Enamored (The Accidental Billionaires 3) - Page 54

Seth and I would have twenty-one days in Playa Hermosa, a location we could explore together since neither one of us had ever been there before.

“I’m glad all the family could make it,” Brooke said earnestly.

“Me, too,” I agreed. “Although getting all their names right is a challenge.”

Jade grinned. “Having all of us together is a little overwhelming.”

I’d been excited to meet Seth’s extended family, his half-siblings and cousins from Amesport, Maine. But having that much family was a little mind boggling.

My brothers seemed to like all the Sinclairs, so everybody got along well. My eyes searched the ballroom and finally landed on my three siblings chatting with Evan and Micah Sinclair. “Maybe the circumstances weren’t ideal,” I told the women. “But you have an amazing family.”

“You inherited us,” Brooke said with a laugh. “We’re your family, too, now.”

My heart swelled. I couldn’t think of anything better than being part of this big, loud, loving family.

“I’m grateful to be part of this family,” I shared with all of them.

Not only did I have Seth, but I had an enormous family who would always be there when I needed them.

No conditions.

No rules.

No etiquette to follow.

Seth’s family had just welcomed me with open arms.

I wished they knew how rare that experience was, and how special they all were.

“Hey, gorgeous,” Seth said huskily into my ear as he came up behind me. “I wondered where you went. I was hoping you weren’t going to be my runaway bride.”

I turned around and threw my arms around his neck. “Not going to happen, handsome,” I said with a laugh.

I’d stepped away to find the restroom and to take a quick breather. I just hadn’t found my way back to him yet.

I should have known that he’d find me.

He always did.

“I think everybody is waiting for us to open up the dance floor,” he told me as his arms wrapped around my waist.

“We’re going to find our dance partners,” Skye informed us as the women walked away in search of their husbands.

“Alone at last,” Seth said in a sexy baritone close to my ear.

“We’re in a room full of people,” I reminded him.

“I haven’t seen anyone else but you,” he answered.

“Did I tell you that you look breathtakingly handsome today?” I asked.

As usual, Seth was gorgeous in formal wear. But it had been the intensity in his eyes that had captured me inside a beautiful bubble of happiness at the ceremony.

He’d repeated his vows like they truly were a promise to me, and I answered the same way, knowing that neither one of us would ever hurt the other intentionally . . . as long as we both shall live.

“You did tell me that,” he finally responded. “And as I told you earlier, you captivate me every single time I look at you.”

He had told me that more than once. And not just today. Seth reminded me that he thought I was the most beautiful woman on earth each and every day.

“Come dance with me, Riley Sinclair,” he said persuasively.

I took his hand, and we walked together to the dance floor amid a round of applause.

I had a fleeting moment of hesitation, a brief second where I was uncomfortable with so much attention in the middle of a fancy ballroom. I had to remind myself that this was an event with family and friends. My wedding day. And it was enchanting.

I didn’t have to fear large, fancy events anymore. Not when there was so much love in one very big space.

Every single person in the room was happy for us.

Seth took me into his arms, and I sighed.

Once I looked into his eyes, no one else in the room even existed anymore.

I followed his lead, mesmerized by the look of devotion in his gaze.

“Happy?” he asked.

I nodded. “I’ve never been happier. You?”

“I’m fucking elated.” He grinned. “You’re finally officially mine.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw other couples taking to the floor, so Seth and I weren’t in a fishbowl anymore, much to my relief.

I stroked the hair at the nape of his neck. “I’ve got news for you, handsome. I’ve always been yours. And you’ve always been mine.”

Today was our wedding day, which was undeniably special, but Seth and I had grown so close during the lead-up to the ceremony that I’d discovered another thing to love about him every single day.

Maybe he’d always be just a little bit possessive and overly protective, but I’d learned that I could be the same way.

I was sure neither one of us would ever let those emotions run rampant until they were out of control, but those instincts would always be there.

He held me closer, and I let my head rest on his shoulder as he growled, “Jesus! I love you so damn much, Riley.”

My heart started to race, just like it did every time he said those words. “I love you, too,” I said without hesitation.

“I can’t wait to get you out of here and out of that dress,” he said huskily.

I smiled. “We’re the bride and groom. We can’t exactly run out of our own reception. Not yet.”

“I wouldn’t,” he admitted. “Maybe I’d like to, but I want to enjoy this day with you, too. I don’t want to miss a minute of it. So my dick will just have to wait.”

I nodded because I had a huge lump in my throat. “Later,” I said, finally getting the word out of my mouth.

Maybe Seth and I did lust after each other, but he was constantly proving to me that we were so much more to each other than just lovers.

We were confidants.

We were best friends.

We were soulmates.

We laughed.

And we loved.

It didn’t get much better than that.

“Maybe I’d be willing to let you grope my ass,” I contemplated jokingly.

“Still wanting to keep breaking that contract?” he teased as his hand moved down my back.

“Maybe,” I said mischievously.

“Even though I appreciate the offer,” he said as his hand stopped at my lower back, “I’d rather feel you up when we’re alone. I’d prefer not to have an audience, gorgeous.”

One more thing to love about him.

Seth never wanted to treat me with anything less than respect in public. He was insatiable in private, but he made damn sure he never embarrassed me when we were out.

I lifted my head. “Then kiss me,” I insisted.

He grinned. “I can definitely do that.”

I sighed as his lips touched mine, knowing that my days of feeling completely alone were gone forever.

Seth had filled all of those dark places inside me with light, until my past didn’t matter anymore.

He was my present, and my future.

I wound my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

The man I loved grinned at me as he lifted his head, and I smiled back at him, grateful that I had the rest of my life to show him just how happy he made me.

I’d been lost when I’d moved to Citrus Beach, but Seth Sinclair had found me.

For a woman who had never fit in, it was pure bliss to finally know exactly where I belonged.

Tags: J. S. Scott The Accidental Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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