Enamored (The Accidental Billionaires 3) - Page 12

Think about the property. It’s a means to an end. And Seth will be there with me.

I frowned as I made my way out to the kitchen. Why did it matter if Seth Sinclair was at my side?

Strangely, it did matter. Ever since he’d let me know that he didn’t give a damn what other people thought about him, I’d felt a lot more relaxed.

He was my escort, and if he didn’t give a damn, I didn’t have to, either.

There was a purpose behind this whole facade, this game to be played.

And if I could just keep thinking that way, everything would be fine.

Honestly, I could be an asset to Seth.

I knew who had the deepest pockets among the elite, and who just acted like they did.

It wouldn’t hurt to be able to point out a few of the nicer attendees who might make good investors for him. Or the guys who were the most honest in their real-estate dealings.

I set my purse and coat on the counter and pulled out a mug, desperate for a cup of tea since I was a complete addict. I hadn’t had one since this morning.

I wonder if Seth really thinks I’m a struggling attorney?

Since he’d offered to pay for my clothes, he obviously thought I might be short on funds for some reason.

His suggestion had been rather sweet, something I didn’t exactly expect from Seth Sinclair. But completely unnecessary.

My mind drifted back to his comments earlier in the week about my ground rules. I’d been surprised that he’d sounded irate about some of the terms. Like I’d insulted him.

Maybe I did.

Most people with new money wanted to fit in, and were overly obsessed with being just like others in the ultrarich circle.

Not that I’d ever tell him, but I’d been ecstatic when he’d said he didn’t give a damn what I wore, how I acted, and that he’d never want me to make nice with a guy on the dance floor to further his business.

It would be a cold day in hell before I’d ask you to get close to some pervert just because it would help my company.

Funny, but I could still hear his angry growl in my head.

I snickered as I placed my mug under the coffeemaker.

His proclamation was certainly one that I’d never heard from my ex. And Seth’s words had somehow made me feel . . . free.

The doorbell rang, disrupting my thoughts.

I glanced at the kitchen clock, realizing that it was later than I thought.

I looked longingly at my mug that was just waiting for me to dispense some hot water for tea.

No time. But later . . .

I hurried to the front entrance, my heels clicking on the wood floor right before I opened the door.

All of the air was sucked out of my lungs as I saw Seth Sinclair on my doorstep.

To say he cleaned up good was an understatement.

He was heart-stopping gorgeous in a tux. And he appeared like he was perfectly comfortable in his formal wear.

My heart skittered as I simply gaped at him like an idiot.

He stepped past me, inviting himself in.

I shook myself and closed the door, savoring the musky scent of male and probably a very subtle aftershave that wafted through the air around us.

Stop salivating, for God’s sake. This is not real. Not a date. At all. Ever.

“Hi,” I said belatedly as I turned to face him.

“Hello, gorgeous,” he said huskily. “You look stunning, Riley.”

A shiver of pleasure slithered up my spine. “So do you,” I said honestly.

“I come bearing gifts,” he said with a grin as he held up a large paper cup. “One extra-large chai mocha latte to go.”

He remembered.

I had no idea why I was touched that he recalled exactly what I liked from the Coffee Shack.

“You’re a lifesaver,” I said gratefully as I took it from his hand. “I haven’t had any tea since this morning.”

“Then you’re definitely deprived,” he teased.

“I am, actually. I’m an addict,” I confessed.

“Ready?” he asked as he continued to stare at me.

I nodded firmly. “Let me grab my coat and purse.”

I hurried to the kitchen to retrieve the items from the counter and then rushed back to the door.

Before I could reach for the door handle, Seth moved in closer and put his hands on the wood, trapping me between his arms without really touching me.

“Did I tell you how damn proud I’ll be to have a woman like you as my date, Riley, even though it’s a ruse?” he asked hoarsely.

My breath hitched as I tilted my head up to look at him. His expression was unfathomable, and almost . . . harsh. His square jaw looked tight, and his eyes deadly serious.

For some odd reason, the compliment meant so much. “I-I’m really glad that I’ll be able to scare all the women away from you,” I blurted out, feeling mesmerized by the intensity that flowed between us.

Heat seeped between my thighs, and my nipples were as hard as diamonds as my body responded to Seth’s raw masculinity and the naked desire I could see in his stormy eyes.

When his mouth came down to steal mine, I let out a gasp of relief against his lips.

My heart cantered out of control as Seth’s embrace completely consumed me.

I wanted to throw my arms around his neck and beckon him to do so much more, but I was still clutching my jacket, purse, and tea.

Only our lips met, and it was almost erotic because it was the only place our bodies were actually touching. All of the wanting was confined to just one place.

His tantalizing scent wrapped me in a blanket of desire that I didn’t want to escape.

The kiss was over way before I wanted it to end.

“We shouldn’t have done that,” I whispered as he lifted his head.

Because now I felt too much.

Needed too much.

And my whole damn body ached for him.

He put a gentle hand to my face and traced my lips with his thumb. “Relax, Riley. It was just a kiss. I think we needed to get it over with and done. Expressions of affection, remember? Do you feel more comfortable now?”

Oh, God, no!

I didn’t feel the slightest bit at ease.

My body was clamoring for satisfaction. To the point where I wanted to climb up his smoking-hot body and beg him to fuck me until I couldn’t walk straight anymore.

“Is that why you kissed me?” I asked in a breathy voice that sounded nothing like my own.

He shook his head as he stepped back. “No. But it sounded like a good excuse.”

“It was a mistake, Seth. One that we can’t repeat,” I said icily.

My head was getting clearer. My brains had momentarily scrambled from that kiss, but I knew getting involved with Seth Sinclair would be a mistake. One I wasn’t willing to make.

“It wasn’t a mistake, Riley. We’re attracted to each other. Sooner or later, we’re both going to act on that chemistry.”

Not a chance in hell. Kissing him was a mistake. Sleeping with him would be a monumental disaster.

“We’d better go,” I prompted, eager to shake off the embrace we’d shared.

My heart rate had slowed, but it was still skipping an occasional beat as I stepped back from Seth to give myself a break from the intense emotions he drew from me.

“It’s going to happen, Riley,” he warned.

“It isn’t,” I replied firmly. “Number four in the contract, remember?”

Tags: J. S. Scott The Accidental Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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