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Defying His Charm

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She picked up the set anyway, trying it on. When she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn’t help but fall in love with the pieces. The bra held her breasts high and proud, as if they were offering themselves to her lover. And the tops of the bra barely covered her nipples. Could she…?

Grabbing the set, she walked out of the dressing rooms, determined to purchase the items. She didn’t have to wear them tonight, she told herself. She could just…have them on hand.

A pretty, white silk robe caught her eye as well and she walked over to it, looking at the impressive lace against the white silk. She could imagine herself answering the door to Luke wearing only the bra and panty set with just this robe covering her. Or maybe not the bra and panty, she thought with excitement.

She grabbed the robe as well, walking hurriedly over to the cashier before she could change her mind.

As she drove home that afternoon, her body was still vibrating with excitement, need, and outright terror. She was grateful that not a lot was happening with her clients, because she most likely would have made a muck of anything she did today.

When she stepped into her house, she looked around, purse and shopping bag in her hand and she honestly wasn’t sure what to do first.

Shower, she thought. Or maybe make some cookies or something nice for tonight? No! That was bad. This was all about sex, she reminded herself. Exactly what she’d just negotiated with Luke a few hours ago. No romantic gestures, she thought. It was just after three o’clock. She still had several hours before he would come pick her up. He was right about picking her up, she thought. If left to herself, she would have called to cancel. Actually, she would have wimped out and not called, she would have texted him to cancel. A phone call would mean talking with him. Talking with him would mean hearing his voice. Hearing his voice would send all those delicious shivers throughout her body and she would fail in her mission.

Naya took a deep breath. She was losing it. Yep, it was official. She was losing her mind.

Taking another deep breath, she tried to calm down, to talk herself out of the crazy panic that was hitting her. Hard! People did this all the time! People didn’t need to get overwhelmed by the thought of sex! It was just a natural thing for two people to do.

This was not a big deal! Shower, change into something pretty and get ready. Then sit down and do a bit of work. Not so hard! Just calm down.

Or maybe she should head to the gym for a good, hard work out. That would relax her, she thought. It would also help her feel more confident. Yes, she hated the gym and her personal trainer would definitely torture her. But she loved the way her body felt after a tough workout. She had been working out almost every day and she’d definitely toned up. So, a workout would be a good thing, she thought. Yes, a workout would even help her to be more confident tonight when she was naked in Luke’s arms!

Yeah, she could do this, she told herself as she changed into workout clothes.

Sixty minutes later, Naya felt one hundred percent better! She’d jogged on the treadmill, worked her muscles on the machines, and now she was all sweaty and feeling strong. Much more relaxed.

And confident! It had occurred to her that she should drive over to his place. She’d have her car, so she could leave if she needed to. So just as she was leaving the gym, she’d texted him and told him that she’d meet him at his place. He’d texted back, asking if she was sure, and she’d felt good and powerful at that point so she’d quickly texted back that she would be there.

Ten minutes before she should leave to head over to Luke’s place, she was showered and dressed, her sexy bits of nothings felt strange against her body and she was a nervous wreck! All the positive effects of her workout were gone and she was jumping up from her sofa to her chair, to the kitchen to clean something then back to the sofa to force herself to try and relax. Just go, she told herself. Drive over to his place and get this over with!

Twenty minutes later, Naya sat in her car in the parking garage of his building, trembling so hard, she could barely open her car door.

Not that she was trying very hard. She was just sitting there, her body trembling, her mind going a mile a minute as she tried to figure out a way to get out of this mess.

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