Entangled (The Accidental Billionaires 2) - Page 39



I was just a little melancholy when I woke up on our last full day in Vegas.

Every moment I’d spent with Aiden had been a gift for me.

I could feel myself finally changing, metamorphosing into the woman I wanted to be.

Yeah, I felt a little raw because I wasn’t used to my emotions being close to the surface. And just a little bit apprehensive. But those feelings were fading fast.

I’d rather be a woman who cries and feels genuine joy than one who’s like an emotional vacuum.

And the man who had brought me on this trip had been the catalyst I’d needed to come out of my shell of protection and start really living again.

Aiden made me feel safe.

He made me feel adored.

And he made me feel like the most fascinating, beautiful woman he’d ever encountered.

That attention was heady, and it had gotten to me.

Him buying me that bracelet had been my tipping point, the moment when I just couldn’t contain what I was feeling anymore. And I hadn’t regretted it for even a second.

The last four days had been heaven, because I’d been able to truly experience every emotion while we were together.

We’d visited every crazy ride and roller coaster in Vegas. Then, he’d surprised me with a helicopter ride over the city and Hoover Dam.

Last night we’d gone to a hilarious comedy show.

The days had flown by, much to my dismay.

Today was our last day. We’d take off tomorrow for home.

We hadn’t made any big plans, but I was all for playing slot machines and then visiting the ginormous swimming pool at our hotel for a while before dinner.

“What are you doing, beautiful?” Aiden asked as he walked into the big living room the suite provided.

I looked up at him from my spot on the couch. “Thinking about how sad I’ll be to leave. It’s been an amazing few days. I think I’m completely spoiled.”

He winked at me, which made my heart skitter. “You deserve it. This was a really short trip, though.”

“I’m okay with going back. I miss Maya.”

I’d talked to my daughter every night, but FaceTiming her wasn’t the same as hugging her good night.

“Me, too,” he admitted gruffly.

“So are we ready to head downstairs?” I hopped up from my seat.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I leaned in to fill my lungs with his scent.

Aiden smelled like fresh air, sandalwood, and a little bit of mint, and it was a fragrance that always came to mind every time I thought about him. His scent was unique, and so damn addictive that I wanted to stay right where I was.

“So you’re ready to tackle the slot machines?” he said with a hint of mischief in his tone.

“I am. We haven’t really spent all that much time in the casino. I was hoping we could hit the pool later. I need some exercise. I’ve been eating like a pig.”

Sex seemed to be an appetite inducer for me. I’d been stuffing my face with every type of food I could get since we’d arrived in the city.

“That’s one of the attractions in Vegas. Food,” he joked. “And you’re not in any danger of putting on any pounds. We’ve been working out every night.”

I snorted because what he said was true. We’d been practicing our bed aerobics every single night. “Not enough,” I told him.

No matter how much I’d loved every touch, there was no way it had burned off all the calories in the rich desserts and other decadent food I’d been eating.

“I’d be more than glad to give you more,” he rasped into my ear.

His hands cupped my ass and squeezed the cheeks through the pair of shorts I was wearing.

My body caught fire as he put a hand on my back and plunged his other one into my hair.

I opened my mouth just in time for him to cover it with his own.

And just like that, I was primed and ready.

That’s all it took with Aiden. One touch, and I was aching for him to fuck me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and strained to get closer to him, my already-hard nipples abrading against his chest as I started to squirm.

He gave me no mercy, and I wanted none.

I gave and he took my mouth like he couldn’t get enough. He nibbled my lips as we caught our breath, and then he swooped in again.

“Aiden,” I panted when he finally left my mouth and started tasting the sensitive skin of my neck.

He nipped at my earlobe. “Tell me what you want, Skye.”

“You,” I whispered. “I just want you.”

“You have me, sweetheart,” he said huskily against my ear. “You’ll always have me.”

He reached for the bottom of my tank and pulled it skillfully over my head. “You’re so damn beautiful, Skye.”

Our clothes came off in a frenzy of activity, both of us working to get the other one naked.

When we’d finally achieved our goal, we just stared at one another, our breathing ragged with desire.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off Aiden’s nude form, the perfection of his body as he stood in front of me without a hint of unease.

I’d gotten used to him staring at me with no clothes on. Any modesty I’d had was gone.

But I was still speechless when I saw him nude, and he wasn’t the least bit hesitant to get himself as naked as the day he was born.

My breath caught as he moved forward slightly and cupped my breasts, his thumbs aimlessly caressing my pebbled nipples.

“Perfect,” he pronounced.

Heat rushed between my thighs, followed by a flood of warm moisture. I leaned against the desk chair behind me, and let my head fall back. “Aiden,” I said with an aroused sigh. “I need you.”

“How much do you need me?” he said gruffly.

I whimpered as he lightly bit my nipple, and then soothed it with his tongue.

“Bad,” I answered with a groan. “Really bad.”

Every sexual desire in my body had come roaring to life the moment he’d kissed me like it was as necessary to him as food and water.

He pulled me toward him, and then turned me around so I was facing the mirror on the large desk before he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

“Watch me, Skye.”

I met his gaze in the reflection, and my stare didn’t waver.

Slowly, he placed my hands on the desk until I was bent over. “Are you okay with this?” he asked hoarsely, his eyes burning into mine.

I could see him.

I could feel him.

How could I not be okay with it?

And then it hit me exactly what he was trying to do.

I hated sex from behind.

But there wasn’t any part of me that was hesitant as long as I could see him.

I slowly nodded as I maintained my bent-over position. “Yes. I’m better than okay.”

He was trying to erase the bad memories for me, and I was going to try my best to let him do it.

He moved behind me and fondled the cheeks of my ass, his gaze never wavering from mine.

Nudging my legs apart, he delved into the quivering pink flesh of my pussy, and I almost forgot to breathe. “Yes,” I hissed. “Please.”

“You’re so damn wet for me, sweetheart,” he growled as his fingers sought and found my clit. “I want my cock buried so damn deep inside you that I never want to come out again.”

Tags: J. S. Scott The Accidental Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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