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The Billionaire's Challenge - Final Google

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“I came here to meet you and discuss the marketing idea you submitted,” he reminded her.

“Yes, but what else?”

“No other reason. Brant, my brother and the chief operating officer, and I listened to our marketing director explain your ideas yesterday. I flew out today specifically to talk with you.”

“You came out here just to hear about a marketing idea?”

He nodded his head. “Yes. Your idea, bolstered by the fact that sales in your district are higher than any other area in the country, confirmed the decision to come out and meet you in person. I want to hear more and understand the genesis of your ideas. They’re great!”

This time, the pink in her cheeks was the flush of pride. “Thank you,” she said softly, but with a sincerity that came from her heart.

“No, thank you. Your idea was well researched and well thought out. We get ideas all the time, but most don’t have details and data to back them up.” He pulled into a small strip mall, which surprised Selena. He had an underlying elegance about him that shouted “extreme wealth”. He had said something about a hole in the wall restaurant, but Selena hadn’t believed him.

She stepped out, shielding her eyes from the evening sun, and stared at the restaurant. It was tiny, with the tackiest décor she’d ever seen, and it seemed completely deserted. But the smells! Goodness, the scent of food made her stomach scream!

“I promise that the food here is better than the décor. I stop by whenever I’m in the area because it’s really that good.”

Darn it, she hoped he didn’t notice the way she shivered every time he touched her. How embarrassing!

Pasting what she hoped was a confident smile on her face, she nodded. “It certainly smells amazing,” she walked slightly ahead of him but stepped back when he reached around her to open the door. Wow, good looking and a gentleman! How…rare!

“Thank you,” she murmured as she stepped through the door. She got another whiff of that male scent and breathed in.

“You’re welcome,” he replied. Had his voice gotten huskier somehow? Even his eyes seemed darker.

“Mr. Jones!” an elderly voice called. “What are you doing out in this miserable heat?” the voice demanded. A moment later, a tiny woman appeared from behind the chipped, dingy counter, her arms outstretched, wearing an enormous smile that revealed missing teeth and sparkling brown eyes. “Shouldn’t you be back on your mountain, doing fun things in the nicer summer weather?”

Reid immediately hugged the tiny woman who must be the owner of the restaurant.

“Elsbeth! How have you been?”

The two of them chatted about her kids and grandchildren, before she turned her weathered eyes on Selena. “Ah! You finally bring your bride to meet me, eh?”

Selena jerked, her mouth dropping open in horror at the mistake. “No! Oh no,” she gestured between Reid and herself. “We’re not married!”

The woman cackled for a moment, then shook her head. “Not yet, right?”

Selena’s face burned with embarrassment. “No! Oh, my goodness! Sir, I’m so sorry!” She glanced up at Reid, who looked as if he was fighting back laughter. “This is just a business dinner!”

The woman nodded. Reaching out, she patted Selena’s hand. “You keep telling yourself that, dear. In the meantime,” she turned slightly, “you sit here. I get you food.”

Reid stepped behind one of the chairs, holding it for her. She stared at him for a long moment, surprised. It was one thing for a man to hold a door for a woman. But holding out her chair? That was a lost art. No one had ever held her chair before and she wasn’t really sure what to do.

Sitting down, she glanced behind her as he pushed in her chair. She couldn’t help but wonder why he was being so polite. She was just an employee. And not even one that was high up the corporate chart! In the grand scheme of her world, Selena accepted that she was one of the worker bees of this corporation. She was good at her job and loved it, but she didn’t pretend that it was as important as what the employees at the headquarters out in Colorado did for the company.

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