Enamored (The Accidental Billionaires 3) - Page 31

His eyes were full of regret. “I know. I’m sorry. I should have been there for you, but I wasn’t. I thought you were kissing Easton back. The thought of losing you wasn’t pleasant. I just . . . lost it.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “The fact that you didn’t trust me enough to stay and see what was really happening pissed me off. I suppose you already have the correct story now?”

Somebody must have told him, because he was here. And very repentant, just like Skye had predicted.

He nodded. “Noah stopped by my place. I swear I’ll kill Easton for this.”

“No, you will not. You won’t go near him. He’s not worth going to jail over, and I got my own shots in.” Okay, I was getting a little alarmed by the fury in his expression.

Seth looked like he’d been dragged to hell and back. His hair was mussed up, like he’d just rolled out of bed. He was dressed in a pair of old jeans and a ratty-looking sweatshirt. The most concerning things were the lines on his face and his troubled eyes.

Not to mention the fact that he looked completely exhausted and spent.

“If I agree not to kill him, will you let me stay here with you?”

I glared at him. “Blackmail, too?”

“It’s not blackmail. It’s a compromise.”

I rolled my eyes. “I suppose you can stay, but I really don’t need anyone. I’m in the damn hospital. I have plenty of people watching out for me. That’s why I’m here.”

“Consider me your personal nurse,” he suggested.

“You are not taking me to the bathroom,” I told him, mortified at the thought.

He nodded. “I’ll get the real nurse for that one.”

“Fine. Now tell me why you were such a jerk. The truth. You know how I feel about Nolan and what he did to Penny. What would ever make you believe that I’d go right back to him? God, I can’t even stand to look at his face, much less let him touch me in any way,” I informed him.

“There wasn’t a rational thought in my head when I saw you two together,” he rasped. “All I could think about was you going back to him.”

“None of this is even supposed to be real,” I said softly.

“It’s not pretend anymore, Riley. I think you already know that, but you don’t want to say it.”

I knew I couldn’t lie. The weeks we’d spent together were the happiest time in my life because of Seth. “I don’t want to talk about our relationship,” I insisted. “Not right now.”

“We don’t have to,” he said as he reached for my hand and entwined my fingers with his. “All you need to do is get well.”

“I’m fine. Why is nobody listening when I tell them that?” I sounded miffed.

“Probably because they care about you,” he replied. “From what I understand, you took a pretty good hit to your head when the asshole flung you against the wall.”

“I did,” I explained. “I was incapacitated for several seconds, which is when you saw what looked like a mutually desired kiss. But it wasn’t. I nearly gagged when I figured out what was happening. His tongue was down my throat.”

“Noah said you kicked his ass,” Seth said.

“As hard as I could,” I confessed. “I think I displaced his balls. That’s such strange behavior for me, but the worst part was that I couldn’t seem to stop. I wanted him to get up so I could hurt him again. But he hit the cement and whined until Aiden and Noah finally took him away. I guess, in a way, I was completely irrational, too. All I could think about was Penny, and everything he’d put her through.”

“It wasn’t exactly easy for you, either,” he pointed out.

I shrugged. “Maybe not. But Penny was just a child. I was an adult.”

“I should have been there for you instead of acting like an idiot,” he said. “You were hurt, dammit!”

Seth looked distraught, so I took pity on him. “I lived. I didn’t expect anyone to rescue me. Nobody ever has. You didn’t do this. Nolan did.”

“Still wish I’d been there,” he rumbled.

I peered at his face again. “I think you should get some sleep. Go home, Seth. I’m in good hands.”

“I’m not leaving you again, Riley. I’m going to be here in case you need me this time. Every damn time,” he growled.

“Then you can stretch out on the recliner or hop into the other bed. The nurse already told me she isn’t putting anyone else in this room.”

“I’ll take the recliner. I’ll be closer in case you need anything.”

I looked at his huge, completely ripped body, and wondered if he shouldn’t have chosen the bed. “It won’t be comfortable.”

“I deserve to be uncomfortable at the moment,” he said gruffly.

Yeah, I’d been angry, but for some reason, I did not want to see Seth suffer.

I sighed. “No you don’t.”

“You said I hurt you.”

“I was just being honest. I don’t want to be afraid anymore. I want to say what I really mean and feel.” I’d spent years trying to placate everyone in my life.

“I want you to be honest,” he insisted. “I think we need to really talk when you’re feeling better. I care about you, Riley. A lot. I swear I’ll do whatever I can to make this up to you.”

I didn’t want him to feel like he needed to make amends. I only wished he would have believed me in the first place. “I don’t know what I want right now, Seth.”

I was confused, and I needed time to think. Preferably when my head was clear.

A yawn escaped from my mouth.

“You’re tired,” he accused.

I nodded sleepily. “It’s probably because of the pain medication. I got some right before you got here.”

He squeezed my hand. “Sleep, Riley. I’ll be here.”

I yawned again as I watched Seth put the recliner into the flattest position.

I lowered the head of the bed, not sure how much longer I could keep my eyes open. They were suddenly very heavy.

Seth reached for the light switches and turned the overhead light off, but left the small one on.

“Can I ask you a question?” Seth said in a low baritone voice.

“What?” I asked.

“Are you ever going to forgive me? I mean, we don’t have to talk about our relationship right now. But I want to gain your trust back. I need to. I just want to know if you’ll give me a chance to do it.”

I’d probably end up letting him off the hook. Eventually. But I wasn’t about to make it too easy.

“I’ll think about it,” I replied as my eyes fluttered closed.

He chuckled. “I’ll take that.”



Over the next several days, I found it really difficult to stay mad at Seth.

First, he’d stubbornly hauled me back to his house instead of my home, claiming the doctor insisted someone keep an eye on me for another day or two.

Second, he’d worked at home so he could do just that.

Third, he spoiled me rotten. My damn heart melted every time he’d bring me a chai mocha latte when he went out. Or lunch. Or dinner.

Tags: J. S. Scott The Accidental Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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