Naya,” he announced and pressed his hand against the door.

Naya saw the heat in his eyes and her body responded. But instead of giving in to the desire to have his hands on her, she backed up and tightened the belt of her robe. “What are you doing here, Luke?” she asked, pushing her riotous hair out of her eyes. Darn it, why was he here so early? She’d barely slept, her body so on fire for him, and her mind so confused because she couldn’t seem to control herself when he was around.

So after maybe an hour’s sleep, the doorbell had woken her up. Thinking it was her neighbor, she’d only pulled on her robe, not thinking that any man could look sexier than Luke in a tuxedo.

Boy was she wrong!

Those jeans! And his sweater! Just like the other night when he’d taken her to dinner, he looked absolutely scrumptious. Her mind was wandering and, when Luke was around, that was bad.

“What are you doing here?” she asked again, prompting him to look at her eyes instead of letting his gaze move down her figure in her fluffy, very un-sexy robe. She didn’t wear slippers so her toes were poking out and she probably looked ridiculous.

Although, the look in his eyes conveyed that he didn’t think she looked ridiculous.

“I think I should go put on some clothes,” she announced, her nipples stiffening and pressing against her baby doll nightgown. She felt too vulnerable standing here in her tiny nightgown with Luke looking down at her like that. He was the wolf about to pounce on the defenseless bunny rabbit. And she needed to skitter away for protection.

Luke’s eyes drifted up and down her curvaceous figure, and took a deep breath. Trying to get himself back under control seemed like a full time job when he was around Naya. “You do that. I’ll start coffee brewing.”

He turned around and she breathed a sigh of relief. But then he turned back around and she gasped, holding up her hands to ward him off. “NO! Go make coffee! I can’t do this Luke! Please just make coffee or go away!”

Luke’s body froze. His hands curved slightly, as if he were fighting his natural instincts to pull her into his arms.

Thankfully, he pulled back and she noticed the fire in his eyes…well, it didn’t go out. It was banked though.

“Go get dressed, Naya,” he growled. “We’re going to talk. I’ll make coffee.”

His words were clipped, as if he was angry, but she translated that not into anger but sexual frustration. She understood. She was feeling it herself, but she wasn’t sure how to deal with it since she’d never experienced it before.

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