Make Me Melt - Page 51

“You do things to me that no other woman has ever done,” he muttered, gazing down at her. “You make me crazy.”

His lashes were spiky from moisture, and rivulets of water ran down his face and over his neck, tracing wet paths across his chest. Caroline’s breath escaped on a sigh. Jason lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers, gently fusing their mouths together. She opened for him, and he pressed forward, guiding her hands to his back to explore the planes and muscles of his shoulders and spine. His body was wet and warm and strong, and she was aware of her body responding to the feel of him against her.

He pulled away, and looked down at her. “Jesus. Look what you’ve done to me.”

Caroline followed his gaze to where his arousal rose against her stomach. She had a sudden, vivid image of him lifting her against the tiled wall and bringing her down onto his straining shaft. Excitement pulsed through her, and she was helpless to prevent herself from curling her fingers around him.

He made a hissing sound of pleasure, and she reached behind him for the small bar of soap. She worked it gently across his impressive chest, watching the streams of water trickle clean paths through the suds. Mesmerized, she smoothed her soapy hands over his body, reveling in the warm, slippery feel of him beneath her palms.

Jason throbbed beneath her touch and eased a hand between her thighs. Her head fell back and she widened her stance to allow him better access.

“Christ. You’re so soft,” Jason groaned, gently parting her feminine folds. “I could touch you like this forever.”

“And I’d let you,” she replied with a husky laugh. “Oh, that feels so good.”

He supported her around her waist as she leaned back against the tiled wall, but he didn’t stop the sensuous rhythm of his hand.

“And to think,” she managed between fitful breaths, “that I almost let you shower alone.” She gasped as he gently bit the side of her throat.

“What made you change your mind?”

“The thought of you in here. Alone. Naked.”

“I don’t have any protection.”

With a smile, Caroline opened her fisted hand, revealing a small foil packet. She tore it open and quickly covered him. He reached down and grasped her buttocks, lifting her and pressing himself into the cradle of her hips.

“Put your legs around me.” His voice was a hoarse growl.

Caroline did. He lifted her higher and braced her against the cool tiled wall. He fused their lips together, and she welcomed the hot slide of his tongue against hers. She gasped as he pressed against the most intimate part of her, before he pushed upward, thrusting himself into her eager body.

She gave a small cry of rapture and raised her legs higher, wrapping them around his hips even as she met the thrusts of his tongue against hers with equal fervor.

God, he felt incredible, all pulsating power. She rode him just as fiercely, gripping his hips tightly with her thighs and using them to lever herself up and down on his shaft. Her fingers speared through his hair, and she moaned into his mouth.

He was everywhere, surrounding her and inside her, his breath mingling with hers and his heart pounding wildly against her own. His skin was slick with water, and his powerful muscles bunched with effort as he pumped into her.

“I can’t— I have to—” With a hoarse cry, Jason drove into her one last time, and the raw need in his voice was enough to push Caroline over the edge, as well. She clung to his neck, holding on to him for dear life as she fractured around him in an explosion of pleasure.

They stood locked together like that for several moments before Jason allowed Caroline to slide from his body. Turning the water off, Jason snatched a towel from the rack and wrapped it around her, then used a second towel to cover her hair. He slung a third towel around his lean hips and led her back to the bed.

They lay sprawled across the bedclothes, their breathing still a little uneven. Finally, when she thought she could move again, Caroline raised herself on one elbow and leaned over him, tracing a pattern over his chest with one finger.

“That was unbelievable,” she said.

He turned his head and looked at her, and she saw the smile of masculine satisfaction on his face. “Yeah, it was.”

Reaching out, he caught a loose tendril of damp hair that had escaped her towel and wound it around his finger. He tugged on it gently, until she was forced to move her face closer to his.

“So who is Patrick?” he asked, releasing her hair and stroking his thumb over her lower lip. “He’s called you at least a couple of times.”

Caroline wouldn’t have thought Jason was capable of jealousy, but the expression in his eyes was so intent that she wondered if she might be wrong.

Tags: Karen Foley Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024