Enamored (The Accidental Billionaires 3) - Page 26

Skye gasped. “He didn’t!”

I nodded. “He did.”

“That’s definitely not like Noah. He’s usually only interested in getting back to his office.”

“I got the feeling he wanted to know my intentions toward Seth.”

Skye and Penny busted out in laughter.

“That’s like a reverse role,” Penny observed. “Like he’s trying to protect a daughter.”

“He wasn’t quite that protective,” I mused. “But he did act like he was afraid I’d break Seth’s heart or something.”

“He probably is,” Skye said softly. “Seth isn’t exactly a playboy, and it’s pretty obvious that he’s crazy about you.”

“He’s not,” I said in a rush. “We’re more like friends, really.”

“Then why is he constantly checking out your ass and your legs in those shorts?” Penny teased.

“I have to admit, I’ve seen it, too,” Skye confessed.

I shrugged. “Maybe he is attracted to me, but that’s all.”

“Riley, he’s more than just attracted,” Skye said softly. “I think we all see it. Seth has never been a womanizer, and Aiden says he’s never seen him serious about a woman. Seth cares about you.”

I sighed. “I think I screwed up, Skye. I made ‘No sex’ and ‘No butt touching’ rules before we started hanging out together. We barely touch each other. And now that we’ve been together almost daily for over three weeks, I kind of regret it. Part of me wants to see where this whole thing could go with him, but I’m . . . scared.”

Skye nodded her head hard. “I get that. I do. Things get really intimate once something has happened.” She hesitated before she asked Penny, “Are you okay with listening to all this?”

I’d told Skye a little about Penny’s background with Nolan, so she knew the younger woman had been abused and manipulated by Nolan.

Penny sniffed like she was affronted. “Of course. It’s not like I’m a virgin, and I’m nearly eighteen. Riley and I have talked about a lot of unpleasant stuff in our past. I’m better because of that. She helped me get away from my parents. I live with distant cousins now until I leave for Harvard next year.”

I turned my head to look at the beautiful young woman sitting next to me. Penny had come a long way from where she’d been two years ago, thanks to a new, more loving atmosphere with her cousins and a couple years of therapy.

“You’re an amazing young woman, Penny. And very brave,” Skye said encouragingly.

Penny looked at me. “I had a lot of help. I owe Riley some huge favors for what she’s done for me that I know I can never really repay.”

“Favors aren’t done to get repayment,” I scolded her. “I’m just happy I’m here with you now. I’m so proud of you.”

My heart soared every time I watched Penny reach another milestone. Little did she know that she gave more to me than I could ever give her. It made me happy just knowing she’d never have to go through the same adult hell that I had. And she’d never have to be married to a scum of the earth like Nolan.

Penny was quiet before she said, “You didn’t tell me that Seth could play guitar. He and Aiden are pretty awesome together.”

“I didn’t know he played,” I admitted. “He never mentioned it until today.”

“Seth and Aiden never broadcast that they’re both musically talented. They were self-taught, for the most part,” Skye said. “I think they both doubt their talent because they have no real training.”

“Which, in reality, makes them that much more gifted,” I answered.

Most of the family, and the few friends who were invited to the barbecue, were inside listening. Apparently, it was rare for Seth and Aiden to play.

“I agree,” Skye said with a sigh. “But I think Aiden, Seth, and Noah still have a lot of insecurities about their past.”

I turned my head sharply to look at her. “Why?”

“I know Aiden still struggles with the fact that they all grew up so poor. That he could never give Jade, Brooke, and Owen all the things kids should have. It’s ridiculous, really, considering how much they gave up themselves to keep the family together. Nobody went hungry, and they grew up tight-knit. Maybe they weren’t spoiled rotten, but they had the basic necessities.”

Penny spoke up. “I really think it’s better that they didn’t grow up spoiled. I’ve seen the bad results that can happen when a kid has everything. Money becomes way too important to them, and they expect to be pampered the rest of their lives. Women really need to learn independence by counting on themselves more and marrying rich a lot less.”

“Exactly,” I grumbled.

“You’re wise for your age,” Skye said softly to Penny.

She shrugged. “Not really. I was kind of pushed out into the world suddenly, and I didn’t know what to do. Riley taught me to be more independent. If she hadn’t, I’d be married to some old guy who treats me like a possession.”

“You give me way too much credit, Penny,” I told her. “If you hadn’t done the work yourself, you’d still be exactly where you were two years ago.”

“And hating it,” she said emphatically. “I’m glad you’re with Seth now. He’s pretty amazing. I like him a lot. None of the Sinclairs are pretentious, even though they’re megawealthy.”

I picked up my glass of wine on the coffee table in front of us and took a healthy slug.

Skye smiled. “None of them will ever be snobs. I guarantee it. I’m a Sinclair now, too. In this family, you don’t have to be blood to be part of the family.”

I had to agree with Skye. Even Noah was extremely down to earth, even if he had run me through the mill trying to see if I was going to be good for his brother. Not that he needed to do that. I made it clear to him that Seth and I were just friends.

Unfortunately, I wanted more now, but it seemed impossible for me to have that. For the most part, Seth had his shit together. I was working on that, but I had a long way to go. He deserved someone a lot better than me. A woman who already had her head on straight and wasn’t bogged down by her past.

I relaxed as I sipped my wine, listening to the music flow through the open patio door.

Seth and Aiden were good. Really good. It was hard to believe that they hadn’t grown up with the benefit of lessons. It sounded like they’d both studied their craft for years.

“I’m not really with Seth,” I finally said. “I told you that, Penny. It’s a game. An experiment.”

She rolled her eyes. “Please, Riley. I have perfect eyesight. Like Skye said, he’s crazy about you. Don’t you feel the same way?”

I suddenly had two sets of inquiring eyes waiting for my answer.

I swallowed hard. “Maybe. But that doesn’t mean that I’m the right woman for him. I can’t be.”

“Is this about your dad?” Penny asked softly. “Is that why you don’t think you are good enough?”

I shot her a panicked look and shook my head. Even though Skye and I were becoming friends, I hadn’t told anybody except Penny about much of my early childhood. And I’d only spilled my guts to her because I thought it might help her. “No. It’s not.”

Tags: J. S. Scott The Accidental Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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