Enamored (The Accidental Billionaires 3) - Page 20

“I’ll be fine,” I assured Noah. “Hell, I could use some leisure time myself. You’re right about the fact that I’ve barely dated. Maybe I need to hone my skills. Unlike you, I’d like to have a female companion.”

I had to wonder whether Noah had even made the time over the years to get laid.

It was hard to imagine that he hadn’t.

“Maybe you and Riley could come over for a barbecue,” Aiden suggested. “Now that she’s bought Jade’s old place, we’re almost right next door.”

I threw him a grateful look. Our homes were all close together, and right on the beach. It was a short walk from house to house.

Aiden was obviously on board with the whole idea now, even if Noah wasn’t.

“I’d probably come,” Noah mumbled. “I’d like to check this girl out for myself.”

Okay, I was shocked. Noah rarely got out of the house unless one of us was getting married or having a major event in our lives. That’s why Aiden and I showed up at his place.

“Thanks. Let me know what works for you guys, and I’ll ask Riley.” I gave Noah a warning look. “Just don’t be a dick,” I warned.

He raised an eyebrow. “When am I ever anything other than discreet?”

I could mention several times that he wasn’t. Like when he’d been right there with Aiden and me when we’d grilled the hell out of Eli and Liam. Instead of pointing out those occurrences, I let the comment slide.

Honestly, if I thought that Noah was headed for trouble, I’d probably discourage him from doing it, too. We’d fought growing up, but our strongest inclination was always to protect each other.

Aiden stood. “Much as I’d like to continue this conversation, I have a meeting with a prospective captain.”

“I have to go, too.” I hadn’t been in the office yet, and I had a meeting later that morning.

“I’ve been waiting to get back to work,” Noah said predictably.

When is he not waiting to get back to his office?

When Noah and I rose from the table, Aiden gave me a brotherly slap on the back. “Good luck,” he said, sounding genuinely supportive. “If you need any advice or somebody to listen, call me. You were there for me.”

“I suppose I’m available, too,” Noah rumbled. “But I have no damn idea how to charm a female.”

I grinned. I had no doubt that Noah was clueless, but I appreciated the fact that he was willing to leave his office if I needed him.

“I’ll call you,” Aiden informed me right before he walked out the door.

I wasn’t far behind him.

Although I’d appreciated my brothers’ advice, I’d already known what I was going to do before I’d spilled my guts to my siblings.

Now it was time to set things in motion before Riley changed her mind.

It was way past time for her to date a guy who was going to appreciate her.

And I knew there was no better man for the job than me.



What in the hell had I been thinking?

That thought rolled over and over inside my head as I sat at my desk the morning after I’d made the stupid agreement with Seth to go on regular dates.

I’d been trying to work on an important case all morning, and I was failing miserably at keeping my thoughts off Seth.

Honestly, I knew why I’d gone along with his idea.

Other than Nolan, I’d never really dated. I’d had a brief relationship in college with a guy who had been my first, but we’d separated soon after that. I was curious to know what it would be like to go out with someone who really liked me and wouldn’t be so damn judgmental. Going to events with my ex had felt like I was always walking on eggshells. Every moment, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and squash the life out of me completely.

With Seth, I might not have to be worried about being uncomfortable. The only real anxiety I felt when we were together was over the sexual tension that seemed to sizzle around both of us.

It was uncomfortable, but in a far different way.

I can handle this thing with Seth. I have to stop stressing over it.

I wasn’t getting any work done, and that wasn’t at all like me.

I heard my phone ping, signaling that I had a text. Generally, I ignored my cell when I was working, so I surprised myself when I reached out and picked up the phone.

Seth: The Coffee Shack? I want to get out of the office and take a walk, and I need some late morning caffeine to function. No pressure, but I’ll be there if you need a chai as bad as I need a coffee right now.

I smiled. We were both addicts when it came to our caffeine, so we had at least one thing in common.

I shouldn’t go. I have work to do. And he is giving me the choice.

Seth hadn’t ordered me to be there. He’d just thrown out the tantalizing invitation to join him if I wanted to go.

I can’t go.

I won’t go.

It’s not exactly a request for one of our promised . . . dates.

“Maybe that’s the problem,” I mumbled aloud. “It almost feels like he was just inviting . . . a friend.”

Strangely, it was for that very reason that I was tempted to go.

I sighed. I really hadn’t had the opportunity to make that many friends since I’d moved to Citrus Beach. I knew people casually, but I didn’t really hang out with anybody.

Before I’d moved here, there wasn’t a single person in my mother’s crowd who I’d trusted enough to share anything personal with, and really, I’d never had much in common with anybody within that group.

Friends had never been in large supply in my life, and I suddenly wished I had some.

Or at least . . . one.

Recklessly, I typed out a reply.

Riley: Fifteen minutes. I have to drive.

My beach house was too far away to walk to the downtown area.

Seth: Want the usual? I’ll order for you since I’m already on my way.

He’d order for me? Why did it feel so weird for someone to do that? Maybe because nobody ever had.

I was pretty damn accustomed to being treated like a nonperson for the most part. Knowing my needs mattered to somebody was a pretty strange experience for me.

I typed back to him as I stood up.

Riley: Yes, please. I’d never change up my order. I’m too obsessed with my chai mocha latte. I’m on my way.

I hurried to my bedroom, pulling off the ratty T-shirt I was wearing on my way to my closet.

I frowned as I looked over my choices of apparel. I wasn’t about to lose my comfortable jeans, but I wanted something a little nicer than the T-shirt I’d just tugged off.

Maybe a shopping trip for more clothing was in order.

Selecting a lightweight dark-green sweater I’d never worn, I quickly tugged it over my head.

I had almost no clothing in between my well-worn work-at-home outfits and my power suits.

Dating attire was absolutely not something I’d ever needed in the last few years.

When I found myself fluffing my hair in the mirror, I stopped myself immediately.

This is not a date.

It was just a caffeine run.

I grabbed my purse and went through the garage to get to my cute little red Mazda Miata.

Like Seth, I hadn’t opted to buy an outrageously expensive vehicle, but I loved the inexpensive little convertible I had purchased. It was loaded, and it was a pleasure to drive.

Tags: J. S. Scott The Accidental Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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