Enamored (The Accidental Billionaires 3) - Page 35

Considering that she had a heartless bitch for a mother, and a cruel bastard as a father, Riley was fucking incredible.

“You have,” I agreed. “Even though you don’t realize it yet, you are whole, Riley.”

She raised an eyebrow. “How did I ever end up with a guy like you in my life? You seem to accept me just the way I am.”

“You don’t get that I feel the same way about you?”

She shook her head.

I continued, “You see me, Riley. You’re not looking at my bank account. It’s pretty rare. That’s why I liked you at first. You didn’t hesitate to tell me off or fight for what you wanted. Becoming wealthy has made me pretty damn cautious. I can’t say it’s exactly changed any of us, but being rich is new, and it has changed the way we look at other people in our lives. I wonder what they want, because they generally do want something. When you strolled into my life, you changed all of that for me.”

“I was a challenge?” she asked carefully.

“You were real,” I corrected. “And maybe I like a woman who challenges me.”

“Okay. I think I like that better than being a challenge to conquer,” she teased. “But I do have my own money.”

“I have more.” I tried not to make that comment sound arrogant. “Does it really matter that you have your own money? It seems like a lot of rich people always want more.”

I could see the little crinkle in her forehead that told me she was thinking.

“Usually, yes,” she finally said. “At least in my world, they do. Personally, I don’t care. I have enough money to last me several lifetimes of lavish spending. What’s the point of having more?”

I nodded. “Exactly. I don’t work at building Sinclair Properties for the money, you know. I do it because it’s a challenge, and I like it. Money just happens to be a by-product of my success.”

“I do most of my work pro bono,” she said reluctantly. “Maybe that’s a little crazy, seeing as I’m a Harvard graduate. But I’m doing something that means the world to me.”

“It’s not crazy. You’re making yourself happy and helping a lot of furry or feathered friends along the way.” I loved that she was doing what she was passionate about. I couldn’t see Riley doing anything else.

She snuggled against my shoulder. “I feel so . . . tired. It’s not even dinnertime yet.”

I knew exactly why she was exhausted. She was emotionally drained. She’d cried out a bunch of sorrow and pain that had been hanging around inside her for way too long.

“There’s no crime in taking a nap, Riley.”

“I don’t do that. At all. Ever.”

I smirked against her flaming-red hair. “You should try it.”

“Of course I won’t,” she said, sounding miffed. “It’s a workday, Seth.”

I grinned when I heard her even breathing a few moments later.

Riley was out cold.



I was confused when my eyes opened and it was dark.

It took me a couple of minutes to get my head straight.

I told Seth about my history of sexual abuse.

I cried like a hysterical child.

I told him I wouldn’t fall asleep.

And then, I conked out.

I squinted at the clock on the bedside table.

Four a.m.

How long had it been since I’d slept for nearly twelve hours? Since I wasn’t an early-to-bed kind of woman, and I got up relatively early, it had been a very long time since I’d slept that much.

I slowly registered that there was a very bulky, hard, and incredibly warm body behind me. I knew exactly who it belonged to. If I didn’t, I’d be terrified by now.

The two of us were actually . . . spooning. His arms were wrapped around me, his hands resting right beneath my breasts.

I wriggled just a little, trying to get closer to him than I was already.

God, he felt so good.

So damn tempting.

In that moment, as I leaned back against him, I knew that for the first time in my life, I felt . . . safe. My heart was also much lighter than it had ever been before. Like an enormous weight had finally been lifted from my soul.

Seth had listened to me without judging me and reassured me that I wasn’t any less attractive because of what my father had done. He’d told me that it wasn’t my fault, and that it was my father who had betrayed my trust.

Those were all things I already knew and had been trying desperately to solidify in my thoughts and emotions. Still, there was always some remaining shame.

But it felt smaller, less important.

Telling Seth had helped. It had just been terrifying while I was doing it. I suppose I should have known that he’d understand.

The room was dark except for the light coming through the blinds, but I slowly shimmied my way onto my other side so I could face Seth. Unfortunately, when I’d completely shifted, I realized that I couldn’t really see his face all that well.

However, I was more than happy about the fact that I could feel the hot, smooth skin of his shoulder and back.

He’s not wearing a shirt.

I closed my eyes as I stroked the soft skin, savoring every inch underneath my fingertips.

“What are you doing?” Seth grumbled sleepily.

I was startled by his voice, but I couldn’t seem to stop touching him.

“Feeling you up,” I murmured. “I’m sorry. I woke up and you were just . . . there. I couldn’t resist.”


It wasn’t like I could really regret what I was doing. I’d waited too damn long to be able to touch him like this.

“Baby, if you’re going to feel me up, I could think of a lot of better places for you to grope,” he said in a low, sleepy voice.

“I could kiss you,” I offered, my heart kicking up its pace a notch.

I wanted this man. Badly. I just didn’t really know how to take the lead, and he was obviously waiting.

He’d said everything could happen when I was ready.

Well, I was ready.

Now more than ever.

I just wasn’t quite sure exactly what to do.

“You could definitely kiss me,” he said in a sexy baritone. “I’m all yours, sweetheart.”

All mine.

The thought was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, trying to communicate exactly how I was feeling without words.

He was passive only for an instant, and then he took control, his tongue exploring my mouth thoroughly, assertively, and with so much passion that my core flooded with liquid heat.

“Seth,” I said breathlessly as he broke off the embrace to explore my sensitive earlobe.

“Jesus, Riley. I want you so damn much that I’m not sure how long I can do this,” he rasped beside my ear.

I could feel his warm breath wafting over my ear, the tension in his body, and the way his voice sounded like he was about to lose it.

There was something about knowing that he wanted me as badly as I wanted him that broke me.

“I can’t do it anymore, either,” I confessed. “I can’t. I want you to fuck me, Seth. Please,” I begged. “I ache. I have for a long time. But you’ll have to help me, at least this time.”

Tags: J. S. Scott The Accidental Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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