Entangled (The Accidental Billionaires 2) - Page 34

I tossed my drink back in two gulps and then dumped my cup, hoping the alcohol would calm my ass down.

We walked the Strip for quite some distance, watching the Bellagio fountain show and other activities happening as we strolled and stopped.

As we were headed back to the hotel, Skye commented, “Sometimes I feel like being here with you is surreal. So much time has passed, and so many things have happened. But the feelings are the same.”

My heart almost jumped out of my chest. Skye had told me she loved me back then. Was that still the same?

“Is that good or bad?” I questioned.

She sucked up the last of her drink, and my eyes stayed riveted to those rosy lips that I wanted to be wrapped around my dick.

Skye tossed her empty cup in the trash. “Maybe a little bit of both. I’m different now, Aiden. You know that. I don’t trust easily, and I’m not open about my emotions.”

“Give it time, sweetheart. You need to learn to trust me.”

“I do in here.” She put her hand to her chest. “But my head screws with me sometimes.”

Hell, I’d take that. Eventually, her mind would catch up with her heart and instinct.

“You went through hell, baby. Give yourself a break and just let it happen naturally.”

“My body has changed, too,” she said with a sigh. “I’m not eighteen anymore, Aiden. I have stretch marks and a huge old scar from my C-section. Plus, a couple of pounds of belly weight that I could never get rid of.”

I turned my head to look at her. “And you think that’s going to be a problem for me at all? Oh, hell no. That’s a major turn-on.”

She had my kid, and she’d have the marks from that forever. How could I not find that pretty damn hot? Well, not the fact that she’d suffered—alone—bringing our daughter into the world. But seeing the signs that she’d carried my child was going to be an aphrodisiac for me—not that I needed any more of those right now.

Skye slapped me on the arm playfully. “You’re being absurd,” she said with a nervous laugh.

“I’m being totally honest,” I grumbled.

We entered the casino and headed toward the elevator. I’d seen Skye yawn several times, and it had been a long day.

“Ready to go up?”

She nodded because the casino was noisy.

When we got into the elevator, everything was silent because it was a semiprivate lift that went up to the penthouses.

She leaned against the back wall and stared at me with curiosity. “Are you serious about the stretch marks and the scar? Because they aren’t pretty. Neither is the baby weight I’ve never been able to get off my belly.”

I punched the button up to the top floor and then turned to her. “Let’s just get this out of the way. Let me see them,” I demanded, my cock as hard as a giant diamond.

Reaching out, I caught the skirt of her above-the-knee cocktail dress and started to haul it up.

“What are you doing?” she said with a laugh as she tried to slap my hand away.

I kept lifting. “Checking out those unsightly scars you think are ugly.”

I sucked in a swift breath once I had the dress up to her breasts.

Not only could I see the marks from childbirth, but Skye was wearing nothing but thigh-high stockings and a tiny thong underneath the lightweight garment.

“Jesus Christ, woman! Are you trying to kill me?” I growled and dropped to my knees.

“Stop, Aiden. We’re in an elevator.” Her tone was half-amused, half-mortified.

“I want to see these scars up close,” I mumbled as I buried my face in the soft skin of her stomach. “They look pretty damn hot to me.”

“Get up,” she said with a giggle.

I ignored her and ran my lips over the few faint stretch marks, and then traced the C-section scar with my tongue.

“Totally erotic,” I said, my voice muffled from having my face against her skin.

It was silky and warm.

Skye was beautiful everywhere, and if she was carrying any extra weight, it was all in the right places.

“We’re stopping!” Skye sounded panicked as she tried to smooth her dress down.

I got up and dropped the hem right before the doors opened.

I took her hand and squeezed it as an older couple entered the semiprivate elevator.

Her cheeks were adorably red, and Skye was flustered as she shot me an admonishing look.

But she was still smiling.

And we both laughed once we were free of the elevator and back in the penthouse.



“They could have seen you on your knees and under my dress,” I told him as he locked the door of our suite behind us.

I was trying desperately to be serious.

However, I knew I’d given myself away by laughing through what should have been a reprimand. But I couldn’t help myself. Honestly, I knew that Aiden would never expose me to anyone. Still, he’d cut it pretty damn close.

Aiden had accomplished one thing, though. He’d taken away all of the nervousness of revealing my changed body to him. And now all I wanted was to get him naked.

God, I needed him so desperately that I could hardly stand it.

Heat had flooded my pussy when he’d lifted my dress. Not that I hadn’t been ogling him all night, and thinking about both of us being naked, hot, and entwined.

I’d just been slightly apprehensive about revealing my body. It wasn’t the body of an eighteen-year-old anymore.

I’d been through childbirth, which had taken its toll.

He pinned me against the wall, his big body heated against mine. “Why didn’t you tell me you were wearing almost nothing under that dress? Your ass is bare.”

I wasn’t really into thong panties. But . . . “I wore them for you. You didn’t have to know until it was time for you to find out.”

“Good thing I didn’t know,” he rumbled. “We never would have left this damn room.”

There was no comment about my changed body. While it was hard to believe that my scars actually turned him on, I didn’t think he was bothered by them, either. He seemed even more obsessed with my sexy underwear.

He buried his face in my hair. “Jesus, you smell so damn good. Like strawberries.”

I smiled. “It’s just a body spray. I’m not really into heavy perfume.”

“It’s sexy as hell,” he growled as he pulled back to look at me. “Everything about you makes me crazy, Skye.”

I could feel how aroused he was when he ground his hips against my pelvis. “I want you, Aiden. So badly that I can’t stand it,” I told him honestly as I met his gaze.

I wasn’t going to hide the way I felt anymore. I was just as needy as he was . . . Maybe more. “I need to feel you. I need you to fuck me.”

His eyes erupted with molten heat. “You need me to make you come,” he stated.

I nodded jerkily. “Please. I feel like it’s been forever.”

He buried his hands in my hair, and then lowered his head, his mouth covering mine with a force that I welcomed.

There was nothing subtle about my attraction to Aiden.

It had always been all-consuming.

I moaned against his lips, savoring the feel and the taste of his marauding embrace.

Tags: J. S. Scott The Accidental Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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