Entangled (The Accidental Billionaires 2) - Page 30

And it was adorable.

Eli kissed her, and my best friend came away with her cheeks on fire.

Aiden came through the door with a grin. “You two at it again?”

“I can’t help myself,” Eli shot back at Aiden.

“It’s time for you two to get moving on to the honeymoon. I don’t really want to watch my little sister get groped.”

“We’re on our way,” Eli said jovially. “Unless Jade needs more time with Skye.”

“Nope,” I spoke up. “We’re good. But I’m going to want to see lots of pictures.”

“You guys are about ready to go, too, right?” Eli asked.

“Go where?” I questioned, puzzled by his comment.

“You and Aiden are—”

Jade reached out and slapped her hand over her husband’s mouth. “Time to go, Eli,” she told him firmly.

I watched a silent communication between husband and wife that I didn’t understand as Jade took her hand from Eli’s mouth and he grabbed her hand. “So we’re out of here,” he said sheepishly. “Take care, both of you. We’ll see you in a month.”

Aiden frowned. “You better call. I want to know you got there safe.”

“I will.” Jade hugged her brother. “I promise.”

“Eventually, you’re going to have to learn that I can take care of your sister,” Eli joked with Aiden.

“Not happening anytime soon,” Aiden said obstinately. “Just call.”

I had to bite my lip to keep from smiling. Aiden had been protective of his sisters his entire life. He’d raised them. And he wasn’t going to stop just because they were both married now.

There was a flurry of good-byes, and then Aiden and I were finally standing alone in the kitchen.

“I wonder what that was all about?” I pondered. “Jade looked annoyed.”

Aiden grinned. “Because her husband almost spoiled a surprise.”

I frowned. “What surprise?”

“I’m taking you away for some adult time,” he pronounced. “Maya wants to stay with her auntie Brooke at Jade’s place for the next five days. Brooke, Liam, and Seth are taking her to the zoo today. And then they’re going to stay with her until we come back. Brooke really wants to get to know her niece before she has to go back to the East Coast, and so does Liam.”

“We weren’t planning on going anywhere.” I was confused.

“No plans necessary. I took care of everything.”

“Aiden, what are you talking about?”

He moved over to me and kissed me softly on the lips, momentarily distracting me.

When he was finished, he pulled back and drilled me with a laser-sharp look in his glorious blue eyes. “We’re taking a break, Skye. Just you and me. And Liam and Brooke are going to stay in California to babysit their niece for us.”

My body ached at the thought of being alone with Aiden. “Where are we going? Am I allowed to ask?”

“Nope.” He slapped me on the ass. “Go pack your suitcase. We’re out of here in an hour.”

The mystery and the excitement of the unknown had really piqued my interest.

It felt good to happily anticipate what Aiden had in store. So good that I didn’t even remind him that he hadn’t exactly asked me to go. But it was apparently a surprise.

I’d discovered that I really did like that hint of mischief and mystery in Aiden’s eyes. It sparked a curiosity that I nearly couldn’t contain.

I went and packed my suitcase.



I was relieved when Skye hadn’t asked a single question about where we were going.

But not for the reason most people might think.

I was fucking ecstatic that she was comfortable enough to just agree to go anywhere with me.

She was starting to trust me, to feel safe with me.

And I swore I was never going to give her any reason to doubt me.

My bag was already packed and in the truck, so I made myself some coffee and leaned against the counter, waiting for Skye as I drank it.

I loved my daughter with all my heart, but I needed some alone time with Skye so I could figure out how I could banish the hint of sadness I always saw in her eyes.

Even when she was smiling or laughing, that wary uneasiness was still there, and so was that touch of sorrow on her face.

The only time she was ever completely unguarded was when she was with our daughter.

I wanted to hear about her experience of living with the mob. Yet I also wanted to hear nothing more about it at all.

I’d probably have nightmares over her being found out and murdered without a second thought by her husband.

Skye had been a possession to Marco, one he could easily give up if it meant saving his ass.

And Skye had probably been in more danger than even she ever recognized.

One slip and it would have been over. One overheard conversation.

Fuck! I need to stop obsessing over the fact that she could be dead!

But my need to protect both her and my daughter wouldn’t let my brain rest.

I wasn’t even going to try to pretend that I didn’t want or need Skye. As far as romantic relationships were concerned, I’d had none except for her.

I’d fucked.

I’d had dinner and dates with plenty of females.

But none of them had ever been Skye. And that was my problem. No matter what had happened, my goddamn heart had never let go of Skye Weston, and most likely never would.

Don’t push too hard.

I shook my head at that random thought.

How could I not when I had to make her mine? I wouldn’t be happy until she had my ring on her finger, and both she and Maya were officially Sinclairs.

Oh, hell, who was I kidding? If I had to wait, I would. I’d already been waiting for her for nine years, even though I’d never recognized it until recently. Maybe patience wasn’t exactly one of my virtues—not that I had very many anyway. But if she needed time, I’d try like hell to give it to her.

Not because I wanted Maya as my daughter full time.

Not because I wanted us all to be a family, even though I wanted that, too.

Selfishly, I wanted Skye because my stubborn heart had never really let her go. There was no closure to be found for us because I’d finally admitted to myself that there was nobody else for me but her.

I’d either be happy because she was mine.

Or miserable because she wasn’t.

I might have been hurt and pissed off for the last nine years, but I’d held on to all the young love we’d had back then.

Yeah, we’d both grown up. But somehow, the woman she was today had only strengthened my resolve.

She was strong.

She was independent.

She was definitely resourceful and smart.

And I wanted her even more than I had when we were barely grown.

“Dad! Hey, Dad!” Maya bellowed as she came down the stairs.

I caught her up as she ran to me, and I hugged her hard.

This kid was still a miracle to me.

Mine and Skye’s.

And I’d learned so damn easily to love her more than I loved myself.

“Hey what?” I asked as I rested her on my hip.

“I get to stay with Aunt Brooke and Uncle Liam while you’re gone with Mom. They’re taking me to the zoo today. And Uncle Seth is coming, too.”

Tags: J. S. Scott The Accidental Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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