Wicked Nights (Men of Discovery Island 2) - Page 40

He made a rough sound, half protest, half amused. So, yeah, she liked being in charge. She knew what she liked, too. He’d have to deal with it.

He came back, though, setting a foil packet by the side of the bed. That wasn’t all he had. He also had a handful of her sarongs. The thin strips of mesh fabric tied over her hips and hinted at the bikini bottom beneath. She had no idea what kind of fashion statement he intended to make.

“Modest much?”

He gave her a look she couldn’t quite interpret.

“I’m going to tie you up.”

A statement of intent, her brain noted through the lightning bolt of heat torching her body. Not a question at all.

“Any questions?” he asked roughly. “Objections?”

She should object. She really, really should but...he’d made her think about it. About how it would feel to be at Cal’s sensual mercy, her body his to touch. Instead of protesting, she shook her head.


He made quick work of tying her up, carefully fastening her wrists to the headboard. Just her wrists, and not so tight she couldn’t get free if she needed to, but tight enough to remind her she wasn’t going anywhere easily.

“Now you’re all mine.” The look in his eyes got her going. She’d wanted to take him, to take advantage of being the one in charge, but he’d turned the tables on her...and she loved it. Arousal shot through her. She’d never been the kind of woman who needed or wanted a man to take charge, but this was...wicked sexy.

He ran a finger over her stomach and the muscles there fluttered nervously, as though she had a thousand highly aroused and nervous butterflies flapping around in there. Being tied up, even as a game, made her feel vulnerable. Which was something she didn’t do. Of course, Cal didn’t like opening up, either, which made them a good match on some levels. Now, however, she couldn’t do anything but wait. And anticipate, her brain on overload suggesting possible fantasies.

Too late, she thought of a question. “Do I get to tie you up on your night?”

One night was definitely not going to be enough.

“I should gag you,” he said tenderly, brushing his fingers over her mouth. “You look beautiful.”

Heat curled through her as he touched her intimately.


“Kiss me some more,” she demanded as his fingers did something positively wicked and she clenched deep inside. His hand urged her leg up around his hip, another good idea she decided with a breathy moan.

Like always, he didn’t hesitate. He decided—and then he did. “Absolutely.”

Like her words were some kind of permission he’d been waiting for, he took charge, lifting her effortlessly as he moved down the bed. She squeaked. To her eternal mortification, she made an inelegant, embarrassed sound of surprise.


“Shh. My turn.” She felt his rough whisper against her core. Her very bare, very exposed core. He kissed her and then she completely lost it. He had her whimpering and groaning, and there might have been begging involved, although she’d deny it if asked. His big hands on her hips kept her right where he wanted her, his fingers dipping in to tease and part her. And his mouth...she lit up like a forest fire from the heat and pleasure.

“Cal—” She squeaked his name out, and her reward was a very male sound of appreciation. He kissed her some more, clearly in no rush, as deliberate and thorough about this as he was about everything. If she’d known he was this good, she’d have jumped him sooner, she thought, dazed.

“Now it’s your turn,” he said against her, and the hot whisper of his words right there, where she was tight and slick, sent her over the edge in a rush. She came shockingly fast, rocking against him.

There was a rustle as he untied her and conjured up the condom. Yes.

“May I?” he asked, and there was no holding back the smile splitting her face.

“My pleasure,” she said, wrapping her legs around his waist. He’d won the first round, but... She grinned and pushed, until he rolled over so she straddled him. Threading her fingers through his, she pinned his hands over his head. “You cheated.”

“You’re complaining?” She gripped his hips with her knees and sank slowly down.

“Absolutely not.” He groaned out the words.

She loved his body, she decided. He was all hard, tempting muscles and ridges in all sorts of delicious places. She couldn’t wait to explore him, so she sank down a little farther.

“Just making my point.” She leaned forward and nipped his ear.

The touch was his tipping point, because he bit out a curse and surged upward. “Piper—”

Tags: Anne Marsh Men of Discovery Island Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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