Defying His Charm - Page 38

“Good morning,” he heard her say from behind him.

Luke whipped around, disappointed to find her full dressed and looking more sexy than he’d ever thought possible. His eyes immediately went to her breasts, thinking about that almost non-existent bra and panty set he’d discovered last night. Was she wearing it again?

He almost groaned because he knew that Naya wouldn’t ever go without underwear. And her breasts were definitely contained in a bra. Damn, but he’d love to see her breasts just free, no bra. No shirt even. Yeah, once he had her married, he’d insist on no-clothing weekends. Actually, no clothing whenever they weren’t working would be perfect.

Pushing that thought out of his mind, for now, he closed the fridge and came closer. “Good morning,” he replied, walking over to her and kissing her. She’d found the toothbrush he’d left out for her and she tasted minty. “You look beautiful.”

Naya pushed her red curls out of her eyes, not believing him for a moment. She had no makeup on and her hair was a wild mess, not to mention, her clothes were wrinkled because she’d found them in a heap on the floor. Of course, she hadn’t remembered them coming off last night or she would have folded them neatly. Luke hadn’t given her any time to think about clothes last night.

“Is that coffee I smell?” she asked, hoping that there was enough for her to grab a cup before she scooted out of here.

She didn’t want to leave. She needed to leave because last night had been too wonderful and she didn’t want to spoil that amazing time with a morning argument. But she also needed coffee. Desperately.

A moment later, he handed her a cup. “Thank you,” she said, shifting her shoes to her other hand as she took a reviving sip.

“What would you like for breakfast?” he asked.

Naya stared up at him, her eyes wide with fear. This would be where the arguments began. “Um…I don’t really need any breakfast,” she told him. “I’ll just grab something when I get home.”

He stared down at her, his eyes not revealing anything. She wished he would put on a shirt, she thought. Being this close to him, all she wanted to do was to reach out and explore all of those muscles on his chest and along is arms. They flexed as he lifted his cup, drinking his own coffee. “Is this another rule?” he asked. “No breakfast?”

She thought about her parents in the morning, both of them arguing over who needed to get out of the house earlier, who had to clean up the breakfast dishes and who hadn’t bought enough milk.

Shaking those thoughts aside, she focused on Luke in the present. “Breakfast as a rule? No, I don’t think so.” She had no idea what to do right at the moment. She wanted to run away or maybe kiss him good morning. Neither of those options seemed like possibilities at the moment.

“Would you like some fruit?” he asked.

She peered around him at the kitchen and shook her head. “Um…no. I think I’ll just…go,” she finally finished, feeling awkward. She glanced down at her feet, startled to see that she was still barefoot even though she was holding her shoes with her fingers. She quickly dropped her shoes to the floor and slipped her feet into them.

By the time she looked up again, Luke was standing in front of her. “What’s wrong, Naya?” he asked. “Why are you nervous around me again?”

She couldn’t really explain it to him. “This is just…all new to me,” she finally stammered.

“And you want to head out so that you don’t have to deal with the awkwardness.”

She looked up at him, feeling horrible. “Is that lame?” she asked.

He chuckled. “Not lame at all. But you don’t have to run away from me,” he told her gently, one of his thumbs rubbing against her neck. “Let me get a shirt and shoes and I’ll drive you home. I guess I’d better get to work, shouldn’t I?”

She smiled, thinking that it must be nice to be the boss. He could show up when he wanted to. “I drove here, remember?”

His grimace made her chuckle. “I forgot.” He kissed her temple gently. “Next time, I get to come pick you up and bring you home. I know that you won’t allow dates,” he acknowledged when she opened her mouth to argue with him, “but I’m still allowed to be a gentleman.”

Tags: Elizabeth Lennox Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024