Entangled (The Accidental Billionaires 2) - Page 50

She stood up and buttoned her suit jacket. “I have to go. I wish I could say it was a pleasure to meet you, but it really wasn’t.”

I actually flinched from the insult. “I don’t understand why you’re so adamant about a bunch of birds,” I grumbled.

“Maybe because my name is Riley Montgomery,” she shot back as she hefted her bag onto her shoulder. “I’m a big part of your annoying problem.”

I gaped at her as she turned and walked away without another word.

I couldn’t move my eyes from the sway of that sexy, shapely ass as she disappeared.

When I finally blinked, she was gone.

I smiled even though she’d pretty much gotten one over on me.

And she was the last woman who should get my dick hard, but I couldn’t deny that she had.

“I’ll be damned,” I said under my breath.

I’d just met and gotten shot down by my annoying tree hugger.



A few weeks later . . .

“Open it,” I told Aiden as we sat at his kitchen table around two weeks after I’d become his fiancée.

I was eager to have the question of Maya’s parentage done and over with, even though Aiden had insisted that he no longer had any doubts.

The last few weeks had been so amazing, but for me, there were always those incorrect lab results looming like an annoying dark cloud over my head.

Maya and Aiden had done a retest, and the laboratory had put a rush on the results.

And now that they had arrived, I was dying to have the real truth out in the open.

I wanted to close that door for good and move on.

“I already know what they’re going to say,” he said as he grinned at me. “This one is a definite winner.” He pointed at his empty plate.

I rolled my eyes. “Forget the latest sandwich for a minute.”

“Can’t,” he argued. “It has to be on the menu.”

“Aiden,” I said in a warning voice.

He shrugged. “If you’re so interested, you can open it. I have absolutely no doubt what it says. No suspense for me.”

I bit my lip, tempted. “They’re your results.”

“Hey,” he said, sounding concerned. “You look upset. Are you okay, sweetheart?”

There was no joking around now that he saw tension on my face.

“Just open it. I guess I just want to put this all behind us.”

“It is behind us, Skye. But since it bothers you, I’ll look.”

He grabbed the sealed envelope on the table and ripped it open.

It drove me crazy that it took him a couple of minutes to get to the conclusion.

“It says I’m Maya’s father with 99.999 percent accuracy.” He handed the paperwork over. “Happy now?”

I went straight to the conclusion, and then I smiled at him. “Yes. Thank you for not doubting the results. But I wasn’t going to rest until you saw it for yourself.”

“If nothing else, it’s pretty mind blowing to see it in writing, although I’m still not used to being a dad. Is it normal to worry this much?” he asked with a frown.

I nodded as I shot him a smile. “Welcome to parenthood. I was scared to death that first year. Every time she cried, I panicked. But it gets better. And it’s easier when you have a kid who has such a good head on her shoulders.”

He smirked. “She’s pretty incredible. Keeps me on my toes.” In a more serious tone, he asked, “Ever think about having another one?”

I glanced up at him sharply. “You want more kids?”

“That all depends on you.”

I’d never really thought about having more children until he mentioned it. A few months ago, it hadn’t even been on my radar.

But now, I thought it would be an incredible experience to share with Aiden from the beginning next time. And I did love kids. I’d just never considered whether or not I wanted more. I never thought I’d get serious with a man ever again.

He’d be there for everything, every step of the way.

“I think I’d like that,” I answered. “When I was younger, I always wanted a big family.”

“You’re already inheriting one of those,” he remarked wryly.

I shot him an admonishing look. “I don’t mean that, and I love your family. But I was an only child. It was pretty lonely sometimes. And I love kids. Maya would be ecstatic if she could have a brother or sister. If I remember right, she already put in the request for one.”

His expression was deliciously wicked as he answered, “Then by all means, let’s give her a couple. I’m ready to start practicing right now.”

I let go of a delighted laugh. “Not so fast, mister. I’m going to be married before I get pregnant again, and you still need time to get used to having a daughter.”

He reached over and started to toy with my beautiful engagement ring. “When you’re ready.”

“I am ready, Aiden. I’m all in. Now that you’ve seen the results, I’m putting my past behind me because right now is extraordinary, and my future will be, too. I’d much rather focus on that than my past. Let’s just go to the courthouse and do it.”

He got to his feet, pulled me up, and then swung me around until I was dizzy. “I’m getting married,” he bellowed.

When he stopped twirling me, I smacked his arm playfully. “I told you I was ready.”

“But I don’t think I really believed it until now,” he said huskily.

I knew why he felt that way. Probably because I’d been feeling unsettled since the new lab results weren’t in. “Believe it,” I said, repeating the words he said to me when I was overwhelmed.

“No courthouse,” he insisted. “I’ve waited almost a decade for this.”

“Me too,” I said as I stroked a lock of hair from his forehead. “But I guess I just never imagined it would ever happen.”

“Believe it,” he parroted with a grin.

“You do realize that if we have a regular wedding, there won’t be anybody on the bride’s side?”

“Baby, everybody will be on your side. And that’s a dumb tradition anyway. People can sit wherever they want. My family is yours now, whether you want them or not.”

“I want them,” I said quickly. “Maya and I have been lonely long enough. We’ve always had each other, but I’ve always wished she had other family, too. Your daughter adores her new aunts, uncles, and cousins. She’s happier than she’s ever been.”

I loved the animated look on Maya’s face when she talked about her family.

Aiden and I had been careful not to share why we’d argued, and my offspring had never asked. She’d just been happy when everything was normal again in her eyes.

He tightened his arms around my waist. “Then let’s shoot for the end of the summer. Earlier if possible. I’d like to get started on our new life together. We’ve both had enough of waiting, and I want you to be able to focus on the future. You’ve had way too much pain in your past, baby.”

How could I tell Aiden that he more than made up for every bit of anguish I’d ever suffered at the hands of my ex-husband and his family? I’d do it all over again if I had to in order to end up where I was right now. Nine years of hell in exchange for total happiness for the rest of my life? I’d do that deal in a heartbeat if I could finally be married to the only man I’d ever love.

Tags: J. S. Scott The Accidental Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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